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how will NuGNR show they have even bigger balls?


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okay, reading was awesome proof that nugnr has the big balls. as one of the new guitarists pointed out, no other band would have the balls to continually take the stage so late that their shows get cancelled mid-song. it's rock n' fucking roll to the core. just like the glory days.

but after this latest cancellation, they've really set the bar high for how big their rock balls are. where do they go now? how will the new band possibly manage to top their last amazingly aborted performance?

personally, i think they should take the stage without their instruments and say something like "hey fuckfaces who paid to see us play... guess what, we ain't playin' shit!" then just stand there until the "show time" is over. that would be a very powerful statement to make to everyone... managers who expect them to deliver, promoters who expect them to perform, industry executives who expect "bands" to make "music," even fans who expect to see a show when they buy a ticket. it's like the ultimate fuck you to the man who tries to tell this band how to behave.

not to mention it would also be a brilliant piece of social protest performance art that would make everyone reflect on the nature of art itself. is it the song? or is it how the song makes us feel? if it's the later, than can the absence of the song still be as evocative as the song itself? after paying all that money to see another non-show, my blood would be more full of rage than after listening to shackler's revenge. couldn't that be a powerful instigation for some self-reflection? and isn't that what art's supposed to do anyway? like in a john cage kinda way.

oh shit, and you know what would be an even ballsier for the new band to do? get all 12 members to line up on the edge of the stage and piss on the people who paid top dollar and waited all day to be on the front row. man, that would be awesome. and the new band could be so proud of themselves.

Edited by HisRoyalSweetness
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personally, i think they should take the stage without their instruments and say something like "hey fuckfaces who paid to see us play... guess what, we ain't playin' shit!" then just stand there until the "show time" is over. that would be a very powerful statement to make to everyone... managers who expect them to deliver, promoters who expect them to perform, industry executives who expect "bands" to make "music," even fans who expect to see a show when they buy a ticket. it's like the ultimate fuck you to the man who tries to tell this band how to behave.


Sadly, I could see Axl pulling something like that.

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ffs sometimes i wonder if im the only person over 12 years old on here :rofl-lol: the best thing they can do is turn up on time, play the set that people have paid to see and then go home, forget this shite of what can they do to show they have big baws pish, fans have paid to see them, thats the only thing they should care about

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yeah guys, all your suggestions rock, the fans attending tonights show would totally understand and think it's no biggie

seriously, the fans should never be the ones suffering, axl and the band wouldn't win anything by doing such a shitty thing, they'd only lose.. why stoop to a douchebags level?

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I think it would be terribly ballsy of them to go on stage every night at the dot of 9 with final encore finished at the dot of 10:45.

The fans would be in the parking lot and on their way to the local drive through for a quick snack on their way home for a proper nights' rest before school or work the next day.

This will be even more amazing if there ever is a reunion with the original guys.

I mean...holy fuck...what an awesome way to present material from Appetite For Destruction live!

Can't wait my fellow GnR fuckers! rock3

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GN'R don't have balls. How about grow a pair of balls and put out an album? We all know CD was forced out after 15 years, and Axl sulked and refused to promote it because it wasn't released on his terms. Name another band that don't release material?

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