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Free Bird

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Posts posted by Free Bird

  1. 4 hours ago, evilfacelessturtle said:

    Nonsense, that depends entirely on how good the album is. AC/DC topped the charts in 2008 with Black Ice. Rock or Bust was a flop, then they had another success with Power Up in 2020. Hell, even if it's not that great it can do well on name alone. IMO Sabbath's 13 album was forgettable but it was a big success for them. VH rehashed old material with A Different Kind of Truth and it did well.

    Lots of people going to see AIC want to hear Check My Brain because it was a good song.

    You're kind of treating fairweather fans as a caricature; the irony is that they are actually less stuck to the old material because they often can't even tell the difference. This I Love has done some ridiculous numbers on streaming platforms like Spotify, and none of the fairweather fans who found that through November Rain have any idea that it's from the "bad album" by "NuGuns" which isn't "real GNR" but instead "hired hands". They just hear a nice ballad that they like, that's it.

    I fucking loved that album :lol:

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  2. 3 hours ago, JimiRose said:

    I'll phrase it how i think it went down. Slash and duff slowly approach Axl, hands behind their backs and panic in their voices. 'Hey ax, ermm so when we play live, we're playing GnR stuff right?'

    Axl 'Yeah all albums should be covered i think'

    slash 'Oh, Chinese democracy too?'

    Axl 'Oh defintely, it's still my fav GnR album'

    Slash ' Oh ok what songs?'

    Axl 'Just learn them all and we'll rotate'

    Slash 'ermm ok axl sounds um, great, can't wait'

    Duff 'Thanks Ax' 

    Technically slash has asked him what CD songs to play! :lol:

    Must be hard for you to know that it didn’t happen that way.

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  3. 2 hours ago, nugdafied said:



    Taylor-Taylor: “It seems when dealing with people at the ‘all-time greatest American rock icons’ level, you just have your people get a hold of their people. But it was pretty cool because our manager sent over our rough mix, and we got a response within about 45 minutes that he loved it and wanted to play on it.


    “It was all very modern and digital – our engineer sent his engineer the digital files, and a few weeks later, he sent back the files including the tracks he’d laid down. At this point, there were a lot more tracks than we could use in one version of the song. That got sent to the mixer, who set the levels and panning and wove them in and out around the vocals.


    “At some point this summer, I will work on a very long remix that includes every single thing he recorded.”

    I‘d like to hear that. Curious to know what they cut out.

  4. 2 hours ago, JimiRose said:

    It's an indicator because slash would love GnR to write and release, as would duff. And they aren't. Because Axl calls the shots. He respects their opinion, but doesn't mean they actually get a say. TB run GnR. That's another clear indicator, this is Axls band, slash turns up and plays guitar. TB probably say 'You free to tour in 2025' Slash says yes, then the next time slash worries about GnR is rehearsal and then performing the show. he's not involved in anything else like he was in the 80s. 

    I don’t agree for the reasons I wrote before

  5. 30 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    I think the reasons for the lack of output, or slow output, are complex but mainly Axl's fault. Still, regardless of how slow he moves, I believe getting these songs out are important to him for the reasons I mentioned, and that it is not connected to him not being able to write lyrics or has lost trust in his voice. 

    I really hope you’re right and he finish his CD work, so he can move on. I really wanna hear something new created by those guys as long as something’s left to tell. Usually creativity dies somewhere in the course of a lifetime.

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  6. 2 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

    I don't think the fact that he focuses on old material and won't work on songs from Duff or Slash has got to do with him not being able to write new lyrics or don't trust his voice. I think it comes down to wanting to get the old songs out. He spent so many years working on those songs with so many problems and criticism, it's a way to redeem his effort and prove that all the money and time spent didn't just go into one album ("most expensive album never made"). I think for him personally getting the songs out is vindication and closure. If he were to abandon the songs and instead work on new music with Slash and Duff, it would all have been for naught and the criticisms would in a sense be fulfilled. This is just speculation from my side, of course.

    I get that argumentation but he had so much time releasing them. I don’t believe revolving band members or the record label are the reasons for the lack of music. Furthermore he could have used the old songs and combine them with newly written for an album. Even the way to release 2 songs every few years is strange, when you know they are ready to go.

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  7. 1 hour ago, D4NNY said:

    I’m sure he’s capable of writing lyrics, even if he didn’t have much inspiration he could even collaborate with another writer or band member. As for not being happy with vocal recordings I’d assume if he really wasn’t happy with his voice then endless touring would be a no go also, hundreds of thousands of people around the world hearing his voice in its rawest form live would be contradictory if his isn’t happy with his studio voice. So to take a guess on why he is this way in terms of no ‘new’ material, maybe he just truly isn’t bothered, has no interest in it, or maybe tours and cleaning up old demos are the easiest route in his career to keep the money flowing and fans somewhat happy.

    The sad thing is we as fans know full well he has it in him to create something new, especially with Slash back on board. We don’t expect Appetite 2 or Illusion 3 but maybe he has too much self doubt to even take the first steps.

    Nobody knows 100% why he acts (or doesn’t act) like that. All we can do is assuming and these are my guesses. Either that or that he’s just a lazy motherfucker.

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  8. 22 minutes ago, JimiRose said:

    You kind of contradicted yourself when you said they asked axl what he wanted - that is basically him telling them. Of course it shows willing on their part, but he could have said anything and they would have agreed. that's the point. 

    I agree they are not just complete yes men, axl values their opinion. they are important. But that doesn't mean they have any real influence. it's 9 years since the make up dinner at axls. we don't have a new album - slash and duff 100% would want new music. That's a key indicator that it is still all down to axl, and Sluff are there  for the ride. Which is fine if they're cool with that. Obviously as fans, we'd rather they could axl to make a new album and release it. 

    That’s not an indicator at all. If Axl decides to not write and record new vocals, then both, Slash and Duff are powerless in this regard. They can’t force him to go into the studio and they can’t just use his existing material. That doesn’t mean they have no influence in business and other things. If Slash was the lazy motherfucker and Axl was willing to work, he couldn’t do much either. I mean, he still has the name, so he has more power in regard of taking over the band again, using other guitarists but he couldn’t force Slash to play on any new material.

  9. 5 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

    There is no reason to think Izzy coming in would induce Axl to put side the music he has labored on for years. It is likely Slash and Duff have some great song ideas too, yet Axl doesn't want to let the old music go. Izzy has sent him music previously without that having any impact on Axl too. So it doesn't seem to be about a lack of material, nor maybe even quality of music, Axl is still loyal to the old music and seems to want that out first. 

    No, it’s not about lack of material. It really seems to be about Axl only. He either lost his ability to write new lyrics or isn’t happy with his vocal recordings. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, El Guapo said:

    That's surprising. If the tour also doesn't do well, what's he gonna do?

    Well, he’s going to pay his dues and probably won’t retry this blues thing again.

    Or, it’s like he said that he doesn’t care if people like it and it’s something he wants to do. Then he probably writes his own blues record but won’t do another festival tour.

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  11. 2 hours ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

    Are those other charts really impressive now when it still barely even entered the "main" music chart at #98 on the opening week? I don't understand the relation, when you're really great on a small chart but really bad on the big one, is it a success or a failure? Did he win the battle, but lost the war - so to speak?

    Well, it is what it is. It’s the best selling blues record but still only on 98th place on regular charts. I don’t know how records are doing these days but 11k sold units aren’t impressive at all. At times SMKC sold 30 or 40k in the first week. I think Slash did even better and reached gold after a while. Which isn’t thinkable about an album that sales poorly like this. It’s sad because it’s his best record since IDK and the music videos should boost sales because they’re pretty bad ass imo. But the world sees it differently.

  12. 14 minutes ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

    Slash just posted on his IG that this album went into the Top 10 in the US. I thought it was like #98, did it shoot up that high now?


    10 minutes ago, allwaystired said:

    Seems to be at number 98, new entry to me, unless I'm missing something......


    Probably he means the US rock charts?

  13. 4 hours ago, DTV88 said:

    At the very least we would have songs that actually sound like Guns N’ Roses 

    Of course there are characteristics in the GNR sound but the main problem remains even if Izzy would come back. Axl doesn’t write and record new vocals. And if he does, he doesn’t release them. Izzy’s new music would be locked away or released as a solo project. Everybody who doesn’t fool himself knows that it’s only Axl who’s responsible for the lack of (new) music.

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  14. 37 minutes ago, DTV88 said:

    Only 1 Snakepit was in the last 25 years. I’m also referring to his two soundtrack albums.                                 

    You’re most accurate post ever :lol:

    You’re right about the 1st Snakepit of course. Then there was this halloween album, that’s probably one of the two soundtrack albums you mean. What’s the other one? The from his first movie? I don’t know if i’d count that since there’s only one full track on it , Nothing Left To Fear, the rest is just movie scores iirc… 

    • Like 1
  15. 50 minutes ago, Sweersa said:

    You are probably in the minority. I would imagine most members here were very excited for the release of the 2008 album, and the 2019 Village leaks. 

    Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. It doesn’t matter because it’s still an opinion.

    I’d think a lot of people thought the reunion was the most exciting thing that happened since 2008, or even since 1993 for some fans, including me.

    Others might prefer some of the official releases, because, again at least for me, these are better than the half assed demos.

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  16. 44 minutes ago, Gordon Comstock said:


    "Next time we do a blues record we'll probably write one. I don't think I wanna do another covers record."

    Not the first time he's said it, but it's great to hear we might get an original record from this band. :headbang:

    I love to hear that. At the same time, though,  I hope he gets that same band together again for this. I don’t know about their writing abilities and as good as they could be they won’t come up with songs in such a quality like the classics they chose to cover for that great first record. But if they feel the songs and if there’s enough space for solos and instrumental jams I think it could be another great project! The most important to me is to use the same musicians.

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