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Axl Rose not attending HOF


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Like someone said HOF is virtually unknown for most Europeans - so it's really no news here that GnR is or isn't inducted... :sleeper:

It's funny because in the states where R&R HOF and Axl not attending it is such big news is same place where Gn'R has little if any relevance these days (unlike Europe & other countries). Funny Americans... :confused:

Edited by trqster
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First time poster (at least I believe I am, maybe I posted something once - don't remember). Read Axl's letter with some interest. In some respects I sympathise with him wholly because lets face it, the idea of him, Slash, and Steven, in the same room having to walk on the same stage is .... well, awkward at best and combustible at worst. Where I take issue with him is that ultimately this situation (not the HOF, but the animosity between the various camps) is as much his doing as it is anyone else's. It's clear that from the moment it was announced that this was going to take place Axl has made no attempt to contact Slash and Steven to find an amicable way of dealing with it - which of course has led to both of them making public statements. Axl is the "rock star" of the three. I imagine if he wanted to talk to Slash or Steven, he could do make two calls and have them on the phone. Conversely I imagine it would be a physical impossibility for either of those two to raise Axl on the phone if they wanted. They are men who share a deep history and a common ground which the HOF induction proves transcends even their own animosity towards each other. For that reason it's disappointing that Axl's chosen this path. If his talk of doing it for the fans was genuine, then that should've begun by finding a common ground with those he has problems with for the sake of one night. He chose ignore them to a point where they quite clearly had no idea what was going to transpire.

Axl's always been a control freak - that much is indisputable. He could've controlled this situation to everyone's benefit, instead he chose to control it into a corner where a lot of people knew deep down inside this would be the only outcome.

That works both ways, I haven't heard anything saying Slash has made an attempt to contact Axl. Why should Axl contact him when Slash is the one that left GNR. If Slash wanted to talk to Axl to resolve their differences I'm positive he could do that, as long as he didn't half ass it, and go wandering to Axl's place drunk again.

And how do you know Axl has always been a control freak? Do you know him personally? The idea that he controlled this situation to where he gets a shit storm from here to the end of eternity is insane.

I take your point. I'm simply pointing out the power dynamic in a band relationship such as G 'n R once things go west. You may well be right that Slash could get hold of Axl, but every story I've heard involves Axl basically saying "Slash is dead to me". My memory is vague but isn't there a story about Slash turning up at his place and Axl refusing to come out. Whatever, it may well be bullshit, my point is that Axl holds the most power as he still uses the name G 'n R, and more than likely the HOF approach would have been made to him. Thus, the onus is on him to talk to the other guys about finding a way to do it. I'll stand by my assertion that if Axl wanted to get Slash or Steven on the phone it'd take him all of five minutes and two calls to do it - if the roles were reversed and either Slash or Steven wanted to get hold of Axl, I imagine they simply couldn't because they either wouldn't be given his number - or if they were - Axl would be warned they were gonna call and simply wouldn't answer.

I work in music. You can take my word for it or not - but I've seen these things play out in other bands. Control freaks like to control everything, including when and where they choose to speak to people.

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I kind of understand Axl as well, as far as his no win-situation argument goes. While this letter was mostly quite diplomatic for his standards, he still manages to be patronizing with this 'Life doesn't owe you a happy ending' bollocks. I mean seriously? Who is he talking to? How entitled does he feel that he thinks anyone's 'happy ending' in life is dependent on whether he drags his ass into the 'Hall of Fame' or not?

At the end of the day it would have been a nice thing to do for the fans. Not more and not less. But no big drama I guess the RHOF is a joke anyway.

Edited by LysanderSky
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This is where Axl, to me, comes off as a d-bag the most:

Taking into consideration the history of Guns N' Roses, those who plan to attend along with those the Hall for reasons of their own, have chosen to include in "our" induction (that for the record are decisions I don't agree with, support or feel the Hall has any right to make)

What exactly does he mean here? Ought the Hall of Fame had asked him first to include? If not the Hall, who does have the right to make the decision who is inducted? Axl Rose? It might (or might not, I don't know, but that doesn't matter for the argument) be a really fucked up representation of Guns n' Roses in that case. And who would decide who the decider is? Is it by committee? Do the members of the band get a vote? Do the fans vote? What's this shit? It comes across, to me, as Axl actually saying that he is Guns n' Roses.

I've never been a fan of these people as people. I think anyone who is is kinda fucked up. There's some really great people to admire out there, and these guys aren't it. I've only ever been a fan of them as musicians, and more specifically, them as a band.

The Rock Hall didn't feel the current members warranted induction. When they were excluded, I knew he was going to have an issue with that.

He also waited until he ended the UCAP tour before saying anything. Could you imagine if he had said this during the tour?

He's talking about how past members are speaking on behalf of GNR (he makes an issue out of it) and how Wenner in particular pushed for GNR to be inducted.

It wasn't a douchey comment, but he's made a point about what he considers GNR to be and stands by it. This also goes into the "who owns the name" crap, but that's an ongoing debate. I'm big on artists owning all their stuff and not being treated as collateral by a company. Record companies have shelved someone's work because they "didn't hear a hit".

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Hey guys

Let me start by saying although I never post here, I still occasionally come here to see whats going on. I am a big Ax/GNR fan and have been for years. I remember the excitement of keeping up with the daily Axl/Chinese Democracy news and rumors every day. I had dial up back then and a crappy minimum wage job at a grocery store. After I got home from work every night I would log into this site just to see/hear anything about Chinese Democracy. I did this for years until I got another job and steady girlfriend. I went away for awhile. Until one day when I'm at work and here the news that CD is finally coming out. I remember the first place I came was here to read about all the excitement. I pretty much came back and stayed until CD came out.

I unlike a lot of fans loved the album. I thought it was some of Axl's finest work. And it showed that he didn't need the previous members of the band to put out good music. What followed that was a confusing few months of no promotion or anything for the album. Axl went back into recluse and the album continued to sell well. It was at this point that I realized Axl would probably more than likely never release a new album. He just has too many issues it seems. Maybe I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong.

Again, today I heard about Axl dismissing the HOF somewhere else and came straight here. I seen the arguing back and forth about axl being right or wrong. Seen a lot of fuck axl comments and seen a lot praising him.

When I first heard they were going to get inducted, I admit I got excited. Excited that even though there probably wouldn't be a reunion, we could at least see them on stage one more time. I was hoping that once they got on stage together, they could possibly bury the hatchet. Move on and if there was no chance for reunion, at least be respectful toward your former band mates. I know a lot of people like to point at Axl and a lot of people will still point at Slash. But at this point having a feud for this long between 2 adults is a little ludicrous.

Sometimes, I wonder if they even remember why they hate each other. Well, why Axl hates Slash. I think Slash is ready to forgive and forget. I have always wondered why the both of them just can't come out and say we both made mistakes, lets put in the past man.

What could have happened that Axl would refuse to share a stage with him to accept an award from the HOF? What could be so bad? And don't give me HOF is pointless. We all know that, but it's more of a show of respect. You do it for your fans. The ones that have supported you through the years. The ones who would wait 20 to 30 mins for 10 windows to open up on a forum dedicated to your band. And I know there are more fans out there that are a lot more dedicated than me.

That's what disappoints me the most about this. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I kinda feel cheated. Axl doesn't owe slash or the HOF nothing. But for the fans that stuck by him all the years waiting for an album, he owes us something. Hell at least go there and get on the opposite side of Slash. For all I care, accept the reward and then hype up your new band. There will be lots of press there. Plenty of chances for him to hype up the tour and everything. He wouldn't even have to associate with Slash. But he could have at least shown us a little respect by going. But whatever I guess. I think Axl has grown comfortable to us. I mean look at us. We are some of the most dedicated fans in the world. We stayed through all the issues and hoped for an album that took forever to come out. Even now when I come back, many of the same threads back then are here now. Just worded differently. Always hoping for the new album. It's just around the corner. Bach says it's coming. Some guy at Burger King knows Bumblefoot and he said the album is coming out soon. Literally nothing has changed between and now and then. We are still here Axl. We still love you and your music. Give us something to show you appreciate us man.

Anyways, I dont want to rant all day to you guys. And I'm definitely not tearing Axl down. He is my 2nd favorite singer all time. (RIP Ronnie James Dio) I just wish he could just see what he means to his fans and how much of an impact he has made on so many lives with his music. I think if he truly knew, he wouldn't take us for granted so much.

Edited by sackdad
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What could have happened that Axl would refuse to share a stage with him to accept an award from the HOF? What could be so bad? And don't give me HOF is pointless. We all know that, but it's more of a show of respect. You do it for your fans. The ones that have supported you through the years. The ones who would wait 20 to 30 mins for 10 windows to open up on a forum dedicated to your band. And I know there are more fans out there that are a lot more dedicated than me.

That's what disappoints me the most about this. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I kinda feel cheated. Axl doesn't owe slash or the HOF nothing. But for the fans that stuck by him all the years waiting for an album, he owes us something. Hell at least go there and get on the opposite side of Slash. For all I care, accept the reward and then hype up your new band. There will be lots of press there. Plenty of chances for him to hype up the tour and everything. He wouldn't even have to associate with Slash. But he could have at least shown us a little respect by going. But whatever I guess. I think Axl has grown comfortable to us. I mean look at us. We are some of the most dedicated fans in the world. We stayed through all the issues and hoped for an album that took forever to come out. Even now when I come back, many of the same threads back then are here now. Just worded differently. Always hoping for the new album. It's just around the corner. Bach says it's coming. Some guy at Burger King knows Bumblefoot and he said the album is coming out soon. Literally nothing has changed between and now and then. We are still here Axl. We still love you and your music. Give us something to show you appreciate us man.

Anyways, I dont want to rant all day to you guys. And I'm definitely not tearing Axl down. He is my 2nd favorite singer all time. (RIP Ronnie James Dio) I just wish he could just see what he means to his fans and how much of an impact he has made on so many lives with his music. I think if he truly knew, he wouldn't take us for granted so much.

Fucking great post man. :thumbsup:

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Seriously though, what difference does it make to us fans whether he accepts the award or not? We all know how good the music is so how is it disrespectful to us for him not to show up and accept it? I really don't understand that point of view.

I understand that some people had some sort of 'dream' that if he turned up it would lead to a reunion. That was obviously never going to happen so other than that, what's the point? It's not like we're his children and it would be great to see mommy and daddy in the same room for our sake!

Leave that crap to TMZ and let's focus on what really matters.

Edited by NEU-YORK
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Seriously though, what difference does it make to us fans whether he accepts the award or not? We all know how good the music is so how is it disrespectful to us for him not to show up and accept it? I really don't understand that point of view.

I understand that some people had some sort of 'dream' that if he turned up it would lead to a reunion. That was obviously never going to happen so other than that, what's the point? It's not like we're his children and it would be great to see mommy and daddy in the same room for our sake!

Leave that crap to TMZ and let's focus on what really matters.

+1 :thumbsup:

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Looks like his name is being added whether he likes it or not.

Oh noooooo there will be another lawsuit which will keep Axl busy for years! So no album anytime soon.... :unsure:

While I don´t really care about the induction - it does not change the way I love GnRs music - that whole theater around it is just so childish. Why is it so hard to be in the same room for a couple of minutes and get it over with...And inducting GnR without Axl? What kind of utter bullshit is that?

I am annoyed...not because any reunion dreams were shattered, but by the whole useless drama around it.

Lets hope the best for the euro tour...

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This is a ridiculously unpopular move with rock fans. Just look at how polarizing it is in this thread alone (based on several pages, though not all). This board is filled with plenty of Axl blind loyalists who would praise any move he makes in life. I'm not suggesting that everyone who feels he's making the right call is a blind loyalist, but rather pointing out the obvious about some posters. The point is that if it's polarizing on this board and you remove the blind loyalists from the equation, you'll get a decent representation of what the rock fans think. It's not pretty.

I hoped the originals would put their differences aside and at least accept together. I didn't expect a big Axl and Slash hug let alone a reunion tour, but a simple moment with the originals together would have been classy. For that matter, it would have been cool if the current lineup had been onstage with the past lineup even if they weren't being inducted. I'm not telling Axl to fuck off. I'm not saying I won't support GNR going forward. I am simply saying that I am disappointed by this decision. Yes, I know he's free to do whatever he wants to do, just as I am free to express my disappointment.

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Funny, the same people who get irate about being called Nutters have now designated anybody who disagrees with Axl's letter a Reunionist.

The main group of Axl supporters keep belittling people for being angry......but all of their posts are bashing those who they disagree with. Axl is rock n roll and shows his integrity by speaking out, but if a forum member speaks his opinion them he is a hateful person who isn't a real fan.

The same group that tells posters they have no right to say what they think Axl should do, are always telling other posters what they can and cannot do. And what the "rules" are to be a fan of the band.

This is supposed to be a forum for people to talk about the band. Everybody isnt going to always agree on everything. There is a forum called htgth where people are only allowed to praise Axl. I hope this forum doesn't turn into that.

I never expected Axl to show up, even though it would have been a treat for his fans.

I want a new album over a reunion.

Axl saying he hates Slash, being mad the current guys aren't being inducted, not wanting his name included (but still making a living off the songs the old band created), the woe is me letter, is not a sign of integrity or that he is sooo rock n roll, just makes Axl look like a jerk.

The core group on here that worship Axl and think they are the forum police and Axl protectors think this letter and the homophobic Madison rant are the holy grails can't see or admit it, but in the real world 95% of people think Axl's letter is pathetic.

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I think it was a well written letter in which he clearly and politely made his point.

So he is not going to the ceremony. What else could he do? He is living GNR 24/7 and giving everything he has on stage together with the current band members.

They were supposed to induct GNR not GNR as it was in the 1980s and early 1990s. They should have invited at least the current members to the ceremony (quite rude not to),

if not all or at least the key performers involved with the CD.

Sure, the biggest hits globally (at the moment, who knows what heights TIL or some other CD songs will reach over the years)

were created a long time ago, but a lot has happened since and who knows what is to come even in the near future.

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Axl is trending on yahoo and twitter. His letter is in the Wall Street Journal. Axl is everywhere!

He is a master at getting people to talk about him and he's equally a pro at going off-the-grid as we have all witnessed throughout the better part of 18 years.

This once again proves that he's still as big as any current celebrity even though he does things on his terms in his own time.

and it's never because of the music :rolleyes:

Exactly. And that's what a group on here doesnt get.

Instead of trending or being the most popular story of the day for a song or performance, it is always because of something non-song related.

I think the OP is talking out of his fucking arse, none of what is mentioned is even remotely an indicator of legendary status, fuck me, Rebecca Black was trending on twatter and in the Wall Street Journal, is she a fucking legend now? :lol:

Talk about fucking delusional..

Kim Kardashian is number one once a week.

Enough said. Great post.

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What could have happened that Axl would refuse to share a stage with him to accept an award from the HOF? What could be so bad? And don't give me HOF is pointless. We all know that, but it's more of a show of respect. You do it for your fans. The ones that have supported you through the years. The ones who would wait 20 to 30 mins for 10 windows to open up on a forum dedicated to your band. And I know there are more fans out there that are a lot more dedicated than me.

That's what disappoints me the most about this. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I kinda feel cheated. Axl doesn't owe slash or the HOF nothing. But for the fans that stuck by him all the years waiting for an album, he owes us something. Hell at least go there and get on the opposite side of Slash. For all I care, accept the reward and then hype up your new band. There will be lots of press there. Plenty of chances for him to hype up the tour and everything. He wouldn't even have to associate with Slash. But he could have at least shown us a little respect by going. But whatever I guess. I think Axl has grown comfortable to us. I mean look at us. We are some of the most dedicated fans in the world. We stayed through all the issues and hoped for an album that took forever to come out. Even now when I come back, many of the same threads back then are here now. Just worded differently. Always hoping for the new album. It's just around the corner. Bach says it's coming. Some guy at Burger King knows Bumblefoot and he said the album is coming out soon. Literally nothing has changed between and now and then. We are still here Axl. We still love you and your music. Give us something to show you appreciate us man.

Anyways, I dont want to rant all day to you guys. And I'm definitely not tearing Axl down. He is my 2nd favorite singer all time. (RIP Ronnie James Dio) I just wish he could just see what he means to his fans and how much of an impact he has made on so many lives with his music. I think if he truly knew, he wouldn't take us for granted so much.

Fucking great post man. :thumbsup:

Well written

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Some words like Would, Could, Has Been, Must, show us some irrational desires about a fantasy, not a reality, you can build castles in the sky but someday you will woke up and you need accept some things, it's a cool way to check how many people thinks that he can manage a situation between another people wishing hard for it, and blaming anyone if the fantasy is finished.

Edited by kronox20022002
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If he didn't back it up with his considerable musical talent no one would talk about him, he's apparently been irrelevant since 1994 yet he's touring the world, has established a successful evolution of one of the greatest rock bands of all time and gets folks involved like no one else, admire or despise - they're intrigued. Kim Kardashian is discussed because of her apparent good looks and that's always been her niche, if she were considered average looking there wouldn't be such a furore around her.

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This shows Axl is the ultimate personification of Rock. To hell with the Rock Hall, and bravo for sticking to your Guns (pun intended) and your band.


Spinal Tap is also the ultimate personification of rock, but do we really want Gn'R to be like that? I guess some apparently do.

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