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Posts posted by dgnr

  1. 31 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I just heard some of the clips in the D&N section....hmmmm....can’t say as I am as enthusiastic as the guys in that thread are - guess I should reserve judgment until I hear the whole thing, though :shrugs:

    Oh no, you're mistaken...It's not that NuGNR Patience rendition someone posted there, stop listening to that, it's the other one :rofl-lol::rofl-lol:

  2. 33 minutes ago, Tori72 said:

    There are feuds mixed with politics and it gets harsher... What other feuds are there? 

    Portugal - Spain (For historical reasons, they tried to invade us a lot of times and we always kicked their asses. We really enjoy to kick spaniards asses, football is not an exception :lol: I saw a Portugal match for the 2016 Euro Cup in a pub in Spain and the SOB were going crazy for Portugal to lose. They don't fancy us either haha)

    Portugal - France (We have a lot of immigrants there and they always act superior. We won the 2016 Euro Cup playing the final against them in Paris. Case closed. The most famous ad for this WC passing in our TVs is about this rivalry, it's really funny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG8kAf-7Cz8:P )

    Portugal - England (This one is more one sided. We like to win against England cause of the 1966 World Cup were people say we were robbed against England, but it's nothing big)


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  3. 37 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    Loooool Messi nutswingers? :lol:

    I dont defend him, because you know, Im the hater here :ph34r:... I think he did not good and from what I've read in the local media, they compared his situation with Cristiano, in which he put Portugal on his shoulders and delivered, without hesitation or doubts or nerves.

    I dont like Cristiano's arrogance and his whole persona but as a player, no one can deny he achieved what his country expected from him and that is what Messi has not been able to do for Argentina.

    YES!! :P Messi shouldn't score that penalty cause he had a lot of pressure = Axl has a free pass to sound awful at the first show of the new leg of the tour :P I mean he is the best player of his team, the second best player in the world (:ph34r:), he is good at scoring penaltys, he is an experienced player and - the most important - he is the captain of his team. So if anyone should have the responsibility that would be him :shrugs:

    That's exactly the point. Ronaldo has the same responsibility in our team, he does carry the team on his shoulders also. But he's always there when it's needed, he's the first one to appear. As Pelé was in Brazil, God Dieguito in Argentina, Zidane in France, Zico in Brazil. All of the biggest players carried the national team on their shoulders on WC and whatnot. It's not about the penalty, really. Anyone could fail, Ronaldo could have failed ours yesterday. It's about leave everything you have on the field. Ronaldo did it, Messi didn't.

    • GNFNR 1
  4. Loving this football discussion :wub: And loving the way you're all defending Messi, you sound like the people who always defend Axl :P My opinion is completely different than all of yours,  but I'm portuguese and a Ronaldo nutswinger so I'll see myself out :lol: I looooove Argentina and their team and I'm really rooting for them though. Argentina has great players and I'm sure they're gonna do better in the next games :hug:

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    • GNFNR 1
  5. 1 minute ago, killuridols said:

    :facepalm: Boooh!

    First of all don't you 'Boooh' me, young lady!! :max: And second of all ( :P) as a good friend that I am and in order to keep my reputation on this thread after you 'boooh' me -I 'll be hurt forever with this attitude btw, just like I am with the fact that you never draw me for my Slaxl badge :o- I went to check it out and a girl named Rebeca Cessa shared this on that same very famous GNR facebook group. And that's all I know :shrugs:


    Am I a CSI: Women's Thread agent now?


    • GNFNR 1
    • Haha 2
  6. 1 minute ago, killuridols said:


    Context please?

    Whose grandpa? What street? Where? When? I don't understand a goddamn thing :smiley-confused2:


    I'm afraid there's no context yet. A random person posted the pics on imgur with that caption and that's all we know for now. Time for CSI: Women's Thread to take action, I guess :lol:

    • Haha 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    Why would he struggle? Slash is very famous, much more than all GN'R together. He is a LEGEND and his importance in music grows each time. He's achieved an status of respect as a mucisican than none of the other guys in the band ever will.

    After this semi-reunion, there is no GN'R without Slash, really....

    Plus, I'd like to add, she helped him achieve this legend status. First by taking care of the kids while he was away on tour and then she was pretty involved in his career and his career decisions while he was not so sober. «Slash later told the Telegraph that he'd quit alcohol, drugs and smoking because 'the missus was bugging [him] about it.’» She deserves part of his money for sure!

    4 minutes ago, Georgina Arriaga said:

    Thank you.

    What an insult to Perla. 

    Yes. And, as I said before, she is not dumb. Straight to TMZ to tell her side. He should have forgetten who he was trying to fuck it up :P 


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  8. 4 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    He has stopped trying to say they were never married in the first place and she shouldn’t get anything at all, then? :lol:

    That was really low from him IMO And he was not dealing with a dumb woman, Perla knows it all, he would never get away with that. What the hell was he thinking? :shrugs:

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