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Posts posted by Chris1989

  1. "Oh it's a beam that shoots from the sky" is a plot I am not keen on, it wasn't great in Diamonds, wasn't great in MWTGG and was especially bad when re-hashed in Die Another Day.

    The best bit about TMWTGG was Britt Ekland, who was probably my first Bond girl crush, thought she was stunning when I first saw her.

  2. I hope we never see a world domination character in Bond again, it's a relic from the past. When Austin Powers is lampooning the idea you know it should be left dead and buried.

    As posted above, the personal level that Silva was working on was crucial to developing an intriguing storyline with nice twists and turns. When you just want to dominate the world, everybody becomes a faceless enemy in a stand alone film.

  3. The good thing is that they get to set it in their future, so it doesn't have to have the look of any of the 6 movies, but it's probable at least half of the people who had worked on Sith are going to be working on the new ones.

    There will probably be another Darth, and I'm sure Han and Leia's kids are going to have Jedi powers. Doesn't mean they'll grow up to be good. Will Luke Skywalker get married or be another hermit like Kenobi? I'm sure Mark Hamill knows a few things about what's going to happen, and probably keeps tabs on Star Wars Universe, but is going to leave it up to the writers.

    I thought they were doing a young Han Solo film?

  4. There's no humour though. The early Simpsons were quite sharp and really held a mirror to society and if you were a guest star, you were normally somebody big.

    That whole Lisa Lady Gaga episode was just stupid as well.

    All the kids singing Kesha at the start of another episode?

    Flash in the pan "celebrities"

    The real housewives of fat tony - going off to Jersey Shore the episode? Weak...

    I'm surprised the Kardashians and One Direction aren't on there.

  5. All the seasons are incredibly good. -_-

    Wrong. I haven't laughed at a Simpsons episode in years. I watch every new one, and it's just a story now. No laughs, just a tale that is far fetched and often extremely boring.

    The keys and the mystery of the school bus at the bottom of a lake? Dull.

    Maggie ending up with the nuns?

    Homer being friends with the nutter ex secret agent security guard... pointless.


  6. so would any of you shit talking tough guys had the nerve to confront TM at the show? or would you have quietly glowered and sniped to each other until you got home to the internet?

    Yes, I would. I tried starting a fight with a bottle thrower at the Dublin 2010 gig whilst I was on crutches and having chemo, so now I am back on my feet I see no fear.

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