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Georgina Arriaga

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Everything posted by Georgina Arriaga

  1. Jajaja chaste, pure and going to Mass, yeah, right. Slash was and is the love of his life Thanks for the article.
  2. I imagine that. The guy has to work a lot...there are about 80 Lebeis that live of that guy's money.
  3. I just saw a Vannesa Lebeis instagram story. Axl Is singing in some place. Looks like a party
  4. Absolutely bonkers. And incredible. I wonder what the Lebeis think of that grifter and what real influence she has in the early 20's
  5. Sorry to go a little off topic. That Radio show Is worthy of listen? Susan ask what we want to hear...I put Perhaps.
  6. And he has the right to treat Fortus un such condescendent way? Fortus only say an observation, It was not insulting or offensive....
  7. Let's just said that Nuno has a very healthy ego. In my opinion Fortus was not offensive and Nuno was in his answer. If he said It, he said It, own It.
  8. That Happy Birthday Is lovely! warms my heart
  9. Fantastic footage https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cu-Hd08Ntyt/?igshid=YWYwM2I1ZDdmOQ==
  10. The sight of Axl and Slash was in a different studio. The guitar part for Demi Lovato was in a different place that the one with Axl. For the way Slash sound GNR Will have a touring hiatus in 2024, so the logic in this case tell me GNR will not release an album in the near future. Why release something if you will not promote It? I'm sad....
  11. I'm so sorry that you will not attend. I'm preparing to go to Hollywood Florida later.
  12. Please check that Tom Mayhue Is Alive and well...jeje
  13. I Guess he knows Axl pretty well. He has been with Axl in Bad and good times. Always present. I think he knows the boundaries of what he can or he cannot say. It was part of a tour that he Made for fans with one of those VIP tickets in France Yesterday.
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