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Posts posted by Chris1989

  1. some of us prefer a more simpistic way of being one machine is enough. one remote control to rule them all.

    You aren't considering buying another console are you? Surely they are just spying tools of the government to monitor your every move?

  2. How is Coutois doing, Chris?

    Various sources suggest that Mourinho has told Courtois he will be the next Chelsea number 1 and he wanted Courtois back at the Bridge this season to challenge Cech. It would appear Courtois wanted to stay and get guaranteed game time as it is a World Cup year and Mourinho agreed it was ok.

    I think next season he will be back and probably start the year as an equal and pre season will pick the No1, part of the reason for the Schwarzer deal being only a season.

    Suarez shouting his mouth off again saying he wants to leave Liverpool to play in the Champions League.

    Surely the only destinations outside England are Madrid and Paris, but PSG will wrap up Cavani this month... Real cant budge until Arsenal secure Higuain. Chelsea might be monitoring the situation but I think Rooney is preferred because he can be marketed better and there isn't so much bad blood between the players.

  3. Benteke to Chelsea is a stupid move and the fans don't want it. We have Lukaku, we don't want a one season wonder as this guy could be the next Michael Ricketts for god sake.

    Suarez can piss off as well, rather ship him out to Madrid or Transylvania.

    I'd happily accept Rooney as I think a Lukaku-Rooney partnership could be lethal.

  4. Yeah, why not man, i don't reckon all that not giving credit to certain members of the band for whatever reason, its like a football team innit, everyone does their bit and earn the right to claim the glory that comes along with being called by whatever your bands name is.

    With this completely.

    How often do you hear stories about how somebody wrote lines to a song based on the idea of something another band member said - no part in writing the song or being on the credits, but the spark was there.

  5. I think the way Torres's career has gone since he left Liverpool the fans are probably happy he has gone now.

    Back to back European trophies? Yeah, poor guy.

    For which he basically did fuck all. Do you honestly think that the status of a player has any relevance to what they have won?

    Convenient that you're forgetting Torres scoring against Barca to secure the game in the CL, then chasing down a hopeless ball to win the last minute corner that Drogba scored on in the final? 3 goals and 4 assists in the Champions League winning year - more assists than Mata and only Drogba scored more.

    As for the Europa League, scored in both legs of the Quarter Final, scored in the Semi final and scored in the Final. 6 goals in 9 games as Chelsea win the Cup - yeah, guess he did fuck all like you said.

    I didn't say that he did fuck all, you mouth-breather. I said that he did basically fuck all. Torres has been absolutely woeful for a number of years now and whenever he has shown glimpses of form it hasn't lasted for more than a few games. If you think that Torres goes to bed at night thinking that he is the man that he once was or that he is pulling his weight then you are foolish.

    Nice work on ignoring my later post where I said:

    "He admits the problems and realises that he isn't doing what he used to."

  6. Torres is actually very important in allowing Mata and Hazard to have more space, plus he drags defenders away from Lampards advancing runs.

    Don't think I am blind to Torres' failings, he is hot and cold in games and his hold up play in the first season was terrible. He has improved a lot, and generally when Torres and Villa were up front together for Spain during his Liverpool times it was slightly more about Torres occupying defenders and Villa getting the goals.

    We see so many glimpses of Torres looking back to his best, when he gets wound up or angry he suddenly skins a defender, makes the classic runs... it is still there, just inconsistent.

    He admits the problems and realises that he isn't doing what he used to. I think the only time in 2 1/2 years that the fans haven't supported him is when Rafa came in, dropped Mata and Oscar and we were losing, then the fans got on Torres' back as a petty side swipe at Rafa. Otherwise we have been cheering Torres all the way through and is something I wouldn't expect from many clubs.

  7. I think the way Torres's career has gone since he left Liverpool the fans are probably happy he has gone now.

    Back to back European trophies? Yeah, poor guy.

    For which he basically did fuck all. Do you honestly think that the status of a player has any relevance to what they have won?

    Convenient that you're forgetting Torres scoring against Barca to secure the game in the CL, then chasing down a hopeless ball to win the last minute corner that Drogba scored on in the final? 3 goals and 4 assists in the Champions League winning year - more assists than Mata and only Drogba scored more.

    As for the Europa League, scored in both legs of the Quarter Final, scored in the Semi final and scored in the Final. 6 goals in 9 games as Chelsea win the Cup - yeah, guess he did fuck all like you said.

  8. So, is anybody else thinking about ignoring the next generation of consoles if Microsoft bring out the same as Sony have just announced?

    It basically seems like an upgrades PS3 crossed with Facebook and Twitter.

    I don't share my life with everybody, and I don't think I know more than 3 people that would actually give a shit about my new Fastest Lap on ridge racer.

    This whole sharing craze is just too over the top, why not have a Toaster that uploads how cooked the bread was and share a photo of your choice of jam?

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