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Atlas Shrugged

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Posts posted by Atlas Shrugged

  1. bikers, and basically everyone else, don't care who is in the band. how many hardcore gnr fanatics do you think there are? think of a band you like, you listen to their songs and would gladly see them in concert. you don't really care too much as to the inner workings, feuds and happenings of said band, so do you really care about the dichotomy between former and current members? can you even name every member? not everyone cares about gnr as much as you do, they care about their songs, and at this event, having a good time.

  2. The bottom line is that Axl Rose has a lot of pull. If he decided tomorrow he wanted to do any promotional activity he wished, they would have him immediately. He's like Michael Jackson. He could be on Leno, Letterman, Conan, 60 Minutes, covers of magazines etc. He can do whatever promotion he pleases.


    Maybe, 8 years ago - after the VMA's......Hell maybe even 2 years ago, before the release of CD; but not today.

    As someone said in this thread, most of the people that grew up with and loved this band, have moved on.

    The only way Axl gets Leno, Letterman, Conan etc. is because of a reunion with the old guys, or if he writes a "tell all" book.

    oh lord if you really think axl couldnt get on letterman, leno etc. you are in a whole different league of stupid to what i thought you were.

    I'm sure he could until Leno/Letterman, etc. found out that Axl will only allow certain questions. That shit might work on some Podunk radio DJ (reference Classic Rock article dealing with Axl only allowing certain questions and having to approve any interviews before they aired in 2002) but it's not gonna fly with any credible Journalist

    yeah only allow certain questions, an M.O the vast majority of celebrities adhere to when conducting interviews. billboard is an industry juggernaut and tolerated him sending an almost intelligible, illiterate wall of text via email, they wanted to print it so much they edited it for him.

    the enigmatic/eccentric nature of axl rose is marketable, if you give them nothing people want it more, thats why he'd be infinitely more sought after to do a tell all piece, as opposed to someone who is seemingly transparent and in the public eye often, such as Slash.

  3. The bottom line is that Axl Rose has a lot of pull. If he decided tomorrow he wanted to do any promotional activity he wished, they would have him immediately. He's like Michael Jackson. He could be on Leno, Letterman, Conan, 60 Minutes, covers of magazines etc. He can do whatever promotion he pleases.


    Maybe, 8 years ago - after the VMA's......Hell maybe even 2 years ago, before the release of CD; but not today.

    As someone said in this thread, most of the people that grew up with and loved this band, have moved on.

    The only way Axl gets Leno, Letterman, Conan etc. is because of a reunion with the old guys, or if he writes a "tell all" book.

    oh lord if you really think axl couldnt get on letterman, leno etc. you are in a whole different league of stupid to what i thought you were.
  4. Seems like they were keen for a reunion, Azoff was working toward it by coercion, and Axl said no.

    :scared: (just watching for my stalker, should be along any minute)

    See that's the thing...

    JMO, for the record.

    I think Axl hired Azoff just for that purpose, a reunion of some sort - but something happen.

    What? We don't know, yet.

    Wasn't it reported/posted that Gnr lost money on the Canadien tour?

    Look, you can say a reunion will never happen and axl has said this and that - but money talks, bullshit walks.

    i think you actually might be legitimately insane, or almost.

  5. Here is that actual legal doc's, sorry if it's been posted


    Jesus, Axl has some seriously aggressive lawyers. Any other law students or lawyers reading through those defences with a minor smirk?

    they're probably a lot higher paid, experienced and respected than you'll ever be.

    :lol: What's your point? I wasn't criticizing them dude.

    seemed like you were passing negative judgment on their phrasing/wording, and since you implied you were a student it would have been ridiculous to do so.
  6. wow if half of what is alleged against azof in the legal doc is true, hes a conniving, cunning, greedy supercilious cunt of a man.

  7. Guns N' Roses is one of the most popular and famous rock bands of all times. The

    band has sold more than 100 million records, had numerous Top 10 hits, sold out arenas and

    stadiums worldwide, won numerous awards and accolades, and by all accounts redefined rock

    music. Guns N' Roses reached iconic status and inspired music artists everywhere. Rose, one of the

    band's founders and original members, is the legendary lead vocalist and songwriter. He is one of

    rock's all-time greatest front-men.

    from the legal doc.

  8. maybe if chinese democracy had been more popular, he wouldn't have pushed so hard for a reunion. he's managing a business after all. i'm sure if chinese democracy had made money on the level that the old band did, it would be easy to keep the gnr behemoth afloat. but as the business manager for the gnr brand, he's got to make money. since the rebranding and reboot of guns n' roses wasn't as successful as they'd probably hoped, he tried to make decisions that would compensate for that. from a certain perspective, his actions could be seen as responsible.

    of course, from axl's personal and artistic perspective, i can see how it'd feel very different. shame. just another in a long list of very smart, successful and talented people who have tried to work with axl but found it impossible.

    the...straws....clutch.....them ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  9. its cute that gnr dave likens himself to some musical messiah or historian, yeah dude we know nirvana was influential, you arent making a revelation just stfu. why the fuck hasnt he been banned? him and that other redneck gnr star should be gone.

    Banned for what? Making sense and telling the truth? Please only Axlites on this board think Gnr were more influencial on music than nirvana was.

    Gnr were way better and much bigger than nirvana but gnr never changed the face of music like nirvana did.

    NIrvana changed the direction of rock forver something gnr never did. Sure gnr stood out from all the hair bands, but nirvana changed the sound of music, the whole grunge era was kicked off because of them. They made grunge huge.

    You dont know anything about music if you think gnr was more influenial.

    i think you're insane.
  10. its cute that gnr dave likens himself to some musical messiah or historian, yeah dude we know nirvana was influential, you arent making a revelation just stfu. why the fuck hasnt he been banned? him and that other redneck gnr star should be gone.

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