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Stiff Competition

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Posts posted by Stiff Competition

  1. I ended up getting rid of everything from this set.

    I broke the cross off the box and sold that separately. Got rid of the rest of the records, the demo cassette and everything. I originally wanted it for the demos LP but everything GNR does these days sort of leaves a bad taste in my mouth so I just ditched it all. I actually made quite a bit of money splitting it all up.

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  2. 49 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:

    THey support circus loons. One of which photoshopped poor Margott as an ape

    For that, Fuck Fernando and his brain dead hanger on freak cult family

    Fixed it for you.

    Yoko is an artist, pioneer and the muse of the greatest song writer ever.

    Comparing TB to her is complete blasphemy.


  3. KISS is a great band under the show. Well, they were...the 70s albums were great. The deeper cuts are where the gems lie. Songs like Goin’ Blind, Lover Her All I Can, Almost Human, Strange Ways, etc. are fantastic. Like a lot of bands from that era, their hits are some of their weakest songs for the most part. 

    I love both bands. No need to shit on either one.

    and as someone here said above, a ton of idiots here hated Slash when Axl hated slash.

    and on the topic of GNR becoming KISS...

    KISS pioneered the merchandise and gimmicks in the 70s. As soon as they were a huge band, they exploited I t. GNR on the other hand was the “most dangerous band in the world” and now they sell toy trucks. So you can’t really become KISS because they were being true to themselves. Money and girls is what is was about from the beginning.


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  4. 20 minutes ago, hudsonsaul said:

    Wow, that's unreal. Is that your business, hobby, or both? I'm intrigued and jealous at the same time, what a great idea. 

    The Kallax shelves are great, I'm about to order some more they're just ideal.

    @RussTCB and @Stiff Competition - am I doing any particular damage to the actual vinyl if I'm not storing in plastic sleeves? What are your thoughts? (environmentally the room they're isn't exposed to the elements or overly hot, cold, and certainly not humid.

    @RussTCB - the replacement of inner sleeves is something i've been meaning to do - the standard paper ones that seem to be the norm are a mess. Will take a look at the Mobile Fidelity ones, appreciate the tip.

    I use the plastic sleeves to keep the outer sleeves protected but I suppose if you don’t care it doesn’t make a difference.

    and yeah kallax is great, I use them at different heights too. This is pretty much what my setup looks like at the moment...



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  5. 3 hours ago, hudsonsaul said:

    How do you folks store your vinyl? Shelved and in plastic sleeves, or without the sleeve?

    I used to have all mine sleeved, but found it just plain annoying trying to get records in and out from the shelves and the plastic just getting in the way (and just another step involved when putting on a record/putting one back).

    Haven't noticed any issues yet, bar of course a bit more wear n' tear on the covers (which doesn't bother me too much, even with the more pricey ones my collection is there to be listened to).

    What do you guys do?

    Also, how to you organise your collection? Mine is just alphabetically regardless of genre, with Compilations at the end. I don't bother going further with the ordering of albums by release date and stuff.

    I use the ikea kallax shelves, so the spines are out. Everything is in sleeves.

     I organize alphabetically (bands and then soundtracks in another area) and try as much as possible to go chronologically within each band but that gets messed up pretty easily. With some bands I will also include related projects. For example The Beatles has all the member’s solo albums as well as Sean Lennon and things like that and Faith No More has any other Patton projects (bungle, fantomas, dead cross. Etc)

    I store 7” in small crates on top of the kallax shelves.

  6. I think that overall, while yes the RRHOF is bullshit and meaningless... but for bands that have influenced countless acts or genres as a whole but perhaps don't have the public or monetary recognition such as the stooges (who are in), cheap trick (also in), the MC5 (hopefully in this year) and many others it is sort of a big deal because it gives them the spotlight, if only for a short while and deservedly shines a light on them that otherwise may not have been shined. For big acts like KISS, Maiden, GN'R, etc, it doesn't make a difference if they are in or not.

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  7. 33 minutes ago, Ak1nney said:

    Vocals obviously get worse with age, but the fact that every time Axl has been in shape, he sings amazing... it is definitely related.

    Exactly. There’s a reason 2006 was so good.

    If he didn’t run around so much, it wouldn’t make as much of a difference as it does but he’s a fairly active frontman, so he gets winded. 

    Anyway we’ve all beaten this topic to death but I thought the post above saying there is no correlation was laughable. That’s like saying conditioning doesn’t matter for athletes.

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  8. 26 minutes ago, Pedrolg said:

    Saw some videos, and he does sound noticeably weaker, with some hints of Bridge School at some points. The big difference from previous concerts in such a short time indicates some specific issue like a cold or something. 

    Tbh I think the obsessive discussion and derision of Axl's looks and weight that relentlessly takes over threads in this forum has reached disgusting levels. It's frequently toxic and weirdly obsessive, while full of arguments that make absolutely no sense. There are loads of fantastic singers that are overweight through their whole careers, and singers who look fantastic for their ages (Bon Jovi being one of them) that have absolutely obliterated their voices. There is zero correlation.

    Yes being in shape and performing a physically demanding job have no correlation.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

    Good lord. I forget about a lot of that stuff!

    I've said this a lot recently, but it rings so true: GNR must have the craziest back story in the history of popular music. 

    The fans, the people around the band as a whole, the people around individual band members, the ridiculous press through the years, the tiny catelog for being so huge... Some of these things are shared by other artists but I really GNR is the one and only act where it's all bundled together. 

    I think the Beach Boys are a strong contender as well.

    But for how little output GNR has had, the craziness surrounding them is pretty insane.

  10. 12 minutes ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

    Difference between a deepcut from an album Slash and Duff were on and helped create than a song that was never officially released and didn't feature any of the current band members besides Axl (and I guess Dizzy?) 

    I would love to hear that song live more than anything else, it's an amazing killer tune that I've listened to probably over 100 times, but I don't see it happening.

    Slither a deep cut ??? 😂😂😂


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