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Posts posted by Schwarzgold

  1. I can't really see how anyone thought this was a good idea.

    1. I can't imagine there's much of a market anywhere in the world for pre-recorded concerts in movie theaters

    2. It's Guns N' Roses, not a big popular pop act that kids are willing to go watch

    3. It's New GNR, a band perceived as a joke by the general public

    4. Axl sounded awful in the trailers

    2 to 4 I agree on, but not number 1. Concerts in cinemas can be a very, very cool experience. And although such events will never generate income like movies, they are cool events with relatively small costs that lure people in the cinemas and remind them of them; a critical aspect for the cinemas nowadays.

  2. Just got his official email, saying that the shows in German cinemas is cancelled due to claims of "copyrightholders and band management".


    Liebe® Kinobesucher(in),

    bedauerlicherweise haben uns der Rechteinhaber und das Bandmanagement die Durchführung der geplanten Veranstaltung "GUNS N’ ROSES – LIVE in London 2012" am 29. Oktober kurzfristig abgesagt.

    Wir bedauern sehr, daß wir die Sonderveranstaltung daher leider nicht wie angekündigt durchführen können.

    Aus diesem Grund haben wir Ihre bereits getätigte Buchung komplett storniert, damit Sie so schnell wie möglich den gezahlten Ticketpreis zurückerhalten.

    Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Banklaufzeiten kann dies einige Tage in Anspruch nehmen.

    Wir bedauern die Unannehmlichkeiten und entschuldigen uns für die Umstände, die jedoch nicht von uns zu vertreten sind.

    In der Hoffnung, Sie bei der nächsten Sonderveranstaltung wieder in der UCI KINOWELT begrüßen zu dürfen, verbleiben wir

    mit besten Grüßen

    Georg Welles



    United Cinemas International Multiplex GmbH, Oskar-Hoffmann Str. 156, 44789 Bochum

    Geschäftsführer: Ralf Schilling, Knuth Schultchen

    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Bochum

    Handelsregister: Bochum, AG Bochum HRB 3657

    email: zentrale@uci-kinowelt.de


    United Cinemas International Multiplex Gesellschaft mbH, Shopping City Süd Top 43, 2351 Wiener Neudorf

    Geschäftsführer: Ralf Schilling, Knuth Schultchen

    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Wiener Neudorf

    Firmenbuchnummer: FN 39357 d, Firmenbuchgericht Landesgericht Wiener Neustadt

    email: zentrale@uci-kinowelt.de


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    Wir danken Ihnen für Ihre Zusammenarbeit.


    Aye, cancelled indeed: http://www.uci-kinowelt.de/Bad_Oeynhausen/Programm/NewsEvents/3591/5

  3. People still get their hopes up because of stuff like this?

    I'll be a drooling happy bunny once new music is released in whatever way, but expecting such a release because of a tweet, FB post, interview, whatever? Nobody who followed this band in the last 15 years should be so stu...optimistic. :rofl-lol:

  4. I know exactly what you mean, but I think Axl would be able to successfully combine a Doors melody on one hand with his personal musical style on the other hand. I wouldn't have thought that Knockin on Heaven's Door would be a great GNR tune - until they made it.

    So I'd simply be optimistic.

  5. very bad video compared to the ones made by the real gnr

    it looks so amateurish, like everything related to fakegnr

    Helllo. I wash rinse and repeat everything every other negative asshole says. Nice to meet you.

    Dude, go watch Paradise City, then watch this. It follows almost the exact same fucking formula. Get your head out of your ass and your life out of your parents' basement.

    great post :thumbsup:

    But the same recipe leads to a fundamentally different dish when it's done by an chef and an amateur. Of course it's the same principle, nothing to say against that. It's just badly done. I guess it's just a test, a visualization how the finished product SHOULD have looked.

    So, then it's not really about the type of video? It's about the band?

    Really, this isn't any different conceptually than the "Dead Horse" video, which was a live/rehearsal footage video done by the old band.


    Hi Ali,seems some can't do without their daily drama and dose of negativity.

    There is no pleasing some people,nothing .will ever measure up to their unjustified and unrealistic expectations.

    Funny how some of the most rabid ones either weren't around for the earlier lineup,and have never seen the current lineup live,basing their almighty opinions on Utube videos

    No, it's not about the band. It's just a cinematically bad video , that's what I meant with test - a test version by a cinematics company. Nothing bad about the concept of a performance/backstage video, I love it. But it has to be done properly. And while "Paradise City" had quality footage, good editing, rhythm, vibe and style, the "Better" video lacks all of it. Not the bands fault, though, of course.

    But expecting such basic craftmanship in a video is neither "unjustified" nor "unrealistic". A great band like Guns deserves great videos, made by good creative artists. And this video doesn't fulfill these standards - which very well may be the reason it never saw the light of day. Which would make the Guns camp a place of rabid negativity...

  6. very bad video compared to the ones made by the real gnr

    it looks so amateurish, like everything related to fakegnr

    Helllo. I wash rinse and repeat everything every other negative asshole says. Nice to meet you.

    Dude, go watch Paradise City, then watch this. It follows almost the exact same fucking formula. Get your head out of your ass and your life out of your parents' basement.

    great post :thumbsup:

    But the same recipe leads to a fundamentally different dish when it's done by an chef and an amateur. Of course it's the same principle, nothing to say against that. It's just badly done. I guess it's just a test, a visualization how the finished product SHOULD have looked.

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