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Let's all take a minute and remember why we are here

Demon Wolf

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Why I keep feeding the cupcake is beyond me.

Good one.

People don't want certain people to have certain opinions so they try an shut them down. It's fucking hilarious

No doubt.

You can love every album that GNR has put out cept CD...and suddenly you're not a fan according to some here. Even though, you own multiple copies of albums, t-shirts, seen them live a couple of times etc etc.


Sunny Dre,you come here and whine,bitch and moan about what GNR is or is not doing to satisfy your little desires and wants,you bash and trash the band on a regular basis undeniably,Do I think you are a fan,no,I think you have an unhealthy obsession with GNR and

throw bitch fits because GNR doesn't do things the way you would like them done,tough shit,ain't gonna happen,noway,nohow, since you seem to be my official stalker,don't forget to include this in my truncated quotes you've been posting. :lol:

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I very rarely is EVER insult anyone around here.
Two or three little bitches don't like what I said...

Lol, I know this, I just don't like the songs. The dude told me to elaborate on my opinion, so I decided to be a douche because I really CAN'T elaborate. I'm just here to piss people off because I have no self esteem in the real world and it makes me feel like big man.


Edited by LightningBolt
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I'm not here because of Axl Rose. I became a fan of Guns N Roses after I bought Appetite For Destruction on cassette in 1988. I didn't even know who Axl Rose was. All I knew was that the record was suppose to be really good and so, on a whim, I bought it.

The band and sound....as a whole, is why I became a fan.

Newsflash, those guys aren't in the band anymore - sorry to break it to you like this! It's only Axl Rose that's left from your favorite line-up, you're on the wrong site! A few of the other guys got together and formed a band called 'Velvet Revolver'... here check them out: http://www.velvetrevolver.com/

Take care man, bye.

It was so benevolent for you to point that out, we should be kind to the mentally deficient, apparantly he was in the dark on the issue :lol:

and nice post demonwolf. :thumbsup:

It's humorous to me how you very rarely pose an argument without also making some little, Jr. high school douchey insult. Does it serve a purpose? Is your life that dark outside of the internet that you need to act a douche to everyone online? Because seems to me, that's all it could be.

I very rarely is EVER insult anyone around here. I speak my mind on the subject, without filter, and alot of the time that becomes a lightning rod (but isn't that the case when ANYONE does the same thing publicly?) but I don't just act like an asshole for the sake of acting like an asshole. I sort of....grew up.

There's a word for people who speak their minds without a filter - they're called Sociopaths.

Did you check out that site?

You just called Axl Rose a sociopath.

Na, I called you one. We weren't talking about Axl Rose - great comeback chump.

Yes, you did. He speaks without filter. Go to youtube, type "Axl Rose rants" and see for yourself. Axl's "glorious" Madison rant is yet another fine example of a guy who just fucking blurts whatever he's thinking right out of his mouth at any given time.

So, yes...you just called him a sociopath. I personally don't buy your definition but then again, I know you're just trying to be a douche bag so...it really doesn't matter.

No I didn't, I called you one. You said "I speak my mind on the subject, without filter", I said YOU were a sociopath - why is that so hard for you to grasp? We weren't talking about Axl Rose, we were talking about you. I really have no interest in whether he is a sociopath or not, stop changing the subject, we were talking about YOU! Don't be so shy, this is YOUR moment - YOUR chance to shine!

I'm sorry man, I assumed they educated you at School - my bad. It's not 'my' definition, it's actually like, what a Sociopath is all about - uhh K? If you "speak your mind without a filter" you are a Sociopath.

... And since you're just dying for me to bite on your Axl Rose comments - I will. Axl Rose is NOT a Sociopath, he speaks his mind. He has a filter, which he uses (check out his forum chats and refusal to answer questions regarding VR etc - that was his filter, he actually refuses to speak on a lot of subjects - not the traits of a sociopath at all). So, suck it.. looks like you're the only one who "speaks your mind without a filter" - you're on your own - prick.

You're confusing a phrase with actual scientific definition. When someone says "I don't filter what I say", it doesn't mean they can't. It means they elect not to. The people out there that literally can't do it, that's something entirely different.

But again, you already know this. Why I keep feeding the cupcake is beyond me.

I'm not confusing anything with anything, and now you're talking yourself in circles. Just shut it, no one's interested in how you got into GN'R, what your favorite album is, or what you think about this or that. You are the cupcake... I think that's pretty obvious to most people around here (considering the cold reception each one of your posts gets).

Keep trolling!

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Just shut it

Sorry chachi....that aint gonna happen.


At least you piped down a little, you were beginning to give me a headache.

He gives me irritable bowels because what I expel resembles what comes out of his mouth, this was intended to be a positive thread but nintari always has to inject his negativity into each thread, I'm here for GNR 2010. :nod:

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Just shut it

Sorry chachi....that aint gonna happen.


At least you piped down a little, you were beginning to give me a headache.

He gives me irritable bowels because what I expel resembles what comes out of his mouth, this was intended to be a positive thread but nintari always has to inject his negativity into each thread, I'm here for GNR 2010. :nod:

But....you just "polluted" the mash up thread. Which is it? Are you for positivity, or not?

You don't have to answer....because we already know.

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I'm not confusing anything with anything, and now you're talking yourself in circles. Just shut it, no one's interested in how you got into GN'R, what your favorite album is, or what you think about this or that. You are the cupcake... I think that's pretty obvious to most people around here (considering the cold reception each one of your posts gets).

Keep trolling!

nintari is one of the biggest loser cupcakes on this board i've ever seen

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I'm not confusing anything with anything, and now you're talking yourself in circles. Just shut it, no one's interested in how you got into GN'R, what your favorite album is, or what you think about this or that. You are the cupcake... I think that's pretty obvious to most people around here (considering the cold reception each one of your posts gets).

Keep trolling!

nintari is one of the biggest loser cupcakes on this board i've ever seen

lol..go look at your post history. You were polluting the mash up thread with negativity as well. You guys are all the fucking same. If someone isn't positive about anything new GNR, they're a cupcake. Yet, you're all free to rip on the old band/Slash/old fans all you want and it's perfectly acceptable. It's damn near ridiculous.

Personally, I don't care about what people think as long as the personal insults stay out of it. Seems most around here can't handle that though.

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I'm not confusing anything with anything, and now you're talking yourself in circles. Just shut it, no one's interested in how you got into GN'R, what your favorite album is, or what you think about this or that. You are the cupcake... I think that's pretty obvious to most people around here (considering the cold reception each one of your posts gets).

Keep trolling!

nintari is one of the biggest loser cupcakes on this board i've ever seen

lol..go look at your post history. You were polluting the mash up thread with negativity as well. You guys are all the fucking same. If someone isn't positive about anything new GNR, they're a cupcake. Yet, you're all free to rip on the old band/Slash/old fans all you want and it's perfectly acceptable. It's damn near ridiculous.

Personally, I don't care about what people think as long as the personal insults stay out of it. Seems most around here can't handle that though.

That is quite hypocritcal of you bearing in mind you said about me:

You would too if you if you were 20 years old and still played make believe.

So lets just keep personal insults out of this.

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I'm not confusing anything with anything, and now you're talking yourself in circles. Just shut it, no one's interested in how you got into GN'R, what your favorite album is, or what you think about this or that. You are the cupcake... I think that's pretty obvious to most people around here (considering the cold reception each one of your posts gets).

Keep trolling!

nintari is one of the biggest loser cupcakes on this board i've ever seen

lol..go look at your post history. You were polluting the mash up thread with negativity as well. You guys are all the fucking same. If someone isn't positive about anything new GNR, they're a cupcake. Yet, you're all free to rip on the old band/Slash/old fans all you want and it's perfectly acceptable. It's damn near ridiculous.

Personally, I don't care about what people think as long as the personal insults stay out of it. Seems most around here can't handle that though.

That is quite hypocritcal of you bearing in mind you said about me:

You would too if you if you were 20 years old and still played make believe.

So lets just keep personal insults out of this.

Nice. Now try an find some unprovoked quotes.

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I'm not confusing anything with anything, and now you're talking yourself in circles. Just shut it, no one's interested in how you got into GN'R, what your favorite album is, or what you think about this or that. You are the cupcake... I think that's pretty obvious to most people around here (considering the cold reception each one of your posts gets).

Keep trolling!

nintari is one of the biggest loser cupcakes on this board i've ever seen

lol..go look at your post history. You were polluting the mash up thread with negativity as well. You guys are all the fucking same. If someone isn't positive about anything new GNR, they're a cupcake. Yet, you're all free to rip on the old band/Slash/old fans all you want and it's perfectly acceptable. It's damn near ridiculous.

Personally, I don't care about what people think as long as the personal insults stay out of it. Seems most around here can't handle that though.

That is quite hypocritcal of you bearing in mind you said about me:

You would too if you if you were 20 years old and still played make believe.

So lets just keep personal insults out of this.

Nice. Now try an find some unprovoked quotes.

Funny because that was unprovoked, that wasn't in reply to me directly but rather another member who said something about me.

But it works both ways, you provoke people too and I will be first to admit I have insulted you aswell.

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I just quoted two insults from Nintardo on the last page, I think, that he conveniently overlooked.

Oh but it's okay to insult someone when they are provoked.

So basically if I say I don't agree with your opinion you can insult me as I am provoking you :thumbsup:

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You guys are delusional.

Nintari is one the best posters on this board.

I get tired of lol Slash, Slash is a sellout, VR sucks, Axl wrote all the songs, Adler sucks cock etc. posts.

Nice to have a guy around here that's willing to reply to some of the bullshit, the GNREducators around here spout.

Edited by SunnyDRE
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You guys are delusional.

Nintari is one the best poster's on this board.

I get tired of lol Slash, Slash is a sellout, VR sucks, Axl wrote all the songs, Adler sucks cock etc. posts.

Nice to have a guy around here that's willing to reply to some of the bullshit, the GNREducators around here spout.

It's not what they post it is how they post.

Take GNRDave, the points he made were very valid. However whenever someone disagreed with him he would laugh at them, say they were wrong, delusional, stupid, idiotic and repeatedly post the same thing while not adding anything to the argument.

I am not saying Nintari is as bad as GNRDave is atall but discussing posts and opinions is alot better than saying someone is wrong for disagreeing and letting it descend into chaos. Now Nintari isn't the only person that does this and it happens to posters on both sides of the fence and at times it gets very old.

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It's easy to forget sometimes, when you are caught in an uphill struggle, but today I came across this again:

Through all the good and bad... that's why I am a fan of Axl Rose, and always will be, no matter what. On stage he has always been, and will always be, the very best.

Well I enjoyed that.

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Look, there was something someone once said to me that I'll never forget. He said "When you're going to be genuine and speak your mind, you're going to be a polarizing individual. You can't have it both ways. Half of them will love you for it, the other half will want to eat your children etc.".

That's pretty much how it is. I'm not out to ruin someones day or make them upset. I'm not here to hurt anyone's feelings or drag them down. I'm just here because I'm a GNR fan and I like to keep up with anything GNR related. When I see a post or thread that provokes thought, I chime in with my view and or opinion no matter what it is. Unlike some others around here I'm far more moderate in my views. Axl is not Jesus Christ to me and his shit DOES stink. Having said that, I appreciate his talent and ability to do what it is that he does. I'm just not blinded by fanboyism to the point where I can't see the obvious flaws in the man and his work.

If that pisses some of you off, I'm sorry, but this is who I am. I'm not asking you to change and riding your ass because you think TWAT is better then Estranged. So don't ride mine when I say Estranged blows TWAT away. It's as simple as that imo. You can disagree with me as much as you want and that's fine but leave it at that. There's no need to get into the insults and by doing so, you're just making yourself look like a little juvenile prick who can't argue without it.

Edited by Nintari
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It's quite obvious Nintari is here for the original GNR, which is a sub-section below this one I may add - why don't you post there? geunine constructive criticism is fair enough, but I believe it's something entirely different when all somebody does is criticise. :shrugs:

Edited by MoonWalker
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It's quite obvious Nintari is here for the original GNR, which is a sub-section below this one I may add - why don't you post there? geunine constructive criticism is fair enough, but I believe it's something entirely different when all somebody does is criticise. :shrugs:

this section is named "GNR - DISCUSSION & NEWS", right?

it's strange that gnr fans have several conceptions of Guns N Roses.

there can be the only one Guns N Roses:

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It's quite obvious Nintari is here for the original GNR, which is a sub-section below this one I may add - why don't you post there? geunine constructive criticism is fair enough, but I believe it's something entirely different when all somebody does is criticise. :shrugs:

I've said plenty of positive things, but those are systematically ignored.

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It's quite obvious Nintari is here for the original GNR, which is a sub-section below this one I may add - why don't you post there? geunine constructive criticism is fair enough, but I believe it's something entirely different when all somebody does is criticise. :shrugs:

this section is named "GNR - DISCUSSION & NEWS", right?

it's strange that gnr fans have several conceptions of Guns N Roses.

there can be the only one Guns N Roses:

when the one below is labeled "original lineup", its clear this one is meant for Guns N' Roses as in the present day. It is what it is.

lol..go look at your post history. You were polluting the mash up thread with negativity as well. You guys are all the fucking same. If someone isn't positive about anything new GNR, they're a cupcake. Yet, you're all free to rip on the old band/Slash/old fans all you want and it's perfectly acceptable. It's damn near ridiculous.

Personally, I don't care about what people think as long as the personal insults stay out of it. Seems most around here can't handle that though.

i dont' normally bash anything related to the old guns. notice i dont even go into those areas of the board.

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