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Posts posted by evader

  1. Which country that GNR has toured has the hottest groupies? This is important information.

    Which country that GNR has toured has the best food? This is also important information.

    GNR Antarctica 2017? Metallica did it...

    Seriously, I'd be up for it.

    I'm thinking of going to Havana in January. If GNR could play in Cuba that'd be great. Cuban Democracy? If not, my cousin's having a wedding in Cancun around the same time, if Axl could play that'd be cool. I don't have a +1 yet so I'll just put down Mr. Rose on the RSVP. I found an AirBNB for about $20 a night so accommodation is sorted, and I've heard Chichen Itza is pretty awesome.

    1. Croatia, Toronto, Prague.

    2. Brazil, Hong Kong, Japan.

    We do have some fine looking women here in Toronto :D

    I'm kinda surprised GNR even bothers coming to Houston during their US tours. I haven't seen an attractive woman here in 8 years.

    *packs bags for Toronto*

    • Like 3
  2. Hoarders are pathetic. They do it because their lives are empty and they are pathetically delusional. They feel that by hoarder this stuff that they are a big player in the GnR world. It allows them to feel as though they are part of GnR the story and gives them a sense of self worth. They delude themselves into thinking they are important. Not only in their own lives but within the legacy of GnR. It's sad really but that's exactly what they are and why they do it. The irony of it all is they hoarded this shit for so long that nobody gives a fuck about them or what they have.

    Or....... maybe these 'hoarders' made a promise to never share what they were given, and they are living by that promise? I have to assume it takes a shitload of trust for someone with unheard material (insider?) to trust another person enough to share it with them. The only people that leak things seem to be those that weren't entrusted by someone to hang onto it. At this point, the only way I see something leaking is if someone phone-recorded audio at one of the VIP parties. I can't imagine that any more studio stuff is likely to get out until just before another album is released.

    • Like 1
  3. I'm not a musician or sound engineer.

    No shit... Your shit is painful to hear, no two songs you pick are ever in the same key, it makes no sense.

    So, you're saying I should charge people less money to buy my work? But then how will I be able to afford all the advertising I do?

    The long intro please. Thanks

    Here's the long intro (I sent the short intro link via PM this morning before you specified long):


    Hey Evader,

    Oldies like me often miss this kind of thing.

    Can you send me a link to your work, would love to check it out.



    You may want to listen to Vesper, but if not, I'll send you a list via PM and you can choose whatever you want me to upload for you. Look for it in a few hours. Don't feel obligated to hear any of it. Most everything I do is just for my own amusement anyway.

    • Like 1
  4. Yeah, your Silkworms doohickey was the best I've heard yet. Background vocals in the chorus sounded real at first!

    They are real. Just borrowed and rearranged bits from CD and Better, I think.

    I'm not a musician or sound engineer.

    You should consider to be one then. Your work is great for a "hack".

    Much appreciated. I assume you are talking about the 'sound engineer' thing since I still need sticky notes to tell me what notes are what on my piano and acoustic guitar.

    Evader since you are here did you remix This I Love with drums more guitars and bass throughout the whole song?

    Yes. Numerous times, numerous versions.

    Your version of Silkworms was brilliant to me. I loved it and would like to have an MP3 version of it.

    I'll try to remember to send you a pm with a link tomorrow. Want the long intro or abbreviated?

    AIO and Softie, thanks. I'll probably keep throwing shit at the wall. It can be quite entertaining at times.

    • Like 1
  5. I'll do another one if people want me to do it. If someone else wants to give it a shot that is fine also.

    If you want me to do it, it'll need to be one of the complete, good quality instrumentals (Breakdown, Estranged, Loco, Garden) or something from CD. Not having split tracks as a guide, I don't believe I have the musical know-how to properly mix full instrumentation from other Appetite, Lies or Illusions material. On top of that, I seriously doubt we could recruit the musicians to do all the parts, and it could take months just to get a quality drum recording which would be necessary to get started. If it is my mix and my choice, I'd probably go with Breakdown.

  6. Guilty. I liked them then and still occasionally now.

    Their song "Lights and Thunder" uses some of the same MLK samples used in Madagascar. My fave WL songs are probably "Cry For Freedom" and "Little Fighter". Don't hate. Their cover of "Radar Love" is really well done also, imo.

  7. Instrumental origins from 1991-93-ish. Vocals later - I'd guess with multiple meanings as with all his vocals. His mom died though, and I suspect that was one significant influence to the lyrics. "Found myself within her eyes"? Hello.

    Blame shit on lost loves all you guys want, because surely that is what it is, but I think you overopinionated may be wrong (as usual)..

    • Like 2
  8. Bucket, easily. It probably delayed CD. It may continue to delay follow-up(s). Bucket can write amazing stuff in his sleep. I think he over-filled a void when he joined and left one a million times bigger when he left.

    BBF from the second group. He kept modern GNR alive, and I appreciate that. But my guess is that Bucket's leaving and refusal to return destroyed Axl's desire to create and share anything new. If I was sitting on a pile of songs co-written and performed by Bucket, and had already laid my heart down in vocals and everything else, but couldn't release them b/c the dude who made them sound so good left 11 years ago, I'd be pretty fucking depressed. But I'd still do everything I could to let them be heard.

  9. I get and respect what you are saying, zepsun, and would like to do a proper comparative analysis. Since Axl's voice is the reason for debate, I assume the guitars (in contrast to the vocals) at the pro-shot shows sound high quality and I should compare those to studio recordings. Then, if they were captured really well, I can get a better sense of how bad Axl sounds.

    Could you (or someone else) point me toward a live show recording from the last 5 years where the guitars sounded exceptionally good but Axl sounded like crap? I tested Rio 2011 This I Love, and Axl (and the guitars) got the shaft on that one pretty bad.

    Also, my cell phone must suck. I just recorded some of Axl's isolated vocals from Better with it, then compared the frequencies. They don't look anything alike above 6k hz, and the recording is missing a bunch of the rasp.

  10. Could somebody point me toward a cell phone recording of the band from the early 1990s? I'd like to compare the recordings to make sure we're getting all the same audio frequencies from then and now. I'm only asking because 1) despite it being 2014, I can't understand half the words coming from about half the people I'm talking to on my cell phone and have to guess what they are saying because it is insanely compressed and muffled due to all frequencies above 7k hz being incomplete (to say the least), and 2) see #1.

    I'm no audio expert, but I think it would be wise to not base an opinion of a live performance on a cell phone recording. Want to talk about pro recordings? Look at the frequencies in the audio before you judge, please. Recent "pro" recordings were so compresed we missed out on most frequencies above 8k hz. What's in that range? Guitar fuzz, Axl rasp, etc....kinda important.

    Many of you are basing your opinions of the band's live performances on absolutely horrible recordings. Look at that little dot on your phone that records audio. It compresses it, and then it is again compressed for the purposes of display on Youtube. That little dot is the reason many of you are bitching. A dot, ffs. And if it was recorded on a Sprint phone, double f*cked. Good luck understanding anyone using a Sprint phone.

    Like I said, I'm not an expert, and willing to take my punishment from any audio experts who have compared YT videos to an actual live performance. Tell me I'm wrong.

  11. You should search youtube for the Alan Niven demos. Couple of UYI and TSI instrumental demos that are essentially the same songs as on the record minus Axl vocals.

    Thanks! I didn't know about the TSI instrumentals until you mentioned it. I did misspeak in my last post about "if we were to do anything not from CD..." because obviously that is/was incorrect. I did already have Breakdown, Locomotive, Estranged and The Garden instrumentals, and any of those would be cool for the next cover. Three of them have already been done by another forum though (if that matters).

    • Like 1
  12. Wow, so many great singers. It was like one surprise after another. I would like to hear

    something more from RussTCB, he might have the right type of voice to sing soft songs

    like Julio Iglesias. Is that the real voice of Dangerous Curves or a real manipulated version?

    There was some great punk vibe in it. I really liked the mix of low and high voices.

    All the singers were so good that I would not mind hearing the song with each of those voices.

    I agree with everything you said. All the singers were great. That's definitely DangerousCurves' real voice. She has some serious pipes.

    Holy fuck, I was out of town and didn't see this was done!

    GREAT job Evader and everyone on it, that was really cool. I wouldn't mind giving a guitar solo a whirl next time!

    EDIT- We should do Paradise City next! Everyone could take a go with a solo at the end and there is a ton of room for a lot of singers. Are their multitracks for it?

    EDIT 2- What the hell is that video? The animated parts blew me away, it was awesome

    Thanks ZoSo. You too! The only multitracks available are from CD. WTTJ has some splits but they'd be useless for us because the drums and some other stuff are mixed together with the vocal. If we were to do anything not from CD, pretty much all instrumentation would need to be performed by the members here.

    The animations for the video were done by this guy:



    I asked for permission to use, but he still hasn't replied. :shrugs:

  13. Evader, did you process the voices a bit? 'Cause at points they don't sound 'real', if you know what I mean. Other than that, brilliant job!

    I'm not entirely sure exactly what you are referencing, but I think the answer is actually quite simple. Twelve different vocalists from twelve different cities used twelve different sets of recording equipment in twelve different non-studio settings to record their parts in two different octaves. I added delays, reverb, adjusted volume and EQ, removed pops and clicks, and needed to use an exciter here-and-there.... They are definitely real, but if you want me to stick a T-Pain effect on 'em and reupload it, let me know. :)

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