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Posts posted by evader

  1. Some of you guys have some great ideas, but I have a hard time thinking you could get all that done in 24 hours.

    I'd copy every song stem and mix I could find from any era of GNR onto portable flash drives or whatever media I could find (two copies of everything). Then I'd take one set to the Fed-Ex store and the other to the UPS store and mail them to myself. I'd send two separate sets just in case one gets damaged or lost.

    That would probably take 24 hours, and it would provide the real me with unlimited entertainent for years to come.

  2. Am I the only one that isn't the least bit interested in a new Guns N' Roses song with lead vocals by someone other than Axl Rose?

    Though I will try to keep an open mind about it, I think the only way that would appeal to me is in no form whatsoever.

    so im guessing you dont like 14 years or So Fine???

    I don't dislike them, but they certainly aren't among my favorite GNR songs. Those two tracks were bathroom breaks for most of the crowd back from '91-'93, and Tommy's song likely will be one of those as well, no matter how great it is. The only voice I am anxious to hear from this rock band is the lead singer.

  3. Am I the only one that isn't the least bit interested in a new Guns N' Roses song with lead vocals by someone other than Axl Rose?

    Though I will try to keep an open mind about it, I think the only way that would appeal to me is in no form whatsoever.

  4. Evader, great job! The melody in the end, did you come up with that yourself? I love it!

    Thanks chorrada. I'm afraid I didn't write that. It is a re-tuned piece of "Adagio In D Minor" from the Sunshine soundtrack, with some extra added layers of piano and strings that I did in FL Studio. Search for "sunshine adagio in d minor" on YouTube - the OST for that movie is candy for the ears.

  5. Thanks bran, Levi, and everyone else for the kind words (wow gunns and manets... thanks!!). Glad you liked it.

    And Juan did a great job with his instrumental also. My comments earlier were not meant as criticism of his work - only as personal preference and expectation of what we are likely to hear from a studio release.

    Andre, here is my full intro version:


    Jackamo's intro is in there I think, but I included much more with it because I didn't think it had enough. There are probably some things you don't want in it. Let me know what they are and I'll see if I can find my source files and fix it for you. My full intro has been the same for me for about 4 years, so I may need some time to research it if you want it changed.

  6. This is the mix I've been sending by PM


    It is a never-ending project. All suggestions and criticism are welcomed. The woman in the middle section is counting from 10 to 1 in Mandarin Chinese, the outro is a slightly altered piece from the "Sunshine" OST, and the added chorus vocals were created from bits and pieces of the moggs. I know there are some pops, but hopefully they don't sting your ears like they do mine.

    Also, I'm pretty sure Axl never sang "kneeling fucking virgin" when performing this song live. Maybe the final version has that, but not the 2 known live versions.

    Still waiting for Gunsguy to send me his vocal. ;)

  7. Listen motherfuckers to this song that should be heard

    Back down in the gutter, more than you deserve

    Screaming fucking banshee, you know that's what you are

    Pussy full of maggots, isn't that absurd

    So what can I do... with a bitch like you

    You know that it's true

    All I am I ask that you all be damned if it's not true

    (or All I am I ask of you. I'll be damned if it's not true.)

    Bitch like you

    ....Get your head down and start

    Fucking little schemer got yourself a broken heart

    Syphillitic priestess baby I know who you are

    Parasitic demon sucking acid through your heart

    Chorus repeat, scream, then wash your mouth out with soap and hope mom didn't hear you singing it.

  8. I'm callin' fake.

    Also, that mixing is terrible.

    Not your mixing dude! :lol:

    I meant the mixing on the original one Manets posted.

    Thanks a lot GNRSkid. I've gone through an entire box of tissues wiping away my tears since you made that comment. Jerk! :rofl-lol: Truth be told though, you'd probably think my SW mix is terrible too.
    Haha sorry man, didn't mean for it to come off that way. But really, the mixing in the OP one is not good. The guitars are waaaaaaay too fuckin' loud.

    And by the way, we already have a message thread.

    I was just kidding. And I didn't know about the message thread. I'll look for it.

  9. I'm callin' fake.

    Also, that mixing is terrible.

    Not your mixing dude! :lol:

    I meant the mixing on the original one Manets posted.

    Thanks a lot GNRSkid. I've gone through an entire box of tissues wiping away my tears since you made that comment. Jerk! :rofl-lol: Truth be told though, you'd probably think my SW mix is terrible too.

    I'd send you a link so you could give me some feedback, but I'm guessing your mailbox won't accept any messages either.

    And THANKS Manets!

  10. I haven't even listened to it, but if it sounds professional, evader probably made it or had something do with it.

    AiO, I don't think you would think it sounds professional.

    Why? Let's hear the words of a pro.

    I don't know any pros, sorry. I just told AiO what I thought he'd think. Ask GNRSkidRow1. That guy knows his shit, and there are several others here that could give some quality feedback also. My personal opinion is that it is too fast and the drums don't sound too great. If you want me to load Axl's vocals into that mix and upload it, I'll do that for you.

  11. I haven't even listened to it, but if it sounds professional, evader probably made it or had something do with it.

    AiO, I don't think you would think it sounds professional. And Manets is correct, I had nothing to do with it. I would have slowed it down by 9.375% to match the live version, so that a human being could actually sing along to it. And I'd have used drum beats from the multis, among other things.

  12. 01. Civil War

    02. Breakdown

    03. Pretty Tied Up

    04. Yesterdays

    05. Perfect Crime

    06. Double Talkin' Jive

    07. Locomotive

    08. Right Next Door To Hell

    09. Estranged

    10. The Garden

    11. Garden of Eden

    12. Don't Damn Me

    13. Bad Apples

    14. Dead Horse

    15. Coma

    I made it 15, because after some adjustments they all fit on one 80 minute disc. YCBM, NR, Back Off Bitch and Don't Cry (demo) are on my Appetite CD. The covers went to Spaghetti. The others went to Lies.

  13. It isn't a GNR song.



    Do you hear any other GNR members playing on the song? As I understand it, Axl sang it as a favor for West.

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