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Guitarists that can match up to Bucket?

Vincent Vega

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I have to admit I've finally succumbed to nostalgia for Buckethead. Yeah he was weird in style but with people like Lady GaGa being huge that kind of shit is acceptable now. And as much as I like Bumble--he's a nice guy, he's a great rhythm player and good at lead parts, IMO, he doesn't compare with Buckethead in terms of soloing or his lead skill. Where Bucket could play almost any style ranging from the rigidly technical to the fluid and emotional, Bumble seems to be a very messy, shred focused player. He seems to be like a sloppier version of Bucket with 10 times less the range or talent. It's like replacing Mick Taylor with Ronnie Wood.

If you had had to pick a replacement, who would you have picked--Who could fill that sort of similar technical meets emotional, wide ranging style?

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I have to admit I've finally succumbed to nostalgia for Buckethead. Yeah he was weird in style but with people like Lady GaGa being huge that kind of shit is acceptable now. And as much as I like Bumble--he's a nice guy, he's a great rhythm player and good at lead parts, IMO, he doesn't compare with Buckethead in terms of soloing or his lead skill. Where Bucket could play almost any style ranging from the rigidly technical to the fluid and emotional, Bumble seems to be a very messy, shred focused player. He seems to be like a sloppier version of Bucket with 10 times less the range or talent. It's like replacing Mick Taylor with Ronnie Wood.

If you had had to pick a replacement, who would you have picked--Who could fill that sort of similar technical meets emotional, wide ranging style?

Andy Timmons

Brett Garsed

skip to about 3:45 for the solo
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He's not distinguishably better than Ron, with the two of them it can only ever be a matter of personal preference, but their mastery of the instrument is either on a par or Ron's far wider knowledge of music theory etc. gives him the edge.

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Ron could probably play everything Bucket can play but it will never sound as good. He uses too much compression, not enough treble and he doesn't let the music breath, much too tight. He'd be better of in a band like Soundgarden, something more grunge. I don't care who's the better speed shredder or the nicer person of the two. Buckethead SOUNDS better. He's irreplaceable.

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Bumble is in skill many times better than Bucket.



Bumble is extremely talented and anyone who's listened to his solo stuff knows this.

But better than Bucket? No chance in hell.

Bucket is more accurate and is a lot better improviser. He also has a lot of techniques of his own, that make his guitar sound very unique and sometimes... he leaves you wondering how the hell a guitar can even make sounds like that :lol:

Bumble is not as accurate player with CD stuff, but he can still give me the chills as he's an astonishingly talented guitar player as well.

You clearly say that without listening to any of Bumble's solo stuff. If you want weird fucked up sounds from a guitar, let Bumble use his fretless guitar, or his thimble, or his amazing use of of music theory.

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Bumble is in skill many times better than Bucket. They day Bucket can play a fretless even 1% of how Bumble plays it, I will consider staking skill up against each other.

Check out their acoustic works, that's where you can really hear a guitarist, just flesh and wood, no sound effect voodoo whatsoever, just the fingers. Buckethead destroys Ron.

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Bumble is in skill many times better than Bucket. They day Bucket can play a fretless even 1% of how Bumble plays it, I will consider staking skill up against each other.

Check out their acoustic works, that's where you can really hear a guitarist, just flesh and wood, no sound effect voodoo whatsoever, just the fingers. Buckethead destroys Ron.

I do, have the majority of Bucket albums and all the Bumble albums. And when it comes down to it, Bucket's acoustic works are very.......unoriginal. I love Colma to death but it honestly sounds like a spa soundtrack. Bumble's Barefoot album still sounds like "Bumblefoot" style.

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Guest NewGNRnOldGNR

Bumblefoot is as good as Buckethead. However this is a futile discussion, I love and appreciate both guitarists (solo work and respective GN'R involvements). There is no reason to try and establish a superior, both are level (in terms of technicality, skill, creative flair etc.), it's simply a matter of personal preference. I am delighted that both guitarists have been able to reach me through being in Guns N' Roses.

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I have to admit I've finally succumbed to nostalgia for Buckethead. Yeah he was weird in style but with people like Lady GaGa being huge that kind of shit is acceptable now. And as much as I like Bumble--he's a nice guy, he's a great rhythm player and good at lead parts, IMO, he doesn't compare with Buckethead in terms of soloing or his lead skill. Where Bucket could play almost any style ranging from the rigidly technical to the fluid and emotional, Bumble seems to be a very messy, shred focused player. He seems to be like a sloppier version of Bucket with 10 times less the range or talent. It's like replacing Mick Taylor with Ronnie Wood.

If you had had to pick a replacement, who would you have picked--Who could fill that sort of similar technical meets emotional, wide ranging style?

Heres a clue... Guns and Roses and their music .. are a messy band. Axl as a vocalist is far far far from pristine.. thats not a dig its an srudied observation.

I have almost every one of Bucketheads albums (and a few recordings he made along with my guitarist while they were students at MIT ).

I have to say..ummm he has to be taken in small doses because....after about 3 may 5 tops songs it gets boring .ive seen him solo because i do appreciate he is a talented player but I ABSOLUTELY hate his act. chickens really? toys out to the audience at a hard rock concert of GNR..Really? Nunchackues swinging...at a GNR concert Really? Made the big bad machine look like a bunch of sissy bitches ..

In Moline 02 when he was was with GUNS ....my thought was what the fuck is this? am I at a circus or something?? surely im not that stoned.

Sure I love Colma and his softer stuff but as a muscian I listen to it and I cant relate to it on an emotional level...so very precise and so very technical. Life is niether and buckethead playing a love song just seems so inauthentic and fake.

I have heard guitarist play three chords that connect ....makes the crowd shimmy and jive and forget thier troubles for a while.

IMO Buckethead is where Buckethead should be... doing his own plucking of feathers in his own coop doing his own thang. There is nothing cool about Buckethead except his ability to play guitar. Sorry all you techno nerds that adore him.. you know Im right.

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here Ill say a prayer:

Please dear God! GOD have mercy... PLEASE help these people to understand that music is a matter of taste and every guitarist has thier own ability and sound. Please help them to appreciate true talent and different abilities as they would different objects of art!!!

Help them to see that being technical and fast is NOT a nessessity to making really inventive and wonderful music. Help them to understand that gimicks like a chickenbucket on your head cant make up for your overtly overly technical lack of emotional connection to your audience. Help them PLEASE understand that its ok to be raw in your presentation and still do amazing things with your sixstring. Please get the nerds in this forum to stop pretending GNR is now a flawless technical well oiled machine and that some songs need to be ragged as if they were written and performed on the sunset strip by a group of young misfits who happened to make it big.

Thank you in Advance


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That solo in Shadow just proved my point. Bumble is technically better than Bucket.

Buckethead sounds better.

That's an opinion.....I can't judge who's better by opinion. I can only judge using the technicalities. And that sexy acoustic sweep is just too impressive to pass up.

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Guest NewGNRnOldGNR

Buckethead sounds better.

Quit with the ignorance. You perceive Buckethead to to sound better. However it's entirely subjective.

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There is nothing cool about Buckethead except his ability to play guitar.

Truer words have never been spoken.

But that's the thing I guess? He could look like a camel inside a horse's ass but people would still love him. His playing is that good, and in the end, that's all that should matter.


I do agree though that a lot of Bucket's solo albums are crap, filled with stupid voice overs and often the music is just nonsense that is going nowhere. He is still amazing with the instrument and I love 2-3 of his albums.

Buckethead puts out up to four albums in one year, some of them might not even qualify being actual music. But if I get a "Colma" or "Population Override" every once in a while that's good enough for me.

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