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Jimmy Page


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Hello everyone, I’ve been a lurker here for a while but decided to come out of the abyss and post something. I wanted to let everyone know I've started a blog, but this one I think will be unique. I intend to take a journey through the life of Jimmy Page by learning as many songs as I possibly can that he ever recorded. From his skiffle days to Neil Christian, from the session years to the Yardbirds, from Led Zeppelin and beyond. I also want to explore the ins and outs of his life, little known facts, and also examine all the different gear he used.

This is going to be a loooooong process of course but I think in the end I will become a better guitar player and maybe understand Jimmy Page just a little bit more, or at least how his mind worked creatively and how he developed as a musician. That's the goal anyway. I intend to explain the ins and outs of each song and then play them, describe how its going in the process, what parts are easy, what parts are difficult. Hopefully if you do end up reading it, you might be able to learn along with me.

I'm very excited about this venture and I invite you all to take the journey with me. So take a look, I've already figured out how to play skiffle like a 13 year old Jimmy Page, rode along with him in his session days, and jammed with Jeff Beck in the early Yardbirds years and am kicking off his time in Led Zeppelin.

Take care everyone.

Here is the link in case you are at all interested....


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Guest Len B'stard

i'd give every spare inch of flesh on my body apart from those necessary to play the guitar to be able to play like Jimmy Page. I don't even like Led Zeppelin and even i can't deny that the guy ain't a monster on the guitar. I'm not even so much into the soloing (well i am) as much as those fuckin riffs he comes up with, just fuckin magic.

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i'd give every spare inch of flesh on my body apart from those necessary to play the guitar to be able to play like Jimmy Page. I don't even like Led Zeppelin and even i can't deny that the guy ain't a monster on the guitar. I'm not even so much into the soloing (well i am) as much as those fuckin riffs he comes up with, just fuckin magic.

Yes the riffs are where it's at with him. Unfortunately in some circles, there is a phrase that goes something along the lines of "Jimmy Page never met a riff he didn't steal". I disagree with this greatly for the most part as I've never seen something showing me proof. Also never really looked.

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i'd give every spare inch of flesh on my body apart from those necessary to play the guitar to be able to play like Jimmy Page. I don't even like Led Zeppelin and even i can't deny that the guy ain't a monster on the guitar. I'm not even so much into the soloing (well i am) as much as those fuckin riffs he comes up with, just fuckin magic.

I feel the same exact way! haha.

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I think between "It Might Get Loud" and his official bio,and anything Goldmine Magazine may have written about, you should be able to build up the list of sessions he worked on prior to Led Zep. To me, covering Led Zep should be minimal, but the end of Yardbirds to the point of going in the studio - the fact he put LZ together in one summer and had half the songs for it by Sept. is remarkable.

I also think if you can figure out the producers he worked with, odds are likely there's other sessions he also did with those same producers for lesser known bands that disappeared. He mentioned doing some soundtrack work and mentioned James Bond. I'm pretty sure Thunderball was one he did.

I'd actually like to see Jimmy Page and Roy Harper do a short tour together...

Donovan's been making the rounds and I think he might be on Twitter,so he could prob. tell you all the songs he knows of. Andrew Loog Oldham does a radio show, so he might know off the top of his head the lesser known songs. Other than that, someone would have to find logs from the studios, and I'm sure some of them were tossed out years ago.

Page doesn't even know all the sessions he worked on. The official sites for LZ and JP are pretty impressive, but I'm sure there's more out there.

Take a close look at the house in this video.


And I don't need to explain which album this one was recorded at:

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I think between "It Might Get Loud" and his official bio,and anything Goldmine Magazine may have written about, you should be able to build up the list of sessions he worked on prior to Led Zep. To me, covering Led Zep should be minimal, but the end of Yardbirds to the point of going in the studio - the fact he put LZ together in one summer and had half the songs for it by Sept. is remarkable.

I also think if you can figure out the producers he worked with, odds are likely there's other sessions he also did with those same producers for lesser known bands that disappeared. He mentioned doing some soundtrack work and mentioned James Bond. I'm pretty sure Thunderball was one he did.

I'd actually like to see Jimmy Page and Roy Harper do a short tour together...

Donovan's been making the rounds and I think he might be on Twitter,so he could prob. tell you all the songs he knows of. Andrew Loog Oldham does a radio show, so he might know off the top of his head the lesser known songs. Other than that, someone would have to find logs from the studios, and I'm sure some of them were tossed out years ago.

Page doesn't even know all the sessions he worked on. The official sites for LZ and JP are pretty impressive, but I'm sure there's more out there.

Take a close look at the house in this video.


And I don't need to explain which album this one was recorded at:

That would be an excellent idea, and those are outstanding resources. The only problem is the sheer quantity of sessions Jimmy did is outrageous, and to compile a master list would not only be an immensely arduous task, but I can assure you, without absolute proof I can guarantee any song I put on that list would be disputed by someone. Even Jimmy's word isn't really reliable enough, as he can't really recall every session he's worked on. When asked he usually just responds, I did some stuff for this band or that artist, but never goes into detail about what session or song he worked on. I will of course try my best to post info and background on the songs I can verify, but I think a lot of that information is lost to history.

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I think between "It Might Get Loud" and his official bio,and anything Goldmine Magazine may have written about, you should be able to build up the list of sessions he worked on prior to Led Zep. To me, covering Led Zep should be minimal, but the end of Yardbirds to the point of going in the studio - the fact he put LZ together in one summer and had half the songs for it by Sept. is remarkable.

I also think if you can figure out the producers he worked with, odds are likely there's other sessions he also did with those same producers for lesser known bands that disappeared. He mentioned doing some soundtrack work and mentioned James Bond. I'm pretty sure Thunderball was one he did.

I'd actually like to see Jimmy Page and Roy Harper do a short tour together...

Donovan's been making the rounds and I think he might be on Twitter,so he could prob. tell you all the songs he knows of. Andrew Loog Oldham does a radio show, so he might know off the top of his head the lesser known songs. Other than that, someone would have to find logs from the studios, and I'm sure some of them were tossed out years ago.

Page doesn't even know all the sessions he worked on. The official sites for LZ and JP are pretty impressive, but I'm sure there's more out there.

Take a close look at the house in this video.


And I don't need to explain which album this one was recorded at:

That would be an excellent idea, and those are outstanding resources. The only problem is the sheer quantity of sessions Jimmy did is outrageous, and to compile a master list would not only be an immensely arduous task, but I can assure you, without absolute proof I can guarantee any song I put on that list would be disputed by someone. Even Jimmy's word isn't really reliable enough, as he can't really recall every session he's worked on. When asked he usually just responds, I did some stuff for this band or that artist, but never goes into detail about what session or song he worked on. I will of course try my best to post info and background on the songs I can verify, but I think a lot of that information is lost to history.

It would be like going through who Duane Allman recorded for, but I think if you figure out the maze of producers, record labels, and listen to guitar solos, you might be able to figure some of it out. We can rule out The Beatles, but everyone from 65-68 is fair game. Tom Jones was Tweeting earlier about The Voice (UK) and I know Page did a bunch of sessions with him.

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