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Posts posted by Download

  1. At the moment?

    Two guys who were shot in to the stratosphere of wealth,fame,superstardom by rabid fans who embraced the bands' music,attitude and lifestyle..following the band religiously without fail through every fucking pitfall and peak of glory during the "classic" era.Aforementioned two guys snubbing those very same fans at the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame for absolute fucking bullshit smokescreen pseudo-political rubbish reasons....well,one at least.One just didn't seem to be chuffed enough to get off the fucking couch and hop a plane.

    If that era is so fucking behind you....why is it all still the epicentre of said band's current existence?

    To be honest, in my opinion it was quite clear to me that the RNRHOF was just a platform skeemed up by the institution to get Axl to reunite with people he hasn't talked to in 20 something years and doesn't have any intention to. Axl was right with his "damned if I don't, damned if I do," mentality. If he showed up and didn't play, people would bitch. If he showed up, played with the old band, and didn't reunite with the old band people would bitch even more. Axl took the high road and just stayed out of it, same with Izzy.

    I wasn't surprised in the slightest of Axl not attending the RNRHOF ceremony. Axl has made it quite clear that he has no intention to play with Slash, even going so far as to call him a "cancer." The only thing that would've made the mass media praise Axl was if he reunited on April 14, 2012. Anything less than that and he would be bashed.

    Bull shit. Bull fucking shit. He played with fans' dicks for months. Called the induction "a huge honor", "a victory for the fans". Not to mention he played with Bruce and inducted Elton at the same place and ceremony years ago. His main sock puppet openly said they'd all be in attendance. He had two golden opportunities to shut it down completely and instead he left it pretty open ended.

    Then three days before the ceremony, he comes out with this huge woe is me cry baby rant. I did not for one second believe in that whole "damned if I do, and damned if I don't" bullshit, and I don't see how anybody with any functioning brain cells would. EVERYBODY outside these boards would kill for a reunion over what's considered "GNR" today. That is never going to change. Ever. Had he, God willing, by some miracle even performed with Slash and Co that night, it would've been a temporary inflation to an already existent problem. And with tools like twitter, and facebook, everybody could have made it clear it would have been a one night only event. The least he could have done was been honest, and maybe even given fans a heads up even sooner.

    Duff and co (specifically referring to the open letter Duff sent out around the same time as Axl's open leter) understood this what an appreciation for all the fans that put them into the high life they are in today. This isn't about obligations, this was about appreciation and thanks. Maturity. There was no reason he couldn't have shown that, and remember where he came from, and who got him this fame in the first place. The fans. Instead it got ruined because of an immature dick measuring contest that makes no sense.

    Izzy just seemed liked he wanted to stay outta the limelight specifically because it had become sucha cluster fuck. The whole "I've waited until now to see what would have become of the rnrhof blah blah blah". Still; it was sad, but at least he wasn't a huge fucking prima donna about it. But Zint's perspective of that is spot on.

    Why do you care so much? Seriously? Who really gives a flying fuck??

    The haters have so much sand in their pussies.

    This forum sucks so fucking bad. Biggest bunch of cry babies I've ever seen lately.

    QQ MOAR!!!! cupcake harder. I mean really smash the buttons on your keyboard with authority and wipe away the tears. Cuz really... Axl could give a hot fuck less

  2. I think the biggest complaint really is the fans. Im sure most other bands fan pop has its fucktard base, but GnR fans really are a bunch of douchebags. Just stand in line at a show for proof. You have just a few types. The know it alls, the old lineup fans and the new fans. Mix them together and it getsl giggleworthy. most of the fanbase actually support msl and he's the biggest douchebag of them all.

  3. Ive never played a Trussart, but I would love to get my hands on one for the weekend.

    I play a Gibson Les Paul Custom into a Marshall.. Pretty basic

    I hate pedals and use them infrequently at best. I have a Volume Pedal, Boss Blues Driver and Ibanez Lo Fi

    I use the Lo Fi for a vocal effect more than anything

  4. I listened to Landmaster.

    Good tune. I dont really have much for a critique, it seems you guys have a style that you're going for and who the hell am I to judge that :)

    The only real thing I have to critique would be the vocals.. Not that they are bad, maybe just a little thin. It works and then it doesnt work..if that makes sense. It seems he is trying to bring 6 different vocal styles and compressing them all into 1 song. Some he is spot on with and others not so much. Other than that, pretty good song and definitely a style of music that i listen to.

  5. the problem with kurt is the guy had no respect at all

    axl tried to help nirvana before nevermind hit and when it did offered them a place on the bill with metallica

    i cant help buy feel axl tried to help nirvana as much as he could and kurt being a childish drugged up lost soul just used it all as a joke to try and get himself in the papers

    for a guy who claimed to hate the spotlight he sure did love to fuck with the media

    First Cobain never wanted to have the spotlight. So it is no surprise that he opted not to tour with Axl.

    Secondly, I think Cobain never respected Axl. I think he saw Axl for who he is; a narcissist asshole. Cobain didn't like it, nor did he like Gn'R musically so I can't blame his decision to opt out. If anything I respect him for doing that. There's no point in opening for a band you don't think are good anyway.

    I dont think thats true at all. Kurt definitely wanted the spotlight or he would of pulled a Pearl Jam and opted out of videos, and the whole MTV cycle of that era, but he didnt. He was just as much in it with In Utero as he was with Nevermind. Just as much as GnR hated everything about sunset strip and all the Poisons, Faster Pussycats to set themselves apart from that scene. so did Nirvana with what they saw GnR as when they exploded. It's a smart move to act like you dont give a shit, but when you're doing whatever your publicist and MTV tells you to do its kinda hard to act like you ont give a shit to me..

    Pearl Jam exploded and were all over the place with 10, but Eddie Vedder quickly realized it wasnt for him and you never saw another video again

  6. Overplayed:

    Live and Let Die

    Knocking on heaven's door

    I can't stand those last two anymore, literally.

    I agree. They could leave the setlist and I'd be ok with that

    Whats with all the Sympathy For The Devil hate? I think that cover is great

    Black Leather

    Aint it Fun

    Raw Power

    Anything from TSI is awesome, That album is soooooo underrated and I dont really know why

  7. Going on 4 years since CD was released..A follow up seems not likely for a few years at least. If I was betting on the next release, Id say 2015-2016...

    Im happy they are out touring.. I remember the1994-2000 years and the 2003-2005 years.. and they fucking sucked!!!

    Axl has to play the set list he is playing. It will N E V E R change all that much or drastically. He has done a decent job in throwing in things that die hards wanna hear, but at the end of the day he's gotta play the material that puts people in the arena... I get it

    A new album every 2-3 years would be amazing but its just not how Axl operates. Sad..but it is what it is.

  8. there will be new songs for sure

    That would be awesome

    I doubt it will happen though

    It will be an amazing tour even if they dont play any new songs. Im sure the setlist will have some different stuff on it. Civil War,Estranged are great additions. It would be nice to have IRS back, add TWAT and Im good to go :thumbsup:

  9. If axl went on howard, he'd be too straight to the point "whats ur beef with slash and why do u turn up late and what was the HOF all about"

    And im sure he'd ridicule him more. The interview would slag axl off while appreciating his company, belittling axl to make howard superior. He does this to all his guests.

    Not exactly. Ive listened to Howard for years and Yes, Howard will go places Axl would not be comfortable going, It's what Howard does. He's one of, if not the best interviewer on the planet. I would love for Axl to sit down and go 90 minutes with Stern, but I doubt it would ever happen. Howard would ask about all the shit, the split up, why he remains using the name, how much he's worth, what girls he's banging, plastic surgery, I dont think it's Howard disrespecting...I think its Howard being Howard.. and Axl is fully aware of what Howard's world is about. Its most likely why Axl turns it down.

    Gary has been trying for over 6 months to make it happen and it hasnt happened. A 90 minute no holds barred interview with Stern would be pretty epic

  10. I dont get why people are so negative towards Axl

    I thought he pretty much said exactly how he felt in his open letter, it wasnt bad at all

    How come if Izzy no shows its " Izzy being Izzy?" If Axl no shows he's an asshole

    Why the double standard amongst "fans"?

    Axl was in a no win situation. He wants nothing to do with the original lineup. He doesnt begrudge them for what they have done, but just wants nothing more to do with most of them ( minus Izzy or Duff ) Slash and Steven have said nothing but negative shit for years, Slash was even being negative in 94'-95' while he was still officially in the band.

    I dont see how no matter what Axl does he's a no good asshole. Show up and play with people that have done nothing but talk shit about you for years and play the puppet, sing the songs, smile and act like you're having a good time for the sake of the " fans" who will do nothing but bash you as soon as its over anyway.. If I was Axl, I wouldnt show up either, fuck that!

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