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Ted Nugent

Calm Like A Bomb

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I've recently been getting into his stuff although i say his stuff but of course i mean Derek St Holmes, Rob Grange, Clifford Davies and of course Ted himself. I think he's an amazing guitarist and Derek has in my opinion one of the greatest voices in rock and is very underrated not to mention the band as a whole. Yes they had a time when they hit their peak but i still don't think the band get as much credit as they deserve. When it comes to Ted's life outside of music i couldn't give two shits, the guy can play guitar superbly and anything else he does i don't pay attention to as it's up to him at the end of the day. My favourite songs they did though have to be Just What The Doctor Ordered, Stranglehold, Where Have You Been All My Life, Writing On The Wall, Cat Scratch Fever and Dog Eat Dog.

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I saw Sweaty Teddy in 1986 opening for Aerosmith. He did something pretty cool. With the house lights still on, he came out from behind the drum riser, the crowd went nuts. Then some hot chic dressed in lingerie walked out carrying his guitar. Then the lights went out and he started his set. Before he started his set he said something like, "Look at these motherfuckers in the front row! You mother fuckers look like you're about to jack off!"

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Not a diehard fan or anything, but yeah I appreciate his stuff. Like "Fred Bear"

That's one of my favorites by him. Pretty extreme personality--seems most people either love him or hate him. I love him. :wub:

Last I knew he had a cabin up here about 25-30 miles from my house.

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Not a diehard fan or anything, but yeah I appreciate his stuff. Like "Fred Bear"

Last I knew he had a cabin up here about 25-30 miles from my house.

Yikes, whatever you do, don't leave the house in a fur coat. He might think you're a critter and put an arrow in your back... :tongue2:

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Not a diehard fan or anything, but yeah I appreciate his stuff. Like "Fred Bear"

Last I knew he had a cabin up here about 25-30 miles from my house.

Yikes, whatever you do, don't leave the house in a fur coat. He might think you're a critter and put an arrow in your back... :tongue2:

That's just the law of the land around these parts, taught it from birth. :lol: Big hunting area here. We KNOW how to survive. :xmassrudolph:

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