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AxlRoseCDII last won the day on August 16 2023

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  1. I’m of the opinion we will just get more AFD and UYI nostalgia content every 5 or 10 year anniversary for the rest of the time. TSI is too niche, and could just be on another UYI sort of re-release, and Axl likely won’t have any interest in ever re-releasing CD content with people not in the band anymore and were never accepted as GNR by the majority of fans.
  2. There’s two ways to see it. You can either argue the leaks are what caused the singles to be released, or you can argue that there isn’t really as large of a vault as there was talked up to be and that the releases overlap because those are just the songs that are done. We don’t have enough information to prove either, in my opinion. And no, the latter is not a Pele argument. I’m sure there are songs that have some work done that we don’t know about. Whether those are fully finished or realized though is a much different story, and again, there’s just not enough info to know.
  3. Axl is one of the laziest musicians who’s ever lived. He’s basically retired. He gets to just show up for his concerts where he openly admits he doesn’t rehearse the new material, make money and leave. He has not (seriously) written music in over 20 years. I don’t even think it’s a debate.
  4. It’s a good point that he would be wise not to release an autobiography until the lawsuit is resolved. However, with his money, he’s very much able to just settle this lawsuit for practically whatever and whenever he wants to.
  5. 10 bucks says this will literally never be updated again or lead to anything. Axl starts projects, probably does put serious work on them, and then does nothing with them or it fails to materialize. This is a pattern of over 20 years and until proven otherwise I will assume nothing will change.
  6. One of the best Axl lines of all time is the Nightrain from 2009 where he just does the first verse an entire octave higher. Not sure if it’s cheating to count that in its entirety for this thread, but ive never seen him do something like that before or after, and it was one of the best and most underrated Axl moments of all time.
  7. I do feel like I’ve personally gotten closure as a CD fan and don’t really know if I care about a new album happening anymore. We’ve already basically gotten CDII at this point, between the 5 reunion tracks, Atlas, Going Down, SoG and Nothing. There’ll always be a few stray titles that we’ll never hear anything about but generally speaking, I’m fine with the discography ending here and probably won’t be ever expecting new music again. If it happens, great, if not, we have gotten the absolute bare minimum of what CDII could’ve been.
  8. Cool news, but like with everything GNR, I’ll believe it when I see it. This could very well just be another GNR project we never hear another thing about, especially if Axl is in charge of mixing his vocals. I’m hoping between this and the other rumored cover we’ll at least hear something with Axl this year.
  9. I agree that Axl doesn’t see time or aging the same way any of us do. I think what’s interesting is how he used to say Sillkworms/Absurd was the next single back in the early 2010’s, and look what happened. Same sort of principle of him thinking he is young or seasoned enough to bust out songs like Black in Back in 2022 before realizing he sounds like dogshit on it. In Axl’s mind, the new 4 are really “the new songs”. He would refer to Hard Skool as a new single over a year after release.
  10. No Axl is monumentally dissapointing. Guess those two are just never going to collaborate on a piece of new music for the rest of their lives? How hard would it have been for Axl to drag his lazy ass into a studio for one day to help out his friend who saved his entire band from playing bowling clubs?
  11. The worst possible thing Axl could do is a show like this. He would expose the horrible state of his voice to 10's of millions of people. There would be viral memes, news articles, and it would genuinely be some of the worst publicity he's received in his life. If you enjoy being a GNR fan you better damn hope he never agrees to do it.
  12. When there’s no album coming out and nothing else to discuss, the forum will probably end up discussing every artist known to mankind eventually and then some. Who wants to discuss Ariana Grande next?
  13. I really think if you released the same exact album and just said Slash played on it, it would’ve done 10x better. There would be many casuals and possibly fans who would’ve then felt they had the right to appreciate the music and wouldn’t feel like they automatically hated it. It’s a great album with many highlights that never got the love it deserved.
  14. Great job! Would love to see this make its way into the GNR set. Very cool.
  15. This is complete shit. This is unironically one of the worst things I’ve ever seen in my life. What a fucking disgrace to this band’s legacy.
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