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Everything posted by Stay.Of.Execution

  1. I'm not a fan of them playing there either. But money rules the world
  2. But according to @dontdamnmeuyi2015 Axl can't do two things at once apparently. If he's touring in the summer, he can't be recording shit before or after
  3. She never said there will be a release. She said they were working on new music which is probably true.
  4. i doubt they'll do a whole up close and personal tour. my bet is either nothing for 24 or another asia/SA run.
  5. LOL. Why not narrow it down even more? Maybe bands that start with G and end with uns n roses? You said there's no good rock since the 90s. There's plenty of rock bands (and hundrens of subgenres of rock) that have been releasing incredible music the past decade. if you don't know, then you must live under a rock
  6. they played Cold Day in the Sun last night in new hampshire. nice tribute to taylor
  7. odd: each time i try to go to the ticketmaster page for the phoenix show, it says site is in maintenance mode. anyone else getting that? weird thing it's only showing for phoenix and san diego
  8. Tour start in a week. Maybe the mods can create the Abu Dhabi thread in the tour section?
  9. there's a whole world of even more merch and other crappy shit, they can put the gnr name on. they will have to keep the name alive somehow, cause we all know they're not gonna be working normal jobs in their lives.
  10. that's actually what i'm fearing. that these brats will have the rights to the gnr name after everyone from the band is gone.
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