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Posts posted by evader

  1. Yeah, whatever you guys say... BBF is great, but to me he sounds like pretty much like everyone else. Nobody sounds quite like Axl. Hate on him all you want, but Guns N' Roses without Axl Rose on lead vocals wouldn't sell 10,000 albums and couldn't fill a small club for a live show. Of course, it doesn't matter, because it would never in a million years happen.

    Sorry for the disruption. Please continue your ridiculous trolling.

  2. I'm not here to push the band on you all -- I'm here for feedback! I'd imagine we have mostly Gn'R fans here...so I tread carefully.

    Brief story about us: No, we don't do the music EXACT to studio. We try our best to emulate the live experience; like a faster tempo, more raw and not a perfect clone of what you'd hear on a track. This is our hobby, not our livelihood.

    Loved it - nice work! Your recording was a good balance of live vs. studio styles. The video was very well edited and entertaining. Also, please stick with the faster tempo, because GNR always seems to slow it down too much for their releases (IMO).

    Do you guys play anything from CD, or just classic stuff?

  3. 1st. I am a HUGE fan of Gareth. He is a fantastic musician, and he is clearly a big fan of my favorite band.

    2nd. I have no idea why you felt it necessary to mention me in this topic, especially in the header.

    If you want your mix of Doris Day with GNR and Ol' Dirty Bastard, I'll make it for you. Chill out. If you asked me to mix Gareth with Ol' Dirty Bastard and Doris Day, I'd probably try to do that too.

    I have privately made over 100 private mixes for people in the last 5 years and have declined only a few requests because I didn't have the skills to do them. I do this as a hobby, and prefer to not be mentioned as you did (or even at all, to be honest).

    If you have a problem with me - and it seems you do - please send me a PM and let me know what it is. I'll work to fix it.

  4. I want GNR to do a show that only consists entirely of songs either from CD or unreleased - no covers, no AFD, no UYI, no Lies. Then, for the encore, come out and just do one song... "It Tastes Good, Don't It". Then, Axl should follow that song with a one-hour blistering rant to the 5 people left in the arena. All on live TV.

  5. Axl or Axel......... no biggie. I don't trust the videos on Youtube at all. I've seen GNR enough times to know the show is good when you are there, almost 100% of the time. It is unfortunate that Axl may sound shitty to many of you on the videos, but c'est la vie. Truth is, when you are there, it typically is all good, as long as you are there as a fan and not there looking for fault. I can find fault in football games, baseball games, golf tournaments, nascar, F1, Food Network, or whatever... even GNR shows if I want... we all just want entertainment with this type of thing, and GNR brings it to the vast majority of people that attend. For those that don't appear to find entertainment, in all likelihood they were looking for something to bitch about and bring attention to themselves while at the same time unintentionally (or even intentionally) making themselves look like idiots for not even spelling the names of the stars correctly. And as you know, just bitching about something these days is considered entertainment. It is 50% of the internet. The bitchers got what they wanted. They too were entertained.

  6. Anyone spelling his name "Axel" cannot be trusted for any type of review. In all likelihood, they only vaguely remember 3 or 4 songs from GNR, and that alone should result in all their statements being ignored.

    I disagree - I would say they are giving a completely objective view as to quality and not living in denial like most hardcore fans.

    Shit singing sounds like shit singing. Fullstop.

    Having said that, Axl has never been great on the first show of a tour leg. Hopefully he regroups and improves show-by-show like the last couple of runs.

    Agreed that Axl has rarely been perfect on his first show of a tour, but I still think it is fair to say that anyone that spells his name as "Axel" after his 25+ years of "stardom" is either a) doing so on purpose to be a dick, or b) knows no more than 4 or 5 GNR songs and/or is probably just .... not very smart. Either way, my trust factor in their opinion disintegrates to zero almost immediately.

    I wouldn't say 25+ years, more like 6/7 considering he hibernated for a good couple of decades.

    What does spelling have to do with intelligence anyway? I bet there are words you wouldn't have a hope of spelling. Axl isn't exactly a conventional name. The press spell it many different ways.

    Knowing how 4/5 songs are supposed to sound from an album or live show off tv give you more than enough background to know whether they sound good on a night.

    And I don't see any of those same people complaining about any of the other mediocre acts - only GnR. If they have ears and half a brain they're probably qualified enough to know when something sounds terrible.

    Spelling someone's name incorrectly is very indicative of intelligence or distaste, in my opinion (which is irrelevant to anyone or anything). I thought the video of Estranged was pretty good, and since that is the only one so far to surface, I have no other evidence to base my opinion (that another's opinion may possibly be biased). I'm no nutswinger either. All I know is that Axl (no "e") sang Estranged (my favorite song) pretty well, and that he was wearing a t-shirt with boobs on it (win) at a show I couldn't attend. So far, so good. I rate the show A+. And I probably won't watch any more videos from the show because they never really do a show justice anyway. But if you want to take the word of some random person that didn't like the show as proof that the show sucked, that's cool. Really, I'm cool with that, not that my opinion matters. My opinion is irrelevant to all.

  7. Anyone spelling his name "Axel" cannot be trusted for any type of review. In all likelihood, they only vaguely remember 3 or 4 songs from GNR, and that alone should result in all their statements being ignored.

    I disagree - I would say they are giving a completely objective view as to quality and not living in denial like most hardcore fans.

    Shit singing sounds like shit singing. Fullstop.

    Having said that, Axl has never been great on the first show of a tour leg. Hopefully he regroups and improves show-by-show like the last couple of runs.

    Agreed that Axl has rarely been perfect on his first show of a tour, but I still think it is fair to say that anyone that spells his name as "Axel" after his 25+ years of "stardom" is either a) doing so on purpose to be a dick, or b) knows no more than 4 or 5 GNR songs and/or is probably just .... not very smart. Either way, my trust factor in their opinion disintegrates to zero almost immediately.

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