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Georgina Arriaga

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Everything posted by Georgina Arriaga

  1. He was in celebratory mood https://pagesix.com/2023/08/17/private-party-for-guns-n-roses-axl-rose-floods/
  2. I don't know where to put this, https://people.com/andrew-dice-clay-surprises-guns-n-roses-fans-as-guest-opener-on-east-coast-tour-stop-7644107
  3. This picture Is an illusion? AI generated? https://www.instagram.com/p/Cv_a0FVNmof/?igshid=YWYwM2I1ZDdmOQ==
  4. Really we need to chat about this? I'm from latin América and always feel welcome here. Beta/Nando? They deserved all of the vitriol. They are grifters.
  5. I just adore the piano. I don't have guitar knowledge but the piano Is gorgeous I would pay to see Nando sweating trying to explain to Axl this glitch...jajaja....TB Is so useless...
  6. Is in Rolling Stone https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/guns-n-roses-new-song-perhaps-leaks-jukeboxes-1234806235/
  7. Please somebody put a picture of Axl with a sleeveness shirt....oh my ..lovely
  8. I understand completely your frustration. In other Places they sing for 3 plus hours. And here less than that. You spend money, etc for a subpar experience. Maybe I'm pissed for the Perhaps fiasco...jaja
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