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Everything posted by THELINESMAN

  1. Bad Apples N’ Cheese, I’ll take it godamn it!
  2. Stop getting off topic. I’d be pure cheddard if they play Perhaps tonight 😁
  3. I wouldn’t mind the same songs so much if they at least changed the order. That way it wouldn’t be so predictable which is what inspires boredom. Even if they just put one different song in for each gig with that rotating order so that each crowd gets something unique and special to them. That would be great. I saw the Stones on their last tour, they did that. At least one different song for each crowd.
  4. It’s quite normal actually when setlists are almost identical so they become predictable, even with new stuff. I follow a fair few other bands, some even with less songs and they don’t bore me in this way because I can’t predict the song order every gig. Never know what song is gonna come when. I wish it was same for GNR, my favourite band. It used to be.
  5. She walked over on the Instagram video and told her to stop filming 😂 That’s what it looked like anyway, think she was joking
  6. Very much looking forward to hearing Perhaps, live, officially and with Slash and Duff's take on the song
  7. Loving all of this lower register stuff for Axl
  8. Too much flange and not enough rasp on jungle
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