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Nickelback - Dark Horse


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:lol: Don't listen to AC there fella's, I think he's retarded.

I love how you talk about everyone being "elitists" when you are the most arrogant, stuck up piece of shit on this forum. What's even worse is that your opinions that you rant about (like an idiot) are just stupid and you come off looking like a complete fool. You hide behind hating elitists only because you can't accept being told you're wrong. Which you are.

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:lol: Don't listen to AC there fella's, I think he's retarded.

I love how you talk about everyone being "elitists" when you are the most arrogant, stuck up piece of shit on this forum. What's even worse is that your opinions that you rant about (like an idiot) are just stupid and you come off looking like a complete fool. You hide behind hating elitists only because you can't accept being told you're wrong. Which you are.

Yes im elitist for defending a band who face's bias for something every band has done for years and years now , make the same catchy set of tune's andkeep the deep for when they buy the album.

Bias is what you and other's have , I like a shitload of bands from alot of era's and i never compared them to anything and gave every band a fair listen and found what i liked and enjoyed it.

You have a problem my dumbass , your sexual repression is leaking ur stupidity, get get laid.

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Liking music with some meaning doesn't mean you don't get laid. You do, however, get laid by more intelligent people. People who can see the difference between Nickelback and Bruce Springsteen.

again , apple's and orange's , i like to relax to springtseen sometimes and i know full well if i wanna work out or goto a party i wanna hear something like animal or something in your mouth ....70's springsteen is good for getting high though.

point is dont criticise a band like your opinion is the opinion of the mass's , dont generalise taste and simply state u dont enjoy nickelback's style instead f trashing and demeening a band , its disguisting and " stuck up" ,funky monk , im sorry ur still up my ass , im constipated , need some fruit , your a real big one aint you.

Edited by Assassin's Creed
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pfft. some of you have some big stick's up ur ass's. its JUST music , no such thing as special music and shity music , poeple buy nickelback albums because they can relate to them , because there fun to listen too , excuse those who want to live there life instead of jerking off to some 8 miniute albatross on a saturday.

some of u should get live's , seriously. get over ur selves , there is no such thing as elite listener's , you're all just consumer's of a product nothing more,you say its made for radio , well so was aerosmith (elevator , dude look's like a lady) cheap trick (the flame) , bruce springsteen (born in the u.s.a , dancing in the dark) and dont even get me started on KISS. At the end of the fucking day the single's are meant to be easy fun no brainer's to get u to buy the album and listen to the heavier song's on there , emotionaly and musically , for dark horse i thought some of the song's showcased more mature song writing and true guitar ability's like just to get high and if today was your last day.

go get laid , your hero's sure made that clear lyrically.

dude you suck

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Nickelback is just rock music for people who don't normally listen to rock music. Most sane-minded rock fans listen to a Nickelback song and realise how boringly basic it is, how safe it is and reject it. Their songwriting isn't even good for their brand of watered-down mum-metal.

Couldn't agree more!!! VERY good post!!!

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Moment of truth, Nickleback is locked and loaded.

I'm completely biased and expect it to suck epically btw.

It's a good riff but the lyrics do make me laugh, suppose they are supposed to.

Ok, Paranoid-riff - for me it's just the lyrics really suck.

It might be good when you are completely hammered but in the cold light of day it's laughably bad, not the music it gallops along pretty nice and like hows it put together but the production seems to be muddy, cant hear shit however loud it is.

But I'm sort of glad I got this instead of AC/DC which might have been too boring...at least this is entertaining.

Oh, wait a ballad, I love ballads. It's nice in a generic unchallenging way, these type of songs make me sad, not sure if it's because it's depressingly boring or it's connecting with me on an emotinal level. Lyrics suck again. It's like a more commercial Aerosmith. Again the production is killing me.

Track 4 - Like wounded soldiers! Please help me.

This is like Def Leppard without the whoahs.

Damn, the cover really really sucks. I mean if you were going go generic you'd pick a belt buckle - that's what they did!

Nickleback are really all about the dollars - they are almost santanically shit.

Ok, I'm in pain now. I'm hoping for the track to end, nothing is happening. I desperately want it to. Ok there was a nice little break. Chad just seems like a terminally great guy.

Track 5 is a bit more prmomising. I wanna do it til the sun comes up? He might want to but it's never gonna happen.

Hold on here we go!

I have to say the lyrics suck.

It's high octane stuff of little substance. Might be good live.

Why does everything sound like Shackler's Revenge?

Ok a Metallica-ballad - it's horrible. But a solo, almost. No, no solo - that was just an idea.

Now he's gonna take down More than Words? Electric acoustic sensitivity, it actually hurts. Lighters out. Swaying and shit. Interesting break down, in context of intolerable boredom.

Shakin' hands - if this isn't about sucking I'll be surprised. No, it's about hand jobs. Back Off Money For Nothing. It's a fun track in an obvious. It's professional song, well worked through. If Motely Crue did it would rule.

S.E.X.? This is the Silkworms of DH. Best so far, nice solo, better lyrics - sounding original. I could listen to that again one day, when I've recovered from this purgatory.

Last two.

Oh, shut up, another earnest ballad? Drop the rap song, come on, nothing to lose? This is a remake of I'd come for you - a remake on the same album is just not good enough. This is how If The World would sound if covered by Nickleback. There's somethig nice about it though. wah those drums are disturbing.

Last one.

This Afternoon - acoustic party - Rock Star 2? Weed? Yes, please.

Why are all bars seedy? Saved the gayest for last. It's not a party I want to attend.

It might be completely awful but I might too biased to tell.

It has a nice rock friendly sound but there was nothing of interest on the whole cd - nothing I would listen to again apart from S.E.X.. It was inoffensive, tortorously boring and I couldn't take another song. Some of rockers sound ok but the "hot body" lyrics just ruin it. Might sound better in a bar than on headphones, just playing in the background or on the radio, one song at a time. The album is hard to get through.

"You'd look cuter with something in you're mouth" lol

Well, they got my money anyway. That's what counts. I respect them for the talent they have, just wish they took more risks.

"satanically generic." - wasted, 2008.

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Serious though, it is bad, isn't it? I mean what is redeeming element here?

I can see how it might be more interesting than an AC/DC album and they might be the Nu Rock AC/DC. But AC/DC is good, so that's a factor.

I mean he shouldn't be doing this more modern sound. It should be all Bruce Springsteen style. Going Slipknot isn't right cos he's not a horror jack ass. Also, write some decent lyrics? Anything that sounds too famliar like "seedy bar" has to go, it's lyric 101. Seedy bar - tidy bra? That'll do.

I guess he's all wrecked up on hookers so he doesn't care.

"Do less coke, or do more coke, but you gotta give me something here!" - Harvey Keitel in Dangerous Game.

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