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Posts posted by TOS--LOA

  1. 6 hours ago, MidnightToker said:

    Well, obviously. But like he said, not much to talk about. He played a cover song with some other musicians, like many are doing during the pandemic.  

    Fine don't discuss it then. Just saying it would have been nice to hear a post or two about how much better Matt sounds than Frank, some speculation about if Slash had heard about Matt's book. Maybe a post or two speculating if Gilby might have been a better fit than Fortus. Some posts about how Lizzy Hale sings with more balls than Axl... You know the drill. 

    But fine we won't discuss it. Have it your way. 

  2. Great job releasing this TB. Credit where credit is due, except that they had to rely on the Download people because their own recordings are obviously sub par. That was most likely the real reason for the delay. 

    Axl sounds awful on YCBM. This dude needs to either get his act together or retire. This is not the sound we fell in love with as fans. It sounds bad dude. Stop doing that voice. 


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  3. 10 hours ago, jamillos said:

    It’s not pointless, because there’s no particular aim or effort – it’s just venting frustration. 
    And the guy doesn’t need much to get offended either. I mean, honestly, when you read his comments, he’s being sarcastic, condescending, and bitter even on the tiniest occasions. If he was a proper PR person and not just a gig-booking manager, he’d address the public – the fans community – properly. Yet he’s chosen shady unofficial platforms like Reddit or Discord, so how can one expect civilized conversations without trolls and jerks when one chooses such communication channels – and, above all, such kind of demeanour? 
    I reckon you’re not completely one-sided, but what you have to understand is that this is what he’s chosen, and what’s been happening here all the time is mere action and reaction. Do you think people would prefer being constantly negative, frustrated, and butthurt if they didn’t have to? Sure, there may be some individuals, but in general, no. 
    What goes around, comes around. 

    Fernando acts just like his mom. I still remember getting into arguments with Beta over her terrible attitude over on the other forum years ago. Such abrasive entitled people. Good times. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    I think it is more that he looked at the comments here and you lot scared him away. If I was him and saw the pummeling those videos took, I know I wouldn't bother again.

    If that's the case that's almost as sad and unprofessional an approach as the quality of the last video was. 

  5. I agree that this NITL SELECTS is too little too late, although I hope it continues and turns into something cool. 

    But I don't understand people saying that the mix is bad. This is exactly how NITL GNR sounds in person and has always sounded. Frank's drums are eq'ed terribly always and Slash's tone and playing has always been weirdly shreddy and dry/digital sounding. NITL GNR has always sounded like a completely different band from '88 or ' 92 Era guns. Whether it's in person, on YouTube or even raw tracks from IEM. 

  6. I'm not going to make a big dramatic post about being done with this band, but I'm kinda done with this band. I've been a hardcore fan since 1988 and yeah I think it's pretty obvious this band only cares about money at this point. 

    I don't think of it as they've given up on the fans as we all have been told numerous times that they don't owe us anything. I just think they've given up on themselves. So as a result why should anyone else care about them. 

    The YouTube nonsense was the first straw and first time I started to think wow this band does not give a shit about fans. Then came the Trumpian lies and gaslighting from management as to the extent of their responsibility in the matter and their powerlessness to rectify the situation. 

    Since the Corona shutdown though for them to not put out even a bit of information about what they're working on let alone a single and still have the same smug appearance of "fuck you fans buy our merch." yeah well I think I'm done. 


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  7. 6 hours ago, MildlyArtistic said:

    Metallica care about their fanbase far more than GNR ever has. Doing things like uploading ProShot clips from every show, making soundboard audio available for purchase after every show, having fan meet & greets backstage (and having fans standing onstage at every show until a few years ago), and now live-streaming archived ProShots to help fans cope during the COVID-19 crisis.

    Whereas GNR, on the other hand, treat their fanbase with nothing but contempt. The manager of the band gets in petty arguments with fans online fucking constantly and treats the band as little more than a merchandising vehicle.

    It also helps that Metallica sounds really good at their shows. 

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  8. I've always found the canonization of Izzy on this board kind of humorous.

    Is there anyone who really believes that if Izzy had been in the NITL lineup from day one and not Duff that people wouldn't be sitting here in 2019 saying that Duff is the heart and soul of gnr and the only one with integrity and blah blah blah. 

    Izzy wants money. If he wanted to play for us (the fans) he'd be doing it. End of story. 

    • Like 4
  9. 4 hours ago, soon said:

    That card axl is handed at the start is the 'business card' for the motorcycle gang that Stump was rolling with. It was meant to put Axl in check. I love how unaffected Axl seems to be. :lol: He doesnt seem to bring it to anyone elses attention? I guess he figured if anything transpired he'd just jump into the audience and start swinging? :lol:

    Also, it appears to me that Slash either has no Izzy in his mix or simply gives no fucks what Izzy is playing. He just stumbles through the intro all by himself. :( 

    That was UYI tour Izzy. That's why I don't understand why people want him back so badly. He used to just fake his way through the UYI songs and be barely audible. 

  10. 47 minutes ago, UcudBmine said:

    You're going by what someone told you. A video is better proof than a story if you ask me.

    Sure, it can feel packed if you're standing in any crowd. Sure, Axl sounds amazing when you are right there (another example). But that doesn't mean it was either packed or that Axl sounded amazing. 

    I'm not attacking you or anything, I just didn't get why you shot him down for judging something based on what he sees in a video. Only to come with a counterargument based on hearsay.

    EDIT: Also not saying that anyone is right or wrong here btw, I'm just enjoying the Locomotive video :heart:

    I don't know about the later part of the set but it looked packed in the stream from that southern guy who couldn't get over that they were 20 minutes late. 

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