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Posts posted by Azifwekare

  1. 1 hour ago, Creed said:

    The rest is pretty bad. They deleted the best part from Zodiac, which was the Led Zeppelin guitar at minute 2:00. Quick Song sounds totally overblown and overproduced on this disc. I know, its just mumbling and back vocals, but why did Axl scream over the solo?

    The Rough Mix 1-4 discs were dated earlier than the others, so these were the earliest mixes that we have. The first versions of Quick Song and Zodiac to leak were actually the latest mixes from the discs, so parts were actually added, not deleted.

    1 hour ago, Creed said:

    and last but not least: still searching for the 14,000,000$ production sounds. Can't hear them at all.

    It was $13mil by the time the label stopped funding in 2005. This would have been much earlier in the process, and most of the money spent since then would have just been spent on renting unused instruments, engineers sat twiddling their thumbs, and Brain rerecording Josh's drum parts but with his feel.

  2. 1 hour ago, downzy said:

    Let's just make this clear.

    We will not allow any discussion relating to any correspondence that was intended to be private.  This is none of our business and just as we would want others to respect our privacy we will extend the same courtesy to anyone involved with GNR.

    We kindly "ask" that members do not provide any information of the contents within private documents.  This includes summaries, quotations, descriptions or anything of the kind.  

    Failure to abide by this rule will result in a warning point and a seven day suspension.

    We appreciate your cooperation on this matter.  

    Just for clarification, what if some of this stuff comes up in passing? Say for example:

    "Oh yeah, so and so was going to be on CD2"

    "How do you know that?"

    "Uhhh... I'm not allowed to say..."


    Or what if Axl's book leaks, or anything similar that may be included, are we not allowed to mention any previously unknown events in the band's history that it could reveal? I just want to know where we stand.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    Even though the content of the storage locker wasn't intended to be released by its creator, I'm glad I got to hear it. It's music.

    But private e-mails are another story. As much as curious I am about what it is in them, I think making them public crosses a line.

    One part of me definitely agrees, but another part of me thinks it would be hilarious to read about Axl wanting to sue Ashba (and literally everyone else), Fernando's enemy list, and Beta's plots to trick Axl into doing stuff.

    Plus I would love to read Axl's book. It would probably be the most reliable source for what went on with the old band.

  4. 2 hours ago, titchy000 said:

    What is supposed to be the Sympathy Disc ? Is it part of the Zutaut locker bundle ?

    The Sympathy disc, Dragon, All I Ever Wanted, "the 21st disc" etc is all bullshit. I asked Rick about it when he reappeared recently to answer questions about the locker, and his silence spoke volumes.

    We shouldn't have to keep putting up with this fake info bullshit. Have we not had enough of that over the years? It's pathetic dick swinging.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, 2020_Intensions said:

    What's the consensus on Thyme & P.R.L. ? Is Thyme supposed to be used as a layer in P.R.L. or is it simply just an opening orchestral piece that leads in to P.R.L. ? I say the later but they're just so radically different musically I don't understand Thyme - P.R.L. being the opening of an album lol ... What are your thoughts? 

    The outro of Thyme and the intro to PRL overlap.

  6. A message brought to you from up on high.
    A strange pitch from an interesting guy.
    So many things from this little trove.
    One hundred and one plus, for which we have dove.

    Stanley the avian, that just seems weird.
    A six foot plus bird isn't to be feared.
    Ask Ernie and Bert, scary feathered ones are bunk.
    The concept makes Mr. Snuffleupagus turn up his trunk.

    So we've peeled back a layer, presented an egg.
    If this one had hatched, we'd probably chug a keg.
    The big question to ask though, is how many more?
    Let's just say, its less than a hundred and four.

    We know you all have an aural fixation.
    But sometimes the inside baseball stuff can produce a sensation.
    A fascinating insight into the fount.
    You'll hear from us again before The Amazing Mumford meets The Count.


    The Chairman


  7. I don't get people who only go to a show to see 'the hits'. Of course you can be a fan of an artist and go to a show without knowing or even liking all of the catalog, and I understand 'casuals' who may tag along with a friend who's a 'bigger fan', but I've never understood why someone would spend the money and logistical effort to get to a show where they are only insterested in a couple of songs.

    $100 for a ticket and leave after SCOM? Wtf?

    Surely there would be other shows that would be more worthwile for them?

  8. 9 minutes ago, Axl_morris said:

    Was there a reason they all took so long to leak or was it just so he could think up rediculous poems for some sort of character gratification

    It was most likely because he enjoyed watching the hoarder's world crumble and wanted to savour his trolling of them. Also, so far he's never made a promise he hasn't kept, so I'm willing to bet that he already obtained the VMA rehearsals and "hard drives galore" before mentioning them. The wait was just about watching the hoarders panic, realising that their stash was slowly becoming worthless over an 8 day period, rather than trying to trade something that he already promised to leak.

    • Like 2
  9. 9 hours ago, rocknroll41 said:

    So im assuming the reason Costanzo and Scaturro have writing credits on Shackler's is cause they were the ones who chopped it all up and re-arranged it, added all the extra noises, and artificially punched the main part up an octave and made it the intro/outro.

    Shackler's was completely rerecorded after it was given the rearrangement, no artificial chopping. Axl said that it was Bucket himself who recorded and added the effects to the 'elephant' part. There's going to be another version that exists with the rerecorded final arrangement played by Bucket (including the original solo hidden under Ron's on the album version).

    Pete Scaturro is Bucket's guy, so he would have been involved in the original writing process with him. He's also the one who played the synths on I'm Sorry.

    I would be interesting to hear what the initial version of Scraped sounded like.

  10. So now we finally have the entire locker. We pretty much have a new album, an instrumental album, and the 2000/01 version of CD. Thank you Chairman by take care us.

    The Chairman delivered exactly when he said he would. He's never gonna give us up, he's never gonna let us down, and he's never gonna run around and desert us.

    He's never broken his promises so far, so I'm confident that soon™ we'll get the VMA rehearsal and whatever is on "hard drives galore".

    Needless to say...


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  11. 5 hours ago, rocknroll41 said:

    Ides is probably Maximus.

    I doubt that very much. People who say that because they both have Greek-related names are clutching at straws. By that logic, The General is just an updated version of Civil War.

    I'd also be willing to bet big money that Me & My Elvis is not Soul Monster either. The fact that they both (at one point) had Elvis in the title means nothing. There are literally two different tracks that are both called Tonto, so it wouldn't be at all unusual. And Tonto is also Spanish for Dummy, yet we know that those are two different tracks also (three, if you count the Fortus track).

    People are only saying these things because they are desperate for there to be as little unheard material as possible. Again, I'd be willing to bet that none of the remaining titles we have left to hear are working titles for any of the locker tracks and vice versa.

    People need to stop making so many assumptions, and in the process, creating and spreading misinformation. We've already enough of that shit, surely. It's dumb.

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