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Posts posted by alfierose

  1. At least they have given an update of sorts. I wonder if Fernando told them what to say, it sounds like him.

    I guess the purpose of this is just to let people know it's still got the green light but presumably dates haven't been finalised.

  2. Are there any other celebrities in the world who get mocked on the Internet? If so, how do their managers choose to fight flame wars?

    I would imagine there is quite a few. Britney can't have had an easy ride of it for example. I have no idea whether other public figures have official defenders making their presence known.

    Out of interest has Perla or anyone associated with Slash ever put in an appearance over the years? They have taken a fair bit of flak too although Marc claims Slash doesn't read these forums.

  3. I think the Attitude section should be deleted.

    I wouldn't want to read some of that crap if I was Axl or anyone associated with him.

    It would make me angry.

    I agree I think if it's too unacceptable to be in the main section then it's probably too unacceptable anyway. Some of the spoof threads in there have been very funny but the rest is a combination of deliberate trolling or things that would be fine to discuss in D&N providing people were respectful. I don't think topics should be censored or hidden away just because they are controversial but there is a balance to be found.

  4. There is bigotry rooted in most insults that are thrown around whether the person using them has considered that or not. It could be argued that the favoured phrase of 'suck my fuckin' dick' has a whiff of homophobia or misogyny about it depending on the gender of the person it is aimed at. Equally the use of the word cunt or pussy have similar undertones. I doubt anyone thinks deeply about it as they have just become stock insults.

    I would definitely report anything here I felt was racist and I think some posters could afford to lay off the South America stereotype jokes but perhaps everybody including Fernando could think carefully about the language they use.

  5. This thread is exactly why not only can I not be excited about the idea of an O2/Vegas DVD/cinema release but find the idea appauling. They've got all this amazing footage, who cares if it's not HD? Put out a 2010 show and have loads of extras of stuff from 2006-2010 like Sailing, Twat etc.

    Where did MSL say that the label rejected a new album in August 2010? That makes everything make a LOAD more sense.

    Axl said in December 2008 that there might be album no.2 the same time a year later. If by 2 years later after Axl went out there in 2009-2010 to prove he still had it, would promote and perform the new music to the utmost and that the new band could draw and the label basically said 'no more New Guns albums' then that explains pretty much everything. No wonder he's given up.

    If this was the case why not come out and say so? If he did I'm pretty sure the fan base would be right behind him giving the label hell.

  6. I'm not sure how some of you see this as an opportunity. As Fernando said, they regard sites like Paradise City as their 'own' version of MyGNR. Rather than reclaim the relationship that once existed between GNR management and here, they're clearly intent on providing for more positive forums insteading of attempting to appease the 'hostiles'.

    I tried to join Paradise City. I had to apply for an invite, that was a week ago. Guess I'm not invited! How does that site work? Are we vetted? Do they only release so many invites at a time?

  7. if it was me and there were people slagging me off and my mum, last thing i'm gonna do is answer your questions.

    If possible, Fernando needs to separate his personal feelings and professional career. After all, they were desparate to manage GNR officially and issued Axl an ultimatum. If you want a gig like managing GNR, you have to be prepared to take a degree of abuse.

    This is why the saying 'never mix business and pleasure' exists. Previous managers have taken a degree of abuse but as far as I am aware it's aimed at them and not their families. I can see why Axl went for the arrangement but on the other hand it was foolish or naive to put his family in the firing line.

  8. I don't understand that waste of time from him, if he apologizes, why don't he answer? .______.

    I assume that despite Manets and NGOG being amongst the more supportive posters here they are being punished for the sins of others.

    Even I was guilty of lashing out but at the end of the day I support modern day GNR and will always go to the shows, buy the merch etc.

    Fernando doesn't seem to grasp the fact that the 'hate' has an origin. It's not, at least by the genuine fans, perpetrated to please a sense of racism. If they would give 5 minutes of their day to discuss the musical future of GNR the level of angst would reduce remarkably.

    I agree but that's obviously not their perception. I think we have just reached a point where anything said by either side is taken as a slight on the other. I don't know what the solution is but it seems clear from his statement that there will not be any relationship unless the mods here yield to their wishes re moderation of the forum.

  9. It must be difficult to come to a forum and read vicious and personal comments about your family, I think any reasonable person would agree with that. Sadly we seem to be in a situation recently where both sides are constantly looking for things to take offence at and possibly misconstrued. It seems that the camp will not make peace with us unless the forum takes to Jarmo style moderation which would effectively sign it's own death warrant, the GnR fanbase has no need of two HTGTH.

    I don't know what the answer is.

  10. I seem to recall Vicky Hamilton saying that Axl used to carry around a book about the music business, and how she was surprised by his knowledge of the biz. Even so, he has first hand knowledge of how it works, so he knows how to get them when theyre trying to get him.

    I expect Axl is very knowledgeable about the industry I think where it goes wrong is when he takes the knowledge and applies his unique mindset to it.

  11. http://www.ninwiki.com/Interscope_Records

    What we lack most as fans besides new music is coherent information. If GnR has issues with Interscope why not explain things in a transparent manner. He could go the Trent Reznor route, read the above link for some of Trent's statements to his fans. NIN fans were left in no doubt whatsoever as to his feelings and intent.

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