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Everything posted by AxlRoseCDII

  1. The “just live your life” people mean well but should know we are living our life. We’re not sitting around all day staring at the counter or unable to get out of bed or function. But by the same metric it’s extremely valid to care and I think it’s not fair to say you shouldn’t be anticipatory or focus on new music. GNR means a lot to all of us, and some us fixate and focus on our hobbies in life, in general, more than others.
  2. If we hadn’t heard about the Linkfire thing we would’ve found out about the TouchTunes release. Not to mention multiple band members and a tour manager teasing a new song for years, them rehearsing it for months while refusing to play it, radio station hosts saying the song should’ve already been out, etc. The whole industry knows about this damn song, linkfire or not. Yet this band doesn’t capitalize on any excitement and is releasing it, if at all, near the end of a tour when no one cares.
  3. It would be nice to be able to add it to my playlists in good quality, how the artist intends for us to hear it, without downloading it or having to listen to it as some bizarre upload. It would be nice to be able to send it to some family and friends without explaining how much of a dork I am for knowing this and saying that this is a demo that should’ve been out last century. By the time you explain that no one gives a shit. Not to mention just be excited to see your band pretending not to be a soulless nostalgia act and actually attempting to have any artistic integrity. This is GNR. It was supposed to come out the 11th. If they keep pushing and pushing the release, the way this band works, it will never be out. It’s Chinese Democracy all over again. The goalposts will move and move as long as the band allows Axl to, aka forever. It’s been 2 years. Entire albums, hell, entire goddamn films are made and released in that timespan.
  4. Why does it matter to me? Someone whose username is AxlRoseCDII? Someone who’s favorite band is, or should I say was, GNR? Gee, I wonder why it would ever matter to me to have music i geniunely loved be formally released and played live.
  5. The 18th is the last day I will be hopeful for. If it doesn’t happen then, I just assume it’s been shelved or cancelled, or maybe at best will come out 2 years down the line like Hard Skool did after being rumored in 2019.
  6. Fortus: “Axl, someone on the internet is threatening to release our song if we don’t play it. He sounds serious.” Axl: ”Are you even on this song?”
  7. They will play Welcome to the Jungle 4th instead of 3rd. Gonna be a special FN night.
  8. I still sort of feel that way about Perhaps, personally. I think it’s a shame that Axl never recorded a second verse though, and why I don’t think I will be able to say it’s one of the best GNR songs of all time. I still think it’s a very good track though, much better than it’s given credit for nowadays. It’s very melodic, epic, and a great evolution from the UYI albums.
  9. The “behavior” to me sounds more like how modern Axl enunciates in the modern age. It’s hard for me to say if he really would’ve been recording in 2023 though, it’s possible it’s a 2006 or 2007 recording though?
  10. “This is a new song…we hope you like it…” ”This one’s called Hard Skool.”
  11. Saying GNR wouldn’t have delayed it just to spite us is giving the band too much credit. This is the same band that has had Beta swearing and belittling fans, along with snarky comments from Fernando before. I absolutely believe they would shelve this release to punish us for listening to it early.
  12. I wouldn’t say it’s not coming out on Friday just because it was taken off the app. I’ve been pretty vocal about my opinion though that there’s a good chance that they may delay or shelve the release to spite us further now that we’ve heard it. But it being taken off the app isn’t proof of that. If it doesn’t happen this Friday though, in my opinion it’ll either come out in months, years, or never.
  13. Perhaps not everyone, but I truly believe there’s a significant portion of fans, moreso casual, who never gave CD material a chance purely based off of the fact Slash wasn’t on it. I personally feel the material stands on its own and some of the tracks are the best in the GNR discography. There are some stinkers, yes, and I agree some of the beeps and layers are stupid, but I am of the opinion that the album contains some of GNR’s best work.
  14. If you showed people tracks like TWAT, SOD, TIL, Better, etc, and just said it’s Slash, people would regard CD as one of the best albums of all time.
  15. I’m surprised that with all the GNR crazies out there that no one has attempted to do this despite the risks.
  16. It’s bizarre. I even feel like his tone is nowhere near what it used to be and a lot of his solos (SOD and Dead Horse come to my mind) are noodle fests. I think it’s been a decline on the level of Axl circa 2011-2014, but no one ever talks about it.
  17. Slash has definitely lost his way with the guitar. I haven’t been impressed with much of his work recently. I think the Hard Skool solo was decent. His last few albums, along with the Perhaps solo, have shown a steep decline from the legendary guitarist who once was.
  18. Honestly, when I left to the bar last night to listen to this song I was really tempted to just my tell my family I was going to a brothel instead. Would be a hell of a lot easier to explain.
  19. But someone by now would’ve had to request a take down, even if it would go a few levels of management/liaisons? Shouldn’t it be abnormal that it’s still up?
  20. Is it safe to assume leaving it up is intentional at this point on TB’s side? Like, they would’ve taken it down by now, surely, right? Not saying they intentionally meant to release it only on this app- saying that by now they would’ve had to be notified and specifically haven’t requested a take down. Maybe they don’t care.
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