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Posts posted by wendirosez

  1. On 6/28/2023 at 12:23 AM, meadsoap said:

    I don't know if he'll ever write a memoir. If he did, I don't know if I would have the heart to read it. I'm sure it would be interesting but not "fun" to read, 

    @meadsoap You'd think it would be gritty too?  I would defiantly read his memoir, life advice , if he had any interest in putting it out. Not so much for the sexual parts if he chose to you know , tell us that bit , but for his life advice and opinions, His achievements and his regrets. That book would be a best seller because there is no-one as brutally honest & entrancing , live life to the fullest , as Axl in my opinion.

    • Like 2
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  2. 17 hours ago, Karice said:

    Hi @Karice I see you have updated us all & i, for one really appreciate the brand new chapter here. ^_^thank You very much  for continuing your story and being steadfast to it.:hug:


    They got up the next day. They ate and got ready for the day. Axl chatted about how they'd just given away $600 Million within a couple of days! 😱 Cake Cream all acknowledged this too.


    Axl decided to make a list of things they bought and gave away.  Cake Cream were all up for this. Axl smiled. Axl wrote

    :book::shock:Hey this will be interesting.

    $5,000 for Axl's hospital stay(Axl's multiple gunshots)
    :blink:These boys live a fast life,:o
    $15,000 for James hospital stay(After James was hit in stomach by Jimmy's bass guitar)
    :blink: Thanks to that bitchy witch 
    $20,000 for Billy's hospital stay(After Billy was shot in stomach)
    :blink: I need air babe 
    $100,000 for Jimmy's Bail(Axl only)
    $10 Million for Billy's Bail(Axl only) 
    $18 Million to Woodstock
    $80,000 to reimburse the GoFundMe (Axl only) 
    $300 Million to Claven Records(To fix Claven Records corrupted files, for them to upgrade to new system, and to give Claven extra "fun," money)
    :P🥰 Fun money ....... Ah but Your Fictional Axl and Cake Cream are very philanthropic ...I don't know waht extra "fun" money is babe I adore that 😂 I hope the Claven Record company enjoy it. Put it to some good use.
    $300 Million to Allison Peters(To make her confess in Court she lied about everything in the prison interviews and to make her promise to never say anything damaging about Cake Cream and Axl)
    :anger:That is a shame really :bitchfight:but least she has shut her filthy trap. Fuckin gold digger witch. Choke on it 
    $100,000 for Axl's Bail(Axl only)
    $100,000 to Cake Cream (Axl only, to thank them for being good friends to him)
    :book::wub::hug:All of this page.. and This one here especially. Your Fictional Axl is selfless. 
    $250 Million to Brian Washington (Axl only, to get Brian to permanently leave Cake Cream alone)
    :max:This is so unfair 2 me. Can see what type of people these hound-dogs are. Him & Alison. nice. :max:
    $100 Million to Izzy(Axl only, to get Izzy to come back to Guns N'Roses)
    :dance:Oooh Jeffrey just come back . stop messing about fs
    $100 Million to Steven (Axl only, to get Steven to come back to Guns N'Roses) 
    :book:Saying nothing :awesomeface:LOL
    $200,000 to Brian Washington (Axl only, to get Brian Washington to permanently leave Cake Cream alone)
    :book:Well...If BW wasn't such a leech.....Wouldn't have to do this ! Choke on that  cash Washington! ugh:vomit:
    $150,000 Frequent First Class plane flights
    $100,000 for Food and drink(Such as constantly ordering food and drinks by delivery, grocery shopping, eating at Restaurants, buying popcorn and soda at movies, etc)
    :wub:You are so precise. You don't forget anything:shock:
    $150,000 Hotel stays(Luxurious Penthouse Suites and rooms)
    $500 Million to Cake Cream (Axl only, to buy Cake Cream Rights, Royalties, and name)
    :book:Good purchase Good move !
    $500 Million to Axl(Cake Cream for Axl being a good Manager and friend)
    :book::wub:Good. learning from the best.
    $25,000 in clothes
    $25,000 in personal hygiene and toiletries(Such as toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper, paper towels, soap, razors, etc
    $$10,000 in bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets
    :wub:YES Imperative!
    $1 Million to Axl(Cake Cream for Axl being their Lawyer)
    $100,000 to Melissa The Waitress (Axl only to make up for Mr. Wealthy scamming Melissa)
    :book:Your Fictional Axl , karice @Karice is very compassionate. :hug:Doesn't need to do this ..and he is almost taking the blame for that.
    $233 to Melissa The Waitress (Axl only, to pay for his own meal and Mr. Wealthy's meal)
    ^_^And again , an altruistic kind hearted action. 
    $50,000 in Utilities such as water, light, gas, air conditioning, phone, cable, internet)
    $6,000 in phone devices(Iphones for all 6)
    $6,000 for Meal for everybody (Axl only)
    :hug:Oh Your Fictional Axl takes alot on.
    $250 in Coke the drink(Axl only)
    :hug:Aw. Your baby needs his Coke beverage sometime.
    $60,000 in Entertainment(Such as movies, trips to Hawaii, trip to Canada, trip to Disney World, shopping at malls, 
    i:book: needed this unique read. It's a calming one. 
    $10,000 in regular healthcare
    $10,000 in hair care
    $$10,000 in insurance 
    $5,000 for Axl's therapy
    $5,000 for Andy's therapy
    :wub:Your guys are very ready for anything 
    $25,000 in Court Cases
    Which other bloody muppets cause. 
    $30,000 for Cocaine and Subutex (Billy only)
    ^_^Aw he takes care of his baby & brothers, and Cake Cream takes care of all their brothers.
    $30,000 in musical instruments
    $20,000 in miscellaneous things like dish washing soap, toiletries, played, silverware, cups, etc.
    $25,000 for Andy's vacation (Andy only)
    $ 600 Million to Billy, James, Jimmy, Mike, and Axl (Andy only, as an act of contrition for stealing 1.6 Billion)
    $30,000 in LYFT rides
    $700 Million to The Lottery for taxes(Andy only)
    $700 Million to The Lottery for taxes (Andy only)
    $100 Million to Andy(Billy, James, Mike, Jimmy, Axl for passing the loyalty test)
    i:max:f Andy had not been such a pest, & just be loyal doesn't need to pass any flipping test so wouldn't need to get paid the cheeky so & so.
    $120 Million to Claven Records(To buy back the Cake Cream Rights, Royalties, and name)
    ^_^Right yeah, Stay in control. 💯 The best second  purchase of all , first is health & well being.
    Axl made a list of their income
    $100,000 for Cake Cream Demo
    $10 Million for Axl from Older Axl 
    $50 Million for live  shows
    :book:Getting it all down on lists is such a sensible idea.
    $10 Million plus Royalties or Time For A New Era!(Axl only)
    $5 Million gift from Older Axl to Young Axl
    ...................:wub: it aint the £ thats getting me here - it's the thought he is like this throughout his life. 
    $20 Million plus Royalties for All The Sweet Filling
    $30 Million plus Royalties for Tasty Cake/Tasty Cake Reloaded
    $250 Million plus Royalties for Bronze Cake
    o:book:oh girl , Youre so on the money (excuse the pun lol
    $100 Million plus Royalties for Bitter Sweets(Axl only)
    $200 Million plus Royalties for Cream Rose
    :dance:These wonderful titles ....
    2.5 Billion from Brandon Records
    $500 Million for Lottery win(Andy only)
    $375 Million for Lottery win (Andy only)
    $1 Million for Billy's burned down house 
    😊 :hug:
    $500 Million for Royalties for all albums
    According to Axl's calculations, Cake Cream and he had earned a  combined net worth of roughly 4.5 Billion. And had spent about 2.5 billion, so they still had a combined net worth of about 2 Billion. Cake Cream and Axl all smiled.
    :book:How satisfying. What an unorthodox chapter. :oNever read anything like this.:o i for one, love this  darling. At least your boys all know where their hard earned income is going. and what is coming in .And  I think Your Fictional Axl was great to  take that time to do these two important recordings. There are no nasty surprises then^_^ Fabulous art. Karice thank You ^_^







    • GNFNR 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Karice said:

    @Karice Thank You very , very much for updating us on this journey. ^_^

    They got up the next day and ate and got ready for the day. The Rocking Rick interview went viral and lots of Fans were on Cake Cream and Axl's side.

    :wacko:Hey i bet. shes absolutely of an unsound mind, that one.
    Axl and Cake Cream were happy. A Judge called Axl's cellphone and  asked him if Cake Cream and Axl would like to press charges against Allson for her slanderous lies. Axl told the Judge to hold on and he did. Axl told Cake Cream that the Judge wanted to know if he and Cake Cream wanted to press charges against Allison for her slanderous lies. Cake Cream all said,"Yes." Axl said,"I want to press charges against Allison too."
    :book:karice . you are so , so precise! . i luv ya babe :hug:
    Axl went back to the phone call and told the Judge,"Yes, Cake Cream and I all want to press charges against Allison for her slanderous lies."
    :book:Good.  Theres no other option is there ?
    The Judge was like,"I don't blame you."
    The Judge said they could press charges against Allison tomorrow.
    :book:It's a sad decision to have to make  but that's what she gets for being so devilish.
    Axl thanked him and was welcomed. The Judge and Axl chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.
    Axl and Cake Cream chilled all day in the Luxurious Penthouse Suite. They fell asleep.
    They got up the next day and it was time to get ready for Allison's new Court Hearing. They got ready and ate and put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and went to the Courthouse. They got processed and went to the Court. This was being televised. 
    :wacko:Gosh being on the big screen again...
    Soon, Allison was brought in,  wearing her jail uniform.
    :book:Gosh vivid imagery the orange jump suit i'd say. 
     Cake Cream and Axl glared at Allison and she glared back. Allison's Court appointed Lawyer said that Allison didn't deserve to get charges pressed against her because Axl made her look bad in Court. 
    Axl countered with,"Allison Peters lied in Court about Jimmy and James Raping her because she wanted $100 Million, and  wanted revenge against Jimmy and James for dumping her. She made herself look bad, I wasn't the one who made her look bad.
    Allison said," You called me a Bitch in Back Off Bitch bar performance!"
    :rolleyes:Here she goes..
    Axl said,"I did no such thing. Back Off Bitch is just a Guns N'Roses song."
    Allison said,"You knew what you were doing, Axl singing that particular song!"
    Axl said,"I never said your name, so what you're saying is pure speculation."
    The Judge asked if Cake Cream and Axl wanted to press charges against Allison for the recent interviews she gave on the news.
    Billy, James, Jimmy, Mike, Andy and Axl all said,"Yes." 
    Allison's Court appointed Lawyer said,"If what Allison is true, Billy, James, Mike, Andy, and Jimmy should all be in jail for hiding Axl when he was a Fugitive and for perjury.Mike should be in jail for looking at Child Porn. Billy should be in jail for snorting Cocaine. 
    Allison smirked smugly.
    Axl asked Allison, "Miss Peters. Do you have concrete evidence or concrete proof that Mike was looking at Child Porn, that Billy snorted Cocaine, that Mike, James, Jimmy, Andy, and Billy hid me while I was a Fugitive on the run?" 
    Allison said,"I plead the fifth!" 
    Axl said,"I pause my case for now!" The Judge called an hour recess.  
    :wub:I for one,  love and i really appreciate when Your Fictional Axl takes  his lawyer position.
    Axl surmised that what Allison REALLY wanted was money. Most likely Millions. She was money obsessed and most likely would be willing to sign a Contract to get Millions of dollars. 
    Axl said to Cake Cream,"I'll bet Allison would be willing to sign a Contract that states she will confess in Court that everything she said in those prison interviews were lies and she NEVER says anything damaging about us again if she gets say $50 Million each from us."
    Billy, James, Jimmy, Mike and Andy were wary about them all paying Allison $300 Million to confess in Court that she was lying and that she was never allowed to say anything damaging about them ever again. They said they felt it was like a bribe.
    Axl said,"It is bribish, but we want Allison off our backs for good.
    :(Her being this type of leech, she doesn't ever go away if not.  A reaaaaaal blood sucker this girl.
    We've gotta lose the Battle and win the war on this one. Trust me. "
    :book:Nice quote here Karice. i like it. 
    Billy, James, Jimmy, Mike, and Andy tentatively chose to trust Axl. Axl smiled.
    :book:Intense read here..i'm emotionally screaming inside. Yes very intense currently.
    Axl and Cake Cream Drew up a Contract that stated that if Allison confessed in Court today that she lied about everything she said in those prison interviews and never said anything damaging about Cake Cream or Axl again, Cake Cream and Axl would all Zelle her $50 Million each.
    They all went up to Allison and Axl said,"Allison, we all know what this is all about. You want Millions of dollars from us. " Cake Cream backed up Axl. 
    Allison smirked sardonically. "No shit, Sherlock. Of course I want Millions of dollars from you guys. I need to be rich."
    :angry:What some would do for money..
    Axl smirked. He was right on the money, pun intended. ;)
    😂 She's a cow
    Cake Cream also all smirked.
    Axl said,"We're going to all give you $50 Million each!" Cake Cream all backed up Axl.
    Allison's eyes lit up!. "I'm going to be $300 Million richer!" 
    Axl said,"Yes, you are." Axl and Cake Cream presented her with the Contract.
    Allison read it and said,"This Contract states I have to confess in Court I was lying about everything I said in the Prison interviews and can't say anything bad about you guys ever again. I'm not sure I want to sign this.
    Axl said,"In order to get the $300 Million, you have to sign. $300 Million will be yours and you just have to do a couple of things.
    Allison said,"I do want the $300 Million.
    Axl said,"Like the song by Rick Springfield says,"It don't mean nothing until you sign it on the dotted line." Cake Cream all backed up Axl. 
    Allison read, understood, agreed, and signed. Axl signed as W. Axl Rose and Cake Cream all signed their full names. Cake Cream and Axl all smirked at Allison.
    There was still time left in the recess, and everybody ate, used the bathroom, used their phones, etc. 
    After the recess, Allison said to Court, "I lied about everything I said about Cake Cream and Axl in the prison interviews. I was just mad. I promise to never speak bad about them again." 
    Cake Cream and Axl all smirked and Zelled Allison $50 Million each. Cake Cream and Axl all knew that Allison wouldn't have access to the $300 Million behind bars while she was incarcerated. She'd have to wait until the rest of her year jail sentence was up to have access to the money. 
    The Judge was like,"Would Cake Cream and Axl still like to press charges against Allison now that she's confessed to lying about you guys in the prison interviews?"
    Cake Cream and Axl all smirked and said,"No we do not want to press charges against Allison. We just wanted her to confess in Court that she lied about everything she said about us in the prison interviews and she did. She also promised in Court to never say anything damaging about us."
    The Judge said,"Fair enough." He banged his gavel and said,"Court is adjourned." Allison was led back to prison to finish out her one year sentence for lying about James and Jimmy raping her. 
    :book::wub:Well there we go. Hopefully this has sealed everything. She cannot  speak with deceit n spite  anymore and Your Fictional  Axl & Cake Cream won't wake up to unreasonable interviews,  hear those pathetic attempts to degrade them in any more sneaky trashy lil  morning interviews  & what she lied up about , the reason why she's in prison make me sick to my stomach. To lie about something as ..horrific as rape , well/..She's dangerous.
    Cake Cream and Axl all went to the bar and had Coke and rum and just chilled, laying back and relaxing, happy that Allison confessed in Court the prison interviews were complete lies. 
    Fans asked them for Autographs and Selfies and they obliged. The Fans were happy and thanked them and they welcomed them. The Fans went back to their tables. After chilling in the bar, they went back to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and chilled more and fell asleep.
    ^_^Ah thanx so much for this one karice. I for one, do so love your court themed chapters and pieces. I for one , appreciate YFA lawyer. When he takes on his role as that solicitor. I love the imagery you are able to give me ,and all of the script. It's very intense to me. I appreciate these ones alot. 





    • GNFNR 1
  4. 1 hour ago, axl666 said:

    They're all a bit different in terms of why I don't like them. I guess I don't like songs that I don't think have good dynamics ( what you hear at the start is what you hear at the end); too mysogynistic; too self-pitying; or where the production hurts my ears (chorus of shacklers and prostitute).

    Some songs like back off bitch and oiam I can get something out of musically, mainly because of slashs playing, but I struggle with a lot lyrically and have largely phased them out.

    However what I like about gnr I really, really like and still listen to them more than any other band.

    Well. Fair enough

    Shotgun Blues  

    One in a Million  

  5. On 6/30/2023 at 9:25 AM, Leddy said:

    If you listen to the BBC sounds stream, as there's no video, for the most part you could be listening to classic GnR from any era, it's amazing how the aesthetic of them all being older colours your perception



    Thought provoking little post actually @Leddy iv'e changed my reaction from a like to a red rose since i think your post is pretty valid 

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