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  1. if axl is having trouble with his vocals i hope he has a voice filter on his microphone to create fake rasp

    That would never happen. He would rather pull another bridge school performance than have his vocals altered live.
    No way man. He clearly uses a vocal effect live when he sings chinese democracy.I've watched a youtube vid where the effect drops out.

    I think it was Rio 11

    Find it

    It's Rio 11.

    It's an effect being controlled at front of house. Just listen to it.

    if axl is having trouble with his vocals i hope he has a voice filter on his microphone to create fake rasp

    That would never happen. He would rather pull another bridge school performance than have his vocals altered live.
    No way man. He clearly uses a vocal effect live when he sings chinese democracy.I've watched a youtube vid where the effect drops out.

    I think it was Rio 11

    Find it

    It's Rio 11.

    It's an effect being controlled at front of house. Just listen to it. Its almost like a lo-fi pedal.

  2. if axl is having trouble with his vocals i hope he has a voice filter on his microphone to create fake rasp

    That would never happen. He would rather pull another bridge school performance than have his vocals altered live.

    No way man. He clearly uses a vocal effect live when he sings chinese democracy.I've watched a youtube vid where the effect drops out.

    I think it was Rio 11

    • Like 1
  3. Ugh. I need it straight from Axl's mouth before believing it's a reunion. Didn't someone say Slash and Duff shared the Coachella poster on Facebook?

    Nu GNR isn't big enough to headline Coachella. So the fact that they've been announced as the headliner already tells you the reunion is official. Why do people need some stupid sitdown TV interview to confirm that?

    Not that it's needed. It was promoted and booked and then canceled. Which is so typical of the band.

    Kimmel Semmed pissed. Laughed it off but seemed a little pissed cuz he's now left with vacant space at the last minute.

    I want to go. I want to buy tickets. What am I getting with it from GnR??

    I'd like to know and depending on what the lineup is and etc etc would sway my decision on purchasing tickets, flight, hotel etc..etc..

    GNR never promoted that Axl would be on the show.

    There are a lot of ways to announce whatever they want to announce without going on Jimmy Kimmel. Do you realize how many, to steal an Axl-ish phrase, "moving parts" there must be with this reunion? Axl, Slash and Duff (and Izzy if he's involved) all have their own managers, lawyers and PR people. It's never going to be like the old days where they were just one big group. So when things this big happen, EVERYONE has to be on the same page.

    Yeah... duh.

    He was booked. That has been confirmed.

    He canceled. Typical.

    Something this big or huge as you say that everyone has to be on the same page about should of already of happened if they are booking Jimmy Kimmel.

    I could give 2 shits where or how it's addressed. I'd prefer Stern, but thats just me.

    Axl has some explaining to do.

  4. Ugh. I need it straight from Axl's mouth before believing it's a reunion. Didn't someone say Slash and Duff shared the Coachella poster on Facebook?

    Nu GNR isn't big enough to headline Coachella. So the fact that they've been announced as the headliner already tells you the reunion is official. Why do people need some stupid sitdown TV interview to confirm that?

    Not that it's needed. It was promoted and booked and then canceled. Which is so typical of the band.

    Kimmel Semmed pissed. Laughed it off but seemed a little pissed cuz he's now left with vacant space at the last minute.

    I want to go. I want to buy tickets. What am I getting with it from GnR??

    I'd like to know and depending on what the lineup is and etc etc would sway my decision on purchasing tickets, flight, hotel etc..etc..

  5. the vast majority of people are only interested in seeing axl & slash performing together after more than 20 years. new music can be successful if slash, duff and izzy are involved in it.

    a documentary would only be for the die-hards, the masses don't care about documentaries.

    Why does everyone keep saying that as if it means something? 'the vast majority of people want...', what on earth has the vast majority of people got to do with anything? If you wanna get like that about it the vast majority of the planet probably don't care whether they exist or not, this shit is for fans primarily, the core of people on forums such as this are the core of people that actually give any kind of a fuck about Guns n Roses, why on earth would people on here be interested in the lowest common denominator of people who have like, the greatest hits on their iphone and give it a listen every so often, you're fuckin' fans right? Well how about acting like it, this constant bullshit about 'what the vaaaaast majority want', what are you, marketing directors all of a sudden? Talk from your fucking heart, don't talk like an economist or what you think the money men behind Guns n Roses are telling them cuz we all know what they're telling them, lets make the most money out of the least complicated situation but as fans should you not have a little more heart behind what you want out of Guns n Roses?

    Do yous lot SERIOUSLY not want the original article, i mean this is speaking to those that care about a reunion, REALLY, you just want 2...or 3...what kind of fuckin' fans are you? Seriously, it makes me wonder what you saw/heard when you beheld GnR, just this ginger caterwauler and his stringey haired lead guitarist, do me a fuckin' favour, honestly all that does is tell me that, really and truly, in the hearts and minds of GnR fans GnR weren't much to begin with, weren't that special in general, it was just a lead guitarist and a mental singer doing some stand out work and then just a bunch of wankers behind him that are interchangeable and devoid of value, not only is that factually incorrect but it also sheds an interesting light on the nature of your particular brand of fandom.

    I mean lets have it right, you just fancy Axl Rose don't you, thats what it comes down to? You fancy Axl Rose and Slash and saw some music videos and what matters to you over and above any kind of silliness like artistic integrity and decent sounding music is the strength of the boner you can get out of GnR and those two things are predicated solely on Axl and Slash. This is it though i suppose, GnR fan syndrome, settle for the least and act like God just pissed manna on your heads.

    What fuckin' bollocks.

    Probably the post of the decade. It seems that MANY fans of the band fail to understand.

    I think its more of an acceptance though. I don't think Steven Adler can physically and mentally do it and sustain and full on guns tour of something like the illusions tour.

    Frankly, I don't think Izzy wants to, but could probably do it if he was so inclined.

    We all know what made the band was the 5 as a whole on AFD. It is what it is.

    Who knows what that 5 would have done together in 10 years time? They couldn't productively put out music as fast and with as much quality as many of their predecessors, hell, zeppelin put out two albums in one year and we're extremely productive throughout the entire 1970's.

    They were who they were. It took GnR 4 years for a proper follow up and 17 years to follow it up.

    Could they have evolved as the original 5?

    Probably not, but maybe. I doubt it.

    It's all subjective.

    Guns N' Roses are whatever they mean to you. If that's Axl, it's Axl. If it's the original 5 it's that.

    That's the beauty. It doesn't matter. When I hit my GnR Playlist and jam Locomotive, the only thing that matters is how the song moves me. I couldn't care less in how it affects anyone else or the vast majority of people'

  6. My.mind.is.blown.

    Waiting for Axl on Kimmel..

    A hybrid version would be cool and moving forward while celebrating the past approach would be ideal. I don't think they can do 25 stadiums in the US alone. It would have to be with another band/artist that can sell some tickets. I don't even think an "AFD" lineup could sell out 25 stadiums in the US. There is a demand for it, no doubt, but I don't know about football stadiums. That's 50-70,000 each show.

  7. Another conspirators album?

    Another bland, predictable,safe rock album.

    Or a smokescreen, a little fib, to mislead the commoners like us as to what his real plans are.

    Oh my god.

    You guys are fans, right? Of Guns N' Roses? If yes, and you have followed the band for any amount of time, then you know. Axl. W. Axl Rose

    This is whats happening right now.Silence

    Why silence? Because they are waiting and seeing. Waiting to see if Guns management calls them because they don't have a clue whats going on. Just like every single person on this planet outside of Axl Rose and Beta. Why speak anything even remotely negative or say anything for that matter on GnR. Axl isn't calling, Guns management aren't going to call. I honestly think Axl Rose would rather sit in a jail cell than sell his soul for the happiness of the fans or to make money. He force fed 'New Guns' down your throats for 13 years of off and on again touring and an album at the same time absorbing questions about 'Old Guns' and the when/ifs. And he never waivered.

    You all should know this, my god. 180 pages??? Of a possible reunion?? Get real.

  8. Any list without Locomotive in the top 5, dare I say top 3 = a bogus list

    There Was a Time, Better, Prostitute would of all been killer on any GnR record.

    Street of Dreams just never did it for me in any form. It's one of his worst pieces of music, imho. It's a horrible attempt at a ballad. It's like a throwaway song on the way to a ballad. It's that bad.

    The only thing that saves 'This I love', for me, is Robin's solo. If it wasn't for his bad ass solo, it would be right up there with Street of Dreams.

    If you had to play one song for someone that had never head of Guns N' Roses, what would that song be? For me, the answer is simple. Estranged. Estranged is the greatest piece of music Guns N' Roses ever did together.

    1. Estranged

    2. Mr. Brownstone

    3. Locomotive

    4. Coma

    5. Sweet Child

    * Top 5 subject to change without notice but street of dreams will never see a top 75.

  9. I dunno why the casual listeners find This I Love and Sorry as two of the better tracks on Chinese Democracy. Street of Dreams should never have been below those two.

    I guess one problem with Street Of Dreams is that it's too similar to November Rain and Estranged, but not nearly as good. It's kinda like a poor mans Estranged.

    Don't get me wrong I love SOD. But I guess TIL and Sorry are so different compared to other GNR stuff so that they stand out.

    I don't see the song as an November Rain or Estranged knock-off, just the absolute worst ballad Axl Rose ever wrote. Street of Dreams is garbage

    • Like 1
  10. I am thinking of tracking this thread so I don't miss the announcement.

    The announcement followed by another 150 pages of "I told you so!", if there is or isn't a reunion.

    A reunion isn't happening. Ever.

    Every fake wannabe insider is just that.

    Axl has made it more than clear. Not in this lifetime.

    I would buy that stock.


    If a reunion really does happen, then what in the hell were the last 20 years about?

    Yes but why hasn't anyone of them denied the rumours? A-n-y-o-n-e. Axl? Slash? Duff? Why not put am official post on twitter, fb or wherever? Simple statement? Why? Why? Why? If there is no reunion and they're still keeping quiet they:

    1. Most likely are not aware of how spread the latest rumours are (media) - which is very unlikely unless they all live in caves.

    2. They just don't care about the fans. Simple as that. Do we really want to believe this? That they don't give a shit? How likely is it?

    Unless..there is a reunion in the works..to be announced..soon..very soon™

    But Axl has never responded, and if he did, it was very very few and far between.

    Other than the Slash interview, there is no FACTUAL evidence, and everything since has been taken from fan forums or some bs report.

    I like Marc Canter, but he doesn't even know for a fact him and Slash spoke and Axl has never confirmed it took place.

    Why would Axl speak once again on something he has made himself more than clear on.. at this point I don't think he gives a shit, and is tired of repeating himself

    Why not let big festivals throw money out and see what offers you get? What harm are they doing? Maybe the amounts get insane, but even then I don't see Axl doing it, because he doesn't care that the fans want it.

    I think there was more he envisioned (my speculation) with what his plans for GnR were. Rather or not he's done it... I don't know.

    And I really don't think our opinions on what he should do matter to him in one bit.

  11. I am thinking of tracking this thread so I don't miss the announcement.

    The announcement followed by another 150 pages of "I told you so!", if there is or isn't a reunion.

    A reunion isn't happening. Ever.

    Every fake wannabe insider is just that.

    Axl has made it more than clear. Not in this lifetime.

    I would buy that stock.


    If a reunion really does happen, then what in the hell were the last 20 years about?

  12. I just don't see it happening. Axl has never waivered from his feelings of Slash. Why would a year or so of silence make him feel any differently? Maybe he and Slash have at least spoke ( I doubt that they actually have even done that) Axl has never confirmed that. C'MON! He has told us how he feels numerous times, but GnR fans just refuse to accept it. Prove me wrong, please. My money is going on Axl and Slash will never share a stage together again. And I would love just an Axl/Slash acoustic set together.

  13. 'Fat Elvis'! Does Ash Hudson know how Axl operates here. He has a gene or two similar to Slash which basically (in Axl's eyes) means Slash said that Axl is a 'fat Elvis'. But fuck the lot of them because none of GN'R have the credibility to lick Elvis's jumpsuit shoes. I do not respect anyone who criticises The King,

    And I doubt Slash likes hearing his brother say that about Axl. Ive always heard Slash defend Axl when its not Slash speaking. I think Slash feels he has the right to "bash" Axl because he was there and a part of it. I know he got pissed at Wieland's comments about Axl in the VR days

  14. Where's Fernando!? I feel like this would be a great opportunity to shed some light on the situation.

    All he has to say is "Guns N Roses is moving forward with a new guitarist, Slash is not in the plans, and hasn't been for a while. I will not clarify any statements that Slash has made, that is between him and Axl. My job is Guns N Roses and all I can say is we are working on stuff and will let you know when it is ready"

    Instead we have all this speculation. People are ready to toss CD2 for the reunion. People are already saving money for the reunion shows. Essentially this silence has led to the demise of nugnr and has given life to the original band.

    I'm for the reunion! But I won't be sad if we get CD2 soon. I'd love to hear anything from Axl, but in my opinion the silence on this situation has gone on longer than I ever imagined anyone from gnr would allow it to. Have they even done any social media lately? I've seen nothing.

    I'm starting to believe Slash is back in the mix. Possibly negotiation stages already. I'm not crazy I promise, just trying to rationalize why gnr has gone completely quiet.

    Isn't it crazy how the route this band and management takes is always to just NOT comment at all.

    Just simple 1-2 sentence statements would clear up sooo much and give their FANS an ounce of respect. But instead they just keep silent.

    Which sucks. But what really is ludicrous is then they occasionally come out and call the fans racists, complainers, negative nannies and act like we are the problem.

    They treat the fans with no respect. Then simply can't understand why we get frustrated.

    The way this band is run is an absolute joke.

    You act like a one or two sentence would clarify so much

    Fans don't want an answer. They want a 500 page explanation.

    I'm going to venture to say that they personally have not spoken to each other but the business side has softened, making business life for both a lot more tolerable. Which would be, in fact, long overdue. It would also be true that they are doing pretty good

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