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Is GNR still signed to Geffen/Universal?


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In the Billboard interview, one of the 2 interviews Axl gave in the months after Chinese Democracy was released, Axl seemed to throw everything but the kitchen sink at the record company, spending much of the interview venting about his problems with them.

We spend a lot of time speculating about the next album and what form it will take, while skipping over the bigger picture...Who is going to release this album for the band?

Do they have a contractual obligation to release the next album under Geffen or Universal?

Is Axl perhaps playing hardball and holding the next album "hostage" until he is assured that, unlike CD, it will be promoted to his satisifaction?

I just hope whatever issues he has with them can be resolved before it hinders the release of the next album any further.

EDIT: When Merck was around, all Madison would have to do is shoot him an email, typically garnering a prompt reply. It's a shame we now have to resort to speculation at every turn these days about these and similar issues.

Edited by sofine11
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I know Metal Sludge is not a source but there are plenty of well connected people in the Industry on there and a well respected ,legitimate poster said that GNR are under contract for three more studio albums. I'll try and dig up the post as he went into great detail about it recently. You guys can call bullshit but the guy has connections and is legit.

Yup - I call bullshit. Not that you're lying, but that Sludge has any respected posters. Sludge has got to be the most pathetic bunch of rejects and social maladjusts I've ever seen. Seriously, it's sad. I used to lurk those boards back before they died - so about... 6-8 years ago - and they were pathetic then, but at least amusing and active. Now, it's a graveyard of crybabies bemoaning a past era and wishing for the "glory days" of hair metal. 40 and 50 year olds calling each other gay and threatening to beat each other up. It lost it's amusing status ages ago and went to just plain retarded.

So personally - I wouldn't believe anything posted there, or at the very least I'd be taking it with a boulder-sized grain of salt.

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Sludge broke that story 5 days ahead of the announcement: http://www.mygnrforum.com/index.php?showtopic=146837&view=findpost&p=2391149

Now: Back on topic.

According to Jarmo they are still signed to Geffen/Universal.

I always thought they owed one more album after Chinese Democracy, but I have no info to back that up. I probably read it here.

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According to Jarmo they are still signed to Geffen/Universal.

I always thought they owed one more album after Chinese Democracy, but I have no info to back that up. I probably read it here.

My GUESS would be that once the album racked up a huge bill, they probably changed things so that the recording sessions would be used for a multi-ablum 'trilogy' of albums.

Axl, himself, stated that the original plan was to release 3 albums over a 3 year period while touring throughout that timeframe. Now that we know that's not happening I still believe that, barring the seemingly inevitable b.s., we should expect the next ablum (gulp) sooner than later.

However, as of last February, Axl seemed to be at odds with the record company. How that will affect the scheduling for the next album's release is yet to be seen.

I will say that Axl's aversion to anwering questions about the next album during that Del interview was pretty telling. :(

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But then what he do for money? Unless he's set life I guess.

If Axl was free from the record company he could presumably go the Nine Inch Nails route and release all kinds of goodies for his hardcore fans i.e. deluxe box sets, cheap downloads, and everything in-between.

Wasn't there some talk a while back in the early fall about the possibility of some "digital downloads" being made available in early '10. I swear I'm not pulling that out of my ass.

Either way, it would be a really cool gesture on Axl's part if he surprised fans this way. It would also be an excellent chance for him to put out the rest of the CD era songs, so this current band could move forward with writing new music together.

Keep in mind they haven't done that in any real capacity since like 2002.

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The record label owns everything he recorded during the CD period, so even if he got dropped or decided never to release a proper album again it is not like he could just put all that stuff on the internet for fans to download.

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The record label owns everything he recorded during the CD period, so even if he got dropped or decided never to release a proper album again it is not like he could just put all that stuff on the internet for fans to download.

Regardless of what their feelings are for Axl Rose and vice versa, now that CD has been more than paid off and has even been profitable, they both only stand to make money from the release of the next album.

My guess is that Geffen/Universal wants this thing ASAP. But then again, the goings on of this process has been shrowded with so much b.s. and mystery that it's almost impossible to tell what anyone wants.

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Considering the debt has been wiped clean I reckon Universal will want the album as soon as possible before they have to put anymore money into it. The last one was in the top 20 selling albums of the year and that was without a proper promotional push so you would assume a second one with proper promotion would fetch them a tidy sum.

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But then what he do for money? Unless he's set life I guess.

If Axl was free from the record company he could presumably go the Nine Inch Nails route and release all kinds of goodies for his hardcore fans i.e. deluxe box sets, cheap downloads, and everything in-between.

Rednex (remember them?) have released their latest single exclusivley through the pirate bay, Axl could follow suit! :thumbsup:

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I know Metal Sludge is not a source but there are plenty of well connected people in the Industry on there and a well respected ,legitimate poster said that GNR are under contract for three more studio albums. I'll try and dig up the post as he went into great detail about it recently. You guys can call bullshit but the guy has connections and is legit.

If you could dig up that post it would be much appreciated :)

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I think that the fact that there is a world tour with rather huge production going on right now is a good sign that GnR is still signed to Geffen/Universal.

As regards a new album, I suppose that Axl doesn't consider the "new" record done as it is right now and will probably want to re-record some parts with Ferrer, Bumblefoot and especially DJ now that the band has a newfound chemistry.

I honnestly don't think that it's the best he could do but he will probably wanna do that. And I'm not sure Geffen will be happy to hear about new Chinese democracy recording sessions...but on the other hand, I think they will hate it less than the idea of recording something new from scratch ( even though that's what I would want to hear ).

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Didn't Axl himself say on Twitter when they started the Asia tour. "This is the first tour that we don't have to deal with the record company. Maybe I read too much into it. I'd believe Jarmo over Metalsludge though. If Interscope/Geffen have dropped GNR. They're crazy. Remember, Axl himself said he has CD2 ready to go and also wants to re-release AFD with the new band as well. Don't count out Guns N' Roses yet!!!

Edited by MicEffecT
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Didn't Axl himself say on Twitter when they started the Asia tour. "This is the first tour that we don't have to deal with the record company. Maybe I read too much into it. I'd believe Jarmo over Metalsludge though. If Interscope/Geffen have dropped GNR. They're crazy. Remember, Axl himself said he has CD2 ready to go and also wants to re-release AFD with the new band as well. Don't count out Guns N' Roses yet!!!

Interesting. <_<

I'm hoping that Axl releases more new music. :thumbsup:

Not so sure about re-releasing AFD though. :shrugs::thumbsdown::question:

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Remember, Axl himself said he has CD2 ready to go and also wants to re-release AFD with the new band as well. Don't count out Guns N' Roses yet!!!

Absolutely none of that is true.

I was going by memory from Axl's posts in 2008. I could have sworn he mentioned "re-recording Appetite with the new line-up" As for the Twitter thing, I can't confirm that. I checked Axl's Twitter page but his updates don't go back that far.

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