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Posts posted by DurhamGirl

  1. 5 hours ago, EvanG said:

    Yeah, a lot of people don't really know what to do with themselves if they don't have a job to go to. Especially now during the pandemic I've seen a lot of people complain about being bored. I don't have that at all. I think I could be under house arrest for a year without getting bored. There's too much out there to read, to watch, to keep myself busy with without getting bored. And imagine being as rich as Axl and being able to go wherever you want and buy whatever you want. 

    I am the same...never bored and I dont think Axl gets bored either, he is an inteligent guy with lots of money to expand his interests. 

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, EvanG said:

    To respond seriously, he's probably living the good life, and who is to say that he doesn't go out or travels a lot? He has enough money to do what he wants. I doubt he's lying in bed all day bored to tears and not knowing what to do with his time. He's never had a 9 to 5 job, or probably not for a long time, so I'm sure that by now he has found a way to keep himself busy and entertained with all this idle time.


    5 hours ago, soon said:

    I dont know why but Ive always figured hes the kind of rich guy that gets really into his purchases. By that I mean hes the guy that actually watches the 20 hours of content that went along with the pin ball machine release, recently. The 1.5 hour unboxing, etc.

    So I think he comes across new interests and then pours over items to buy from it. And then maybe watches docs on it. Asks to connect with the creator/designer/artsist. Then buys books about it. Then commissions some carpentry to use as a display (which will also be thoroughly thought through over beers with Del The Smell).

    Then a year later once his new purchase is settled, its time to smoke a j with Baz and tell him the entire story.

    Separately, we dont know that he ever stopped practicing new age. He could be doing daily healing sessions, tarrot, going to retreats and going to charge up his crystals in Sedona.

    and this.

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  3. I joined this forum ten months ago all enthused about this band that I had come across on Youtube.  I found a group of frustrated people skeptical about the band and the lack of music.  I tried to be all positive looking for the best in the band dismissing the idea that the reunion was a cash grab.  Well ten months later I have become a mamber of the frustrated group due to lack of music , lack of communication and a touring band, who were once so great, now no more at there best and doing the same thing over and over with obviously no excitement at what they are doing.  Maybe it was different when they first got together in 2016 but I was not around.  I dont blame them, I dont know what they have been through, especially Axl, that has changed their attitudes so much.  As an aside  I was watching an intervew with Sting and he said when he was able to afford a big car he realised that it was his fans that had allowed him to do this...

    I ask myself what is it I am a fan of with GnR and it is the 86-93 era but this is alright, initially I was hoping for more current output, but it is the way it is.  They were extrordinary back then I just wish I could find a rock band of today that  brought such dynamism and charisma.  A cliche but they were truly one in a million

    Can anyone relate to this and if so when did the cynicism begin?

  4. 1 hour ago, sabian11 said:

    Hahaha!! This thread is great! After seeing some of the juvenile shit that's posted on here it's no surprise to me some of you don't like Tool. Tool is a band for adults LoL!!

    Just like you are being...anyway its given you a laugh so now you can go home and play your adult music after giving your adult post.

    Oh you may have forgotten that you are on a GnR forum so there may be some folk who do not take kindly to criticism off Guns, unless they are constructive of course.

    • Like 1
  5. If they are not going to release anything I wish they would say and end all this frustrating specullation.  It has decided that the touring of arenas will not happen until next fall/autumn maybe not until 2022, there is so much to deal with from insurance, mass cleaning etc  it is going to be very expensive for bands,  I wonder if, as a conseuence,, they decide to call it a day.

  6. I am just listening to radio programme involving an agent who went to an annual music industry event (virtual this year).    They decided that all arena gigs will not be touring until FALL/AUTUMN of next year, definately not spring or summer.  Smaller festivals may be sooner but many are cancelling.  Everything is working on the premise of being 'hopeful' but....

  7. I came across an excerpt of a radio interview with Sebastian  (with Trunk or Stern cant remember) where he says Axl used to talk at length about the difficulties of being a 'rock star' and Sebs response was well you knew what was going to happen and seemed quite cross.  Does anybody remember this?

  8. I have just come across a vid on  youtube about 4 mins long of Slash laughing while watching  Axl on youtube singing badly, Ashba (sic) is playing.  It seems very cruel to me and I was shocked to see this, what do you all think?  It would have been around 2010 I think.

    • Haha 1
  9. I watched the last Guns concert in Argentina 93 and found it to be quite emotional knowing it was to be their last and Axl would not be seen or heard of as he was that night ever again. The crowd are going crazy, the adulation exploding through the roof.  How tragic indeed and frustrating.

    At this point Axl said he wanted to bury Appetite and create something different well the irony is, 40 years on and he is still singing the same old over and over and not very much new has been created.  I wonder how he feels about it all.

  10. This year is all I have known of GnR and so any music, interviews etc is retrospective.  I dont particularly enjoy the present incarnation due to Axls voice which is terribly sad.  After the initial excitement of finding this band I came to realise my enjoyment would have to be all retrospective as their silence speaks volumes.  It looks as though there is nothing else in the GnR pot and with the pandemic ending concerts for a while it may be they who 'let go' of us.

    • Like 1
  11. 9 minutes ago, action said:

    this band really isn't aimed at the hardcore fan. rather, it is a greatest hits band known for november rain and sweet child of mine. those songs gather some views on youtube, yes.

    as a hard rock band, it even wasn't that remarkable to begin with. most of their songs don't have a nice "flow" to them. I guess "nightrain" is cool. "it's so easy" too. but I wouldn't class GNR as an enjoyable rock band.

    Other than it's so easy / nightrain, what do they have to open a show? other acts, like AC/DC, motley crue, aerosmith, the stones, motorhead, had a WEALTH of great songs to open a concert and get things going. But what does GNR have? I don't see any song on the illusions to get the party going. even right next door to hell, arguably the best song on the UYI's, isn't comparable to something like "rock n roll train" by AC/DC.

    the problem with GNR, is Axl's perfectionism and need to overcomplicate songs. With overcomplication, comes a lack of flow. As evidenced by all the songs on "chinese democracy": litterally not 1 great rocking song on that album.

    I have no guns n roses songs on my playlist. they feel out of place, they bring the fun and the temp down, they feel like someone threw a can of nails on the road during a cycling event. 

    Just wondering what you are doing here when there is nothing you like about GnR, seems rather strangee.  Anyway I think what you are saying is a load of crap...'doesnt flow'...out of place'...nothing to open the show with and the rest.  What planet have you been living on and most bizarley what are you doing here?

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