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Guns N' Roses Reunion Was a Mistake, Duff McKagan Says


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I'm not sure whether this article should go into this section but it was an interesting read.

Guns N' Roses Reunion Was a Mistake, Duff McKagan Says

Duff McKaganMichael Buckner, Getty Images for Activision

Regrets, Duff McKagan's had a few. Now he admits that last year's onstage reunion with Axl Rose is definitely one of them.

"I almost wish the getting on stage part hadn't happened," the Velvet Revolver told Rock News Desk, saying that the live impromptu London jam between the Guns N' Roses co-founders was a mistake because it has refueled fans hopes for a regrouping of the group's classic lineup.

On a personal level, McKagan said he's happy he ran into Rose when they wound up having hotel suites next to each other. "We were meant to connect again," he said of the chance meeting. "It was a private matter, but I'm glad it happened."

As for rejoining Rose and his current incarnation of Guns N' Roses for a rendition of 'You Could Be Mine,' McKagan blames his iffy judgment on a mixture of jetlag and energy drinks and remembers little about his car ride to the O2 Arena last October.

"It was like, 'I should be in bed right now. I've got a meeting in the morning. What am I doing here?'" Duff explained. "Then all of a sudden there's a bass in my hands."

Since that surprise appearance, McKagan says he and other former members have been inundated with inquiries about a reteaming of all the founding members, but McKagan insists it would never happen.


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the Velvet Revolver told Rock News Desk, saying that the live impromptu London jam between the Guns N' Roses co-founders was a mistake because it has refueled fans hopes for a regrouping of the group's classic lineup.

Why isn't this quoted if he said it?

Edited by SunnyDRE
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I hope this wouldnt prevent Duff from playing with Axl again. It didnt get my hopes up for a reunion, I thought it was really cool.

It was badass and it sucks for the people who still actually think that there is some chance for a reunion...never say never but it has been made pretty clear by Axl

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They really took his words out of context.

Here is the actual interview.


ArtisanNewsService | February 22, 2011

"I almost wish that getting on stage part didn't happen...for me the most important part of that chance meeting that our hotel rooms were right next door to each other. Great, it was meant to happen, it was meant to happen for us to finally connect again. What happened when we connect is a private matter -- but I'm glad it happened.

It almost, I wish it was like on an off night they weren't playing, because people were like oh you played does that mean a reunion -- no, it doesn't mean any of that. I went to the gig with him, I was so jet lagged and on so much energy drink it was all sort of surreal at that point. I should be in bed right now ya know, I have a meeting at 8 in the morning -- what am I doing here? And all the sudden there is a bass in my hands -- what, am I going to play? You Could Be Mine...I haven't played this song since 1993, sh*t how does this song go. That part was fun -- I'm glad it happened. But the way more important thing was, there was a sense to me that it was meant to happen."

Video interview with Duff here:

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Oh lookee here. This thread is full of people who constantly talk shit about this forum (and Axl) on other GNR websites, yet they continue to obsessively post here. Hmmmm......

Reunionist cult? Deluded righteous internet do-gooders? (do-badders) Hmmm... one thing is clear. They certainly have nothing else going on in their lives.

As for my on-topic comment: perhaps the thread creator will be so kind as to edit the topic title? Just a thot.

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