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Everything posted by Illusion1987

  1. I agree...those vocals were rough. The filters on the track is what makes the song. It's the whole concept behind the song! Imagine being in the audience to hear the old songs and this is your first time hearing that songs....a lot.of silence and WTF was that.
  2. Axl should have debuted the song in a humid climate- Texas, Louisiana, Florida,etc We have proof his voice, and rasp, is suited for that climate but he really struggles in arid or low humidity climates....like California. Surely, he's picked up on this.
  3. Very close to Axl although a little off but we'll done! Look how many people are crying in the audience....even Simon was like Wow!
  4. Exactly! Shackler's is the last piece 1) Monster- the Abuser 2) The General- the Abused 3) Shackler's- I'm going on a mass shooting rampage. Not exactly as much of a romanticized subject as Don't Cry + November Rain + Estranged
  5. The vocal effects are the whole concept behind the song. The vocal are supposed to be murky because it represents a child calling out for help but nobody can hear him/her or make out what they are saying. Those effects were deliberate
  6. The Intent is for some of the vocals on the General to be "murky". Think of an abused child crying out for help but nobody can hear him/her or what they hear they can't understand. The child, at that age, is having difficulty putting their feelings into words due to the pain they are feeling + inability to articulate at that age...it should sound like an incoherent emotional cry for help...and Axl nailed it!
  7. Now that we've heard The General and Monsters, could either song fit into the upcoming Napolean movie? Perhaps, parts of Monsters after Napoleon's ego takes over? If Ridley Scott was truly interested in using a GNR song, he would have heard these two a while back. We already know they use an Ozzy song in the trailer
  8. The General sounds like it is part one to Shackler's Revenge....right before he snaps
  9. OK..after multiple listens they are definitely companion songs ...and are both great pieces of art, when you consider the message The General is from the perspective of the victim.... one that goes from being submissive to avoid more harm from his/her abuser to imagining the day his/her abuser will be sorry they ever caused harm. Monsters is the inverse...a demented split personality. One that has good intentions of being 'there for you' but is corrupted by "the monsters". Axl does a brilliant jobs of using the pure vocals, the monsters in his head vocals, and then the abuser vocals. Well done, Axl!
  10. Serious question- what is stopping them from posting this on digital sites today? Those who want it on vinyl can still get it!
  11. No Way they got bumped. Currently, they are still one of the largest touring money makers in the United States. Not Taylor Swift or Beyonce level but they aren't forced to book House of Blues size venues
  12. What happened to that 56 page legal document threatening outlets not to release the vinyl early? I guess that was rubbish since nobody actually had the record. That's how quickly bad rumors spread here
  13. Why wouldn't they want to make money off if prople who want a digital copy??? If they deny us that, people will still find a way to get a copy (recording of the vinyl for free) and MANY may decide that's good enough...why do I need an official version? If you don't make the digital version available right away, you increase the likelihood that people will want it because they can hear it elsewhere. A vinyl only release is just dumb....they aren't THAT dumb
  14. Me too How awesome would it be if the General is in Napoleon. That movie is going to be watched by many and if it's iconic...many who have followed the band in a while may go...is that Guns N Roses? Sounds great!
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