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OH Dear in trouble for late start last night read on


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10:35 is fucking early!

you are right, I mean most times it well after 11pm, give me a fucking break. Anyone with a early bed time don't see Guns, has no one learned this yet?

The public don't give a shit. They're the majority of the people buying tickets for these shows, and they're buying a service they expect to be on time, just like every other artist in the planet seems to be. Sure, in GNR world, 10.35pm isn't TOO bad, it's still not great (you have to understand that most acts are on between 8pm - 9pm here), but it's not too bad.

In general terms, it's still a fucking disgrace.

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Why is 10:30 pm considered a late start time in England and Ireland? Are people there usually passed out by then? 10:30 pm is considered an early start time for Axl in North America. I don't even bother entering the venue until 10 pm whenever I go see GNR.

Edited by ITW 2012
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What I don't get is if you were going on a night out like to a club or something, most people would only go out at about 10.30. Being home for 1 am or so would be fairly early. yet people will make arrangements to get a taxi home for that. Surely is a rock gig not just another form of night out?

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I was at the Manchester gig.....yeah they were late, but it didn't bother me, coz i new they would be late anyway.

The curfew is 11pm ( I hate curfews there dumb) for the Arena and they never came on till about 10:30pm so i kinda thought oh shit they will probably only be able to play a few songs but no.....they played a 3hour set! they never went of stage till nealry 1:30am....and the concert was AMAZING! they got a good reception to and Axl was in a really good mood he was laughing and smiling through the whole gig.

In my opinion they were definelty worth the wait! I would go see them again in a heartbeat! i'm now broke though but it was so worth it! Best night of my life!!!!


Edited by Drifter
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Why is 10:30 pm considered a late start time in England and Ireland? Are people there usually passed out by then? 10:30 pm is considered an early start time for Axl in North America. I don't even bother entering the venue until 10 pm whenever I go see GNR.

Key words being: "for Axl." The general public don't want to put up with his shit, every other act manages to get on stage at the usual time. It partly killed old GNR and it'll partly kill new GNR.

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I guess 10:30 is late in Uk as culturally we are used to pubs closing after 11pm. - so evenings start at7.30 downing as many drinks as possible in a short space of time!

Anyhow, personally me and my mates knew it would be late, got a hotel room sorted for the O2 gig and got lashed and rocked all night like Seb Bach told us to! :thumbsup:

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Why is 10:30 pm considered a late start time in England and Ireland? Are people there usually passed out by then? 10:30 pm is considered an early start time for Axl in North America. I don't even bother entering the venue until 10 pm whenever I go see GNR.

Key words being: "for Axl." The general public don't want to put up with his shit, every other act manages to get on stage at the usual time. It partly killed old GNR and it'll partly kill new GNR.

Even the arena's statement makes it clear: It's no big secret they play late and the fans are aware of this.

The general public is aware as well.

The band sells well and keeps getting booked (in the U.S. remains to be seen but they're still a big draw everywhere else) so it's not going to hurt them much.

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I guess 10:30 is late in Uk as culturally we are used to pubs closing after 11pm. - so evenings start at7.30 downing as many drinks as possible in a short space of time!

Anyhow, personally me and my mates knew it would be late, got a hotel room sorted for the O2 gig and got lashed and rocked all night like Seb Bach told us to! :thumbsup:

Wow I thought you fuckers knew how to party!! Here in Montreal the party starts at about 11 PM and it last all night!

In Glasgow we no how to party, and we like to party and drink all night! Wonder how they never made a date for Scotland.

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