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Posts posted by doakes

  1. Aside from Neil Young, Axl and John Frusciante are my favorite musicians-- period.

    John would never have accepted-- considering he left RHCP to get out of the spot light. If it had happened I personally think that Axl and John could have made music transcendent or at least on par to any of their respective hits.

    Who knows how well they know each other these days but I would like to think that the two could could collaborate outside of GNR in the future

    Could you imagine though if John had returned at the turn of the last decade with nugnr? Robin, John and Buckethead

  2. Well since Jackie Chan won't be in the film, I think the song should most definitely make an appearance.

    GnR music in movies is so exciting. The only good part of the last terminator was You Could Be Mine... I also remember working at a movie theater when Body of Lies came out. I used to switch shifts with people to clean up the theaters just so I could hear If The World in the credits.

    I'm a huge fan of The Expendables 3 but there's a ton of Arnold/ Stallone flicks coming out before then that would be nice to hear a tune

  3. the first minute is cool. between going down, better, and prostitute -- robin's got a thing for those similarly sounding intro riffs.

    the lyrics aren't opaque and cheesy like chinese.

    Yeah I was just coming on here to say how much I love that intro. Perfect use of the multiple guitar styles through the song.

    Overall-- I've been a fan of Tommy's solo work before listening to Nu-GnR and it's an amazing collaborative effort on this song. I think it's fucking fantastic and is a perfect new car commercial, road trip to vegas, radio friendly type a tune. Great driving song.

    Also the drums, assuming it's Frank, really accent the song niceley-- positively-charged and hooky.

  4. Does any one else find it really funny a big deal is made of this even if its true,but the story about Slash shooting up, an killing his supposed best friend and then lying to cover it all up,which would just make him a real pc of shit is just ignored basically. If that story were about Axl he would be crucified,by the media and probably up on charges.

    Wait what?

  5. Not sure about Rapidfire, but I've been looking for this for awhile since I first heard it. Thank you.

    Speaking of Rapidfire, wasn't there supposed to be some sort of Rapidfire release, right around now?

  6. Seeing a huge rockstar like Flea go up there, and be so modest, humble and grateful.

    Just makes Axl seem like an ungrateful diva IMO


    Just stop already. The shit is done and over. It was an honor that was bestowed upon Axl, and it was his decision not to take it. That's fine, it's his decision, the end. Doesn't affect you or me, just stop.

    I have to cry bullshit on this one. He has every right as a fan to voice his opinion.

    Did John Frusciante appear with the Red Hot Chili Peppers?

  7. I've come to see things that way myself. Personally and speaking for a lot of us-- I'd suspect what's to come will be more complex and simply better than the top 40.

    But Guns N' Roses or any band of such tenure isn't going to turn radio on its head. But for those exposed it will provide for a good listen.

  8. Fuck you and your update thread. I'm home. I'm buzzed and I had a good fucking time.

    Who needs updates?!?

    Lots of gorgeous women! Good stuff!

    Nothing out of the ordinary on the set list-- I was glad to hear You're Crazy and Used To Love Her!

    The band didn't really sound as tight as other gigs, but Axl's mic was actually properly configured and he was loud and did an excellent job.

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