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Posts posted by Rovim

  1. even if Slash and Duff rerecorded just 6 tracks and we've already heard 5 of them from the Chinese era, they can always rerecord some more Chinese tracks. in one of the interviews Duff gave, the interviewer asked if Axl got a "zillion" tracks in his vault and Duff said that he does/that it's true.

    this doesn't mean I wouldn't like them to come up with brand new material, but it's possible that Axl will continue the drip for years in theory at least.

    I think it would be silly not to officially release Monsters and that Atlas is one of the strongest unreleased tunes with vocals. Axl wanted to release it as part of Chinese Democracy so I think there's a good chance that one will be released at some point in the future.

  2. 1 hour ago, Powderfinger said:


    I really don’t know if it matters but I only bought a copy on vinyl and the way the album flows makes me not dislike any of the songs. I like some better than others but none piss me off to the point where I’m skipping the needle. Even though I liked some of the stuff of Steel Wheels, Bridges, A Bigger Bang I did skip tracks on those albums. So for me this is the “best” Stones album since Some Girls, that’s the last Stones album I can listen to and not skip tracks. 

    No love for Muddys Rollin Stone cover?!? 

    yes, I really like the Rolling Stone cover and also I agree that this album flows so well and I still enjoy all the tracks on the album, I don't skip any. 

    can't say enough good things about Mick making this happen. it makes me think that The Stones could have released a lot more great albums between A Bigger Bang and Hackney Diamonds. maybe they didn't feel like there was a point cause after A Bigger Bang albums didn't sell as much anymore and they already had an impressive catalog and the money making machine which is the tours.

    I'm glad Mick used his free time to turn his focus to something that I feel really added to their catalog, so late in their careers. never underestimate The Stones.

    • Like 1
  3. it depends what speaks to you musically imo. these 3 players have all developed their own thing from the soup of influences they were exposed to. It's a very personal thing, for me, what Slash was able to achieve is remarkable, it touches my soul the most out of these 3, but I like them all for different reasons.

    Randy had something very special as well imo and Zakk is not all pinch harmonics either. He also does his own thing but I relate to it less. He came up with some great stuff though which I still enjoy, especially his earlier work. Nowdays, it doesn't feel as inspired.

    bottom line is that I believe a great guitar player is like a melting pot of different parts of what came before them and kinda unites it to a fresh sounding style that reflects their own musical filter so that way it sounds like you're speaking your own language. Slash is a great exaple of this imo and you can't really compare these sort of things cause it's like comparing people. It's subjective which person you like the best cause it's also dictated by what kind of person you are. Same thing with the listener and the guitar player I think. 

    • Like 1
  4. 18 hours ago, Steff_66 said:

    more damage control by the silly ego maniac. The fact that it's still going and he keeps bringing it up only makes me feel that his self importance is stronger than ever.

    my guess is that he doesn't give a shit about drinking a beer with Fortus. He just wants everyone to think he has class, which he doesn't imo. I really dislike his personality from what I can tell watching interviews with him and in social media he kinda became a joke after his online interactions with Fortus.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Free Bird said:

    Personaly I think 4 benifited a lot from Myles not being in top form.

    is it because you prefer his lower register? while I'm not really a fan of Myls's vocal timbre, I felt that "4" lacked some energy because Myles sang too low for what the instrumentals kinda were asking for. sometimes when Myles goes for the really high notes it adds to the song imo like Starlight and Battleground and a lot of tunes from LTD as well.

  6. I'm very excited about the upcoming Slash solo album. in addition, Slash already composed at least 10 songs for The Conspirators which he has yet to release from before "4" was released. I'd like to hear those as well. 

    hopefully the next Conspirators album will have better production. There were a lot of cool Slash ideas on "4" and tunes which I still listen to. It should be easier for Slash now to work as covid is not really as much of an issue.

    also Myles was not 100% healthy when he recorded "4" so the next one should be stronger vocally.


    • Like 1
  7. 21 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Again, it seems like people bring critical of your sexual opinions/behavior in the past has made you overly sensitive and apt to interpret otherwise neutral comments as criticism of you. 

    to be fair, we don't know anything about that poster, and I don't want to be an asshole, but that would explain a lot. Insecure about herself and how she doesn't want to have the groupie label so she gets defensive and judges everyone but herself. it's just speculation, but I agree.

    ironic reading her using the word "projecting" multiple times.

    • Like 3
  8. 9 minutes ago, Avillart said:

     Women my age are still crazy for Axl (or their projection of him) and they really do want to meet him. Unlike the little fangirls nowadays that prefer their bunny ears Axl glam edits and run screaming at the chance to actually meet him. This has nothing to do with my opinions on sexuality. I'm not the one here who gets her knickers in a twist over Axl - or Guns in general - being a sexual person. On the contrary... LOL 

    again making the distinction between you - the real Axl fan/Gn'R fan and other fans who just don't get him like you do. I guess it's hard to be objective when you think you're better than other people.

    @Ratam made a guess about why Axl is single. while I do find that unlikely, I don't get worked up about it and there was no malicious intent there, if you know anything about that poster.

    honestly, you come off as an obssesed wannabe groupie, even if you're not.  

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  9. 20 minutes ago, Avillart said:


    I didn't ask in a snarky way and I don't appreciate my words being twisted. Nowhere did I say that they filmed Matt Sorum. They used the studio equipment to record it (audio) as they did with Axl on Rocket Queen - which had been brought up on this thread. My comment was in reply to that as you will see when you read it back. 



    I don't understand this part, maybe you care to explain. And again, no twisting my words, please. I didn't find it silly, I find it downright condescending to judge Axl for his sexuality and to deny women's sexual agency. How immature can someone be to have such a limited view on human nature and sexuality. But yeah, they're a Guns N Roses fan... LOL 

    quite enough of very clear posts from other posters explaining what I find counter productive and rude about some of your posts in this thread like this:

    9 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    I don't understand where someone has denied anyone's sexual agency in this thread. @BluegrassBluessaid that she doesn't like porn and that she didn't like they they recorded sex acts. That's her opinion and it doesn't deny anyone's sexual agency nor did she say anything that in good faith could be construed to mean she wanted to limit, negate or deny anyone their opinions on sex. It seems like you take her opinions as an attack on your opinions and thoughts on sexuality. That's unnecessary and not constructive. Maybe many people have been critical of you and your opinions on sexuality in the past and hence you have become a bit sensitive to this issue, which is understandable, but again, I don't see anyone doing that in this thread. So chill. 

    And again you are implying that someone can't be a GN'R fan if they don't have sexual opinions aligned with yours. 

    and this:

    52 minutes ago, Stay.Of.Execution said:

    you have to understand that cause someone is a gnr fan, that person doesnt necessarily hold the same values as you, even though gnr might have been talking about that stuff back in the days. it's not that hard to get though, isnt it?


    • Like 1
  10. 18 minutes ago, Avillart said:


    Quite obviously she could not handle it. Her very first reaction was already a Confused emoji and then she projected porn onto the situation where there was zero porn. And I never questioned her whether she was really a fan. What I asked was if she was aware that it's GNR we're talking about. Because of her reaction. And this is the last thing I will say to this as it is a pointless discussion. BluegrassBlues can speak for herself. She chose not to and that's OK.



    My "read before...." reply was directed at SoulMonster ;)

    As for the last part of your comment, yes, like I said, I'm all for live and let live. But I'm afraid there's more happening on this forum than just sharing opinions. I've been judged harshly before, and after I had only just joined. But like I just wrote above, this is a pointless discussion. A case of agree to disagree. BluegrassBlues is not even taking part in it and I don't like to talk behind people's back, so to speak. Just to be clear again, she wasn't the only one I meant by "bunch of 12 year olds". The poster who said Axl's love of kinky sex is probably the reason why he's still single wins the fan competition... I mean how much more condescending and immature can it get. Not just judging Axl but also denying women's sexual agency. That's not the world I live in. 

    this is a forum though, it's not a one on one conversation. Sometimes we exchange opinions, sometimes we exchange facts. everything that you discussed in your last few posts is just your opinions. 

    you say that you're all for live and let live, so why can't you be more inclusive when it comes to showing a little more respect towards other posters when they express an opinion that rubs you the wrong way?

    asking someone in a snarky way if they know this is Gn'R we're talking about just cause they think that filiming Matt having sex with some chick is not cool to them is uncalled for imo and it does have a connection to porn so maybe that poster mentioned that she's not into that kinda shit as well. It shouldn't be that big of a deal for you to call a group of posters here 12 year olds. It doesn't contribute to the discussion in any way.

    last part of your post about the kinky sex thing is just speculation that you found silly but this is Gn'R we're talking about, not sure if you're aware. ;)


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  11. 10 minutes ago, Avillart said:


    You need to read before you insinuate. It all started with BluegrassBlues asking me for the Matt Sorum initiation story. I gave her the answer, assuming she - being on a Guns N Roses forum - could handle it. She couldn't and even turned that harmless prank that everyone involved was able to laugh about - including Matt Sorum - into an anti-porn thing. While the original story had nothing to do with porn. As didn't the other examples I mentioned.

    She could not handle the answer but that's hardly my fault. Since I didn't understand her having a problem with the reality of the story I asked her (rather amused) if she's aware this is GNR we're talking about. This isn't condescending and wasn't meant in that way either but was a serious question, as I had previously found her posts rather mature and balanced.

    She was the one who brought porn into this, the Matt Sorum story had zero porn element. She felt the need to bring up how it is dehumanizing. I'm not a fan of porn either but again, the situation was a harmless prank, and what happens between adults at their own free will is not dehumanizing. To negate this, however, is. Just like it is dehumanizing what these kiddie fans do to (mainly) Axl. And no, this is not a fan competition. This is about their behaviour and would be the same in any other case, even if it were someone non-public. Using someone in that way without even wanting to know that person is not normal. It is a form of abuse, and you can call me condescending again, but these kids are sick. And no, this didn't exist back in my day. People were there for the music and for the (yes, often rough) fun at the live shows. Others were there to sleep with the band. And some for both. Again, no big deal. 



    Sure, and that's my motto - live and let live. That's why I don't get the problem with the harmless prank on Matt Sorum or other silly shit they (and many of us here too) did. What I have a problem with is people who negate other people and their freedom. Like these kiddies who use Axl without even (wanting to) know(ing) him. Even those who know about his own abuse growing up. That's sick. You can call me condescending for that all you like, it won't change the fact. 

    I try to read a post fully before commenting, and I think I did in this thread. Anyway, I think the perception of how we see Gn'R and what they did varies from person to person and it's something that is worth remembering.

    I could say that you couldn't handle @BluegrassBlues opinion about your answer when it came to Matt. there's nothing wrong with how she felt about that particular piece of info imo so why judge harshly when the whole point of this forum is to share opinions. 


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  12. 44 minutes ago, Avillart said:


    Oh, I'm not offended, like I said I find it laughable. Just like your projection here. It's obvious I hit a nerve. 


    I didn't ask anywhere in my previous post if you were offended or not, and anyway it wasn't my intention to offend you so there's no need to be defensive. I don't know what you find so laughable and I don't see how I'm projecting anything here. Feel free to explain it to me but I'm not the only one here with this opinion about your last few posts in this thread.

    not sure what you mean by obviously hitting a nerve. I thought it was appropriate to respond to what you said cause you made a silly distinction between you and other fans based on your personal and subjective view of the band which maybe made you think that you are more of a Gn'R fan compared to others which is just not the case.



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  13. 25 minutes ago, Avillart said:


    It wasn't condescending, it was a serious question. It's Guns N Roses we're talking about and the last couple of posts here have been nothing but cringeworthy.  

    Trying to negate the very nature of the band, trying to negate the nature of these men is ridiculous. To call a harmless prank sexual perversion like someone did here is the most immature and woke nonsense and the way some people here get their knickers in a twist over every old story that's new to them really makes me wonder how old they are and what they see in GNR. Why them, when everything they did and do is so shocking and appalling.

    Calling dehumanizing what adults willingly participate in is not just absurd, it is what's truly dehumanizing. Just like these kiddies nowadays who need to put "cute" bunny ear filters and other nonsense on Axl's photos and write poems about their "Baby Angel" and saviour LOL He's a grown man and three times their age, talking about perversion... LOL 
    They're 18, 20 and have no friggin clue what Guns N Roses really is. Some of them drool over every "sexy" pic and wet their pants over "Axl, I want your dick" banners but as soon as the question comes up if they've been to any shows most of them will come with a thousand excuses why not. I asked one of them who makes her life all about him and his "golden angel curls" and who talks about meeting him one day all day long why she didn't come out to the hotel in the summer (one hour from her place). She could've had her meeting and told him to the face what she wanted him to be. The reason she gave was laughable. But no surprise. It happens all the time - as soon as Guns become too real and dare to destroy the fantasy they're not what these kiddies want. And they can't take it when people who were there don't play along and call them out.
    Like I said in another post on this forum, nobody seems to have any (sexual) agency anymore nowadays, everything needs to be safe and regulated. But (thankfully) this is not how life works. The guys have always done their thing, and gladly they don't give a damn about whether you like porn or not. That's not condescending, that's just a fact. It's called freedom. That's not perversion, that's life.

    get over yourself. You're mixing 2 different opinions by 2 different posters. The poster you've responded to in this post just isn't into some of the antics of old Gn'R members. 

    it's true that you shouldn't expect class acts across the board when it comes to Gn'R or many musicians in this genre from that era, but some of it was shit, some of their behavior was disgusting imho and just because it doesn't bother you as a fan or you can even relate to it, doesn't mean others that don't approve, are less real fans than you are or are not aware of what the band was about.

    Axl was violent to women, Izzy was a drug dealer. Those are things that are just part of life as well. Doesn't mean I should accept it as something that is not fucked up or that those are the only things that define Gn'R for me.

    where you get condescending is when you seem to get offended cause other fans don't like some aspects of the band that you have no issues with so you blame other fans for their shortcomings as fans while in reality it's probably you who should understand that not everyone that doesn't like the exact same shit in Gn'R that you do is somehow wrong and of a need of a Gn'R lesson. 

    why don't you look at yourself before telling other people they're immature? just a suggestion since I found you last couple of posts very childish and gate keepish.


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  14. my alarm cool phone song, This is a masterpiece cover imho. Ace in the only one except Slash who took Jimmy Page's influence to such an energetic place. Ace is one of the best despite having limited technical ability. 


  15. 6 hours ago, EvanG said:

    I remember a discussion on here about this many years ago. Some poster, I forgot the name, who claimed to be an Izzy expert and studied his guitar playing or some shit like that, was convinced it was Izzy playing that solo.

    iirc our first interaction. I wish I could say it was hazy, but I remember being a triggered idiot to you heh. The crazy years. I also remember you cracking jokes and lying about your opinion sarcastically. It's an interesting forum. Can't you hear it's Slash fuckin' wailing in there? there can only be one.

    5 hours ago, EvanG said:

    I think you're mixing it up. Rovim was talking about the Double Talkin Jive solo and so am I.

    you know me well

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