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Axl Rose not attending HOF


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I´m really and deeply disgusted by some of the comments I´ve read in here. Some people need to get a life. I can´t understand why so much hate and anger towards Axl and I can´t understand why they take all this stuff so personal either. It was pretty obvious that this was going to be a no win situation, it´s always been like this with Axl since the so called "fans" are NEVER happy, no matter he does things right or wrong there are always the bitter ones who are ready to start the bashing fest in a heart beat.

Whether you agree or not with his decision of not attending and not being inducted, why can´t you fucking respect it? It´s his decision not yours and if he wants it all this way, so be it.

I don't respect it because it's not a respectable decision. You don't want to show up? Fine. But releasing this letter and playing victim yet again, is just low. It makes him look ridiculous, and it's truly painful to see him that way.

People supporting this are being very foolish and blind IMO.

All due respect, I have a hard time believing this outrage has nothing to do with people being denied what they wanted or hoped for. This moral righteousness I see displayed is difficult to buy as being sincere, or as being sincerely the complete underlying reason behind the backlash.


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I´m really and deeply disgusted by some of the comments I´ve read in here. Some people need to get a life. I can´t understand why so much hate and anger towards Axl and I can´t understand why they take all this stuff so personal either. It was pretty obvious that this was going to be a no win situation, it´s always been like this with Axl since the so called "fans" are NEVER happy, no matter he does things right or wrong there are always the bitter ones who are ready to start the bashing fest in a heart beat.

Whether you agree or not with his decision of not attending and not being inducted, why can´t you fucking respect it? It´s his decision not yours and if he wants it all this way, so be it.

I don't respect it because it's not a respectable decision. You don't want to show up? Fine. But releasing this letter and playing victim yet again, is just low. It makes him look ridiculous, and it's truly painful to see him that way.

People supporting this are being very foolish and blind IMO.

Better blind than being a cry baby and hoping for something that'll never happen. Not at this lifetime....

But yet you all wanna hear them cover the Appetite, Lies and Illusion songs.

What has that to do with the whole story?

If Axl wants nothing to do with the classic line-up he better stop using the classic songs.

Why should he stop using his own songs? Leave them to whom? The likes of Fergie?

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It's embarrassing is what it is.


I know it will never happen, but people need to stop defending Axl for every single thing he does. He could strangle a hobo to death and some people would find a way to call it "cool" or "punk rock!" I have supported him all along, I love new Guns and I don't care about a reunion, but I do care about Axl running this band into the ground. Which is what he's done.

Nice sig :thumbsup:

The same can be applied to people claiming everything he does is about Slash or simply because he's a 'talentless cunt'without the old guys. He could bestow world peace and the same people would still want to stone him to death until he fucking reunites a long dead line up (and dead for valid reasons).

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I´m really and deeply disgusted by some of the comments I´ve read in here. Some people need to get a life. I can´t understand why so much hate and anger towards Axl and I can´t understand why they take all this stuff so personal either. It was pretty obvious that this was going to be a no win situation, it´s always been like this with Axl since the so called "fans" are NEVER happy, no matter he does things right or wrong there are always the bitter ones who are ready to start the bashing fest in a heart beat.

Whether you agree or not with his decision of not attending and not being inducted, why can´t you fucking respect it? It´s his decision not yours and if he wants it all this way, so be it.

I don't respect it because it's not a respectable decision. You don't want to show up? Fine. But releasing this letter and playing victim yet again, is just low. It makes him look ridiculous, and it's truly painful to see him that way.

People supporting this are being very foolish and blind IMO.

Better blind than being a cry baby and hoping for something that'll never happen. Not at this lifetime....

But yet you all wanna hear them cover the Appetite, Lies and Illusion songs.

What has that to do with the whole story?

If Axl wants nothing to do with the classic line-up he better stop using the classic songs.

Why should he stop using his own songs? Leave them to whom? The likes of Fergie?

LOL!! "His own songs" :rofl-lol: You think Axl wrote those classics by himself?? =D

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Axl is, was and always will be the most interesting and talked about member of GNR, past or present. He's a loose cannon, people don't know what to make of him. They say he's an asshole, but if he were that easily dismissed, they wouldn't have said it a million times - he'd be a footnote in rock history by now. They don't understand him, they can't help but talk about him. They claim to hate him but then bawl their eyes out and whine like petulant children when he won't show up to their little party.

He IS the last true rebel in rock and roll, treading his own path. if you like your rock stars unpredictable, engaging and individual, he's the man. If you want safe & predictable, there's always Slash.

People in Europe pretty much don't care about the HOF whatsoever.

Bring on the European Tour.

I care and I'm from Europe so.....

You're in the minority.

The Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame is not 'rock and roll' in the slightest. It's an institution, preceded over by a bunch of old farts who don't know their asses from their elbows. They inducted Madonna, Abba and Grandmaster Flash before they inducted Alice Cooper. Meat Loaf, who has one of the 3 best selling rock albums of all time, 80 million record sales and a 40 year career, still isn't in, yet Earth Wind and Fire (those stalwarts of...rock?) are.

If Axl Rose was willing to put on a suit and compromise his principles, ignore his current bandmates and go shake hands with the remnants of his past so he could be applauded by a committee of sycophantic geriatric knobheads who think Madonna has something to do with Rock and Roll I'd lose a lot of respect for him.

Edited by tomfriend
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I can't think of anyone I know that wouldn't draw a blank when I started talking about RNRHOF, I'm in the UK by the way.

It's an American thing right? That's accepted?

Same here in Portugal - no one makes a fucking idea what RNRHOF is about.

But hey if it's big in America it should big in the whole world I guess...doesn't it usually work like that? :confused:

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Breaking News: Barry Larkin has just announced that he will decline his induction to the Baseball Hall of Fame, and asks that any pictures of him be blacked out with a magic marker, because he strongly, strongly dislikes 2 members of the 1987 Cincinnati Reds.

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Breaking News: Barry Larkin has just announced that he will decline his induction to the Baseball Hall of Fame, and asks that any pictures of him be blacked out with a magic marker, because he strongly, strongly dislikes 2 members of the 1987 Cincinnati Reds.


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I´m really and deeply disgusted by some of the comments I´ve read in here. Some people need to get a life. I can´t understand why so much hate and anger towards Axl and I can´t understand why they take all this stuff so personal either. It was pretty obvious that this was going to be a no win situation, it´s always been like this with Axl since the so called "fans" are NEVER happy, no matter he does things right or wrong there are always the bitter ones who are ready to start the bashing fest in a heart beat.

Whether you agree or not with his decision of not attending and not being inducted, why can´t you fucking respect it? It´s his decision not yours and if he wants it all this way, so be it.

I don't respect it because it's not a respectable decision. You don't want to show up? Fine. But releasing this letter and playing victim yet again, is just low. It makes him look ridiculous, and it's truly painful to see him that way.

People supporting this are being very foolish and blind IMO.

We should have known that Axl would fuck this up in the most ridiculous way possible.

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Ok guys, lets put this topic to rest.

Lets not be interested in what Axl is NOT attending and start being interested in what he is attending. THE EUROPEAN TOUR!!!! :xmasssanta:

Oh yeah- he can show up late, play the exact same sets night after night which will be 75% 20 yr old songs, 4 covers, 30 minutes of jams. And probably have 1 or 2 melt downs when he sees a fan with a Slash shirt on. Wow...sounds like fun. Oh- and one guy can complain about his back and the "pain" he's in.

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Breaking News: Barry Larkin has just announced that he will decline his induction to the Baseball Hall of Fame, and asks that any pictures of him be blacked out with a magic marker, because he strongly, strongly dislikes 2 members of the 1987 Cincinnati Reds.


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Ok guys, lets put this topic to rest.

Lets not be interested in what Axl is NOT attending and start being interested in what he is attending. THE EUROPEAN TOUR!!!! :xmasssanta:

Oh yeah- he can show up late, play the exact same sets night after night which will be 75% 20 yr old songs, 4 covers, 30 minutes of jams. And probably have 1 or 2 melt downs when he sees a fan with a Slash shirt on. Wow...sounds like fun. Oh- and one guy can complain about his back and the "pain" he's in.

Shut the fuck up, already! Some people should not be allowed to use the internet. You're like the anti-volcano62. You have no limits when it comes to bashing nuGnR and anything related to Axl's recent activities. That Ron commentary is despicable, you whiny bitch. Don't like current GnR? post in the original GnR section. Should be a lot of fun. Or get a life or a girlfriend or something.

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I´m really and deeply disgusted by some of the comments I´ve read in here. Some people need to get a life. I can´t understand why so much hate and anger towards Axl and I can´t understand why they take all this stuff so personal either. It was pretty obvious that this was going to be a no win situation, it´s always been like this with Axl since the so called "fans" are NEVER happy, no matter he does things right or wrong there are always the bitter ones who are ready to start the bashing fest in a heart beat.

Whether you agree or not with his decision of not attending and not being inducted, why can´t you fucking respect it? It´s his decision not yours and if he wants it all this way, so be it.

I don't respect it because it's not a respectable decision. You don't want to show up? Fine. But releasing this letter and playing victim yet again, is just low. It makes him look ridiculous, and it's truly painful to see him that way.

People supporting this are being very foolish and blind IMO.

We should have known that Axl would fuck this up in the most ridiculous way possible.

Lots of support from people with integrity...

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I cannot believe how crazy some of the reunionists are. Putting their own entertainment above a real person's carreer and life. Axl was more than clear on the matter. He was dissapointed by the HOF board because they didn't even acknowledge the current lineup as GNR. And those guys have stood by Axl and maintained this band relevant up to now. Some have actually been in that band for more than Slash and Duff.

It's good that Slash is not talking too much trash and finally learned to keep his mouth shut. Because every time he did open it he said the wrong things.

Thank you Axl for being sensible and saying exactly the right things to clear the situation up. :thumbsup:

Relevant???? You'saying current GNR is relevant?????????? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

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I´m really and deeply disgusted by some of the comments I´ve read in here. Some people need to get a life. I can´t understand why so much hate and anger towards Axl and I can´t understand why they take all this stuff so personal either. It was pretty obvious that this was going to be a no win situation, it´s always been like this with Axl since the so called "fans" are NEVER happy, no matter he does things right or wrong there are always the bitter ones who are ready to start the bashing fest in a heart beat.

Whether you agree or not with his decision of not attending and not being inducted, why can´t you fucking respect it? It´s his decision not yours and if he wants it all this way, so be it.

I don't respect it because it's not a respectable decision. You don't want to show up? Fine. But releasing this letter and playing victim yet again, is just low. It makes him look ridiculous, and it's truly painful to see him that way.

People supporting this are being very foolish and blind IMO.

Better blind than being a cry baby and hoping for something that'll never happen. Not at this lifetime....

But yet you all wanna hear them cover the Appetite, Lies and Illusion songs.

What has that to do with the whole story?

If Axl wants nothing to do with the classic line-up he better stop using the classic songs.

Why should he stop using his own songs? Leave them to whom? The likes of Fergie?

LOL!! "His own songs" :rofl-lol: You think Axl wrote those classics by himself?? =D

No, he asked someone else to write them for him :rolleyes:

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Breaking News: Barry Larkin has just announced that he will decline his induction to the Baseball Hall of Fame, and asks that any pictures of him be blacked out with a magic marker, because he strongly, strongly dislikes 2 members of the 1987 Cincinnati Reds.

:lol: Thank you for that, I needed that laugh. Puts a funny perspective on it. And it made me think of the April Fools Day Pete Rose prank thread someone put up. People were freaking out he would not be included in the Hall of Fame, an he posts the letter and now a few people are angry he will be inducted lol.

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The one thing Axl would have gotten from me if he'd shown up would have been utmost respect. I knew there was no chance for him to sit with or even play with Slash, Duff, Izzy n' Steven, but I thought he might have at least have attended the ceremony and acknowledged the accolade.

But instead he refuses to recognise the era that made him what he is today. Disappointment is the only word I can use to describe it at the moment.

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Ok guys, lets put this topic to rest.

Lets not be interested in what Axl is NOT attending and start being interested in what he is attending. THE EUROPEAN TOUR!!!! :xmasssanta:

Oh yeah- he can show up late, play the exact same sets night after night which will be 75% 20 yr old songs, 4 covers, 30 minutes of jams. And probably have 1 or 2 melt downs when he sees a fan with a Slash shirt on. Wow...sounds like fun. Oh- and one guy can complain about his back and the "pain" he's in.

Shut the fuck up, already! Some people should not be allowed to use the internet. You're like the anti-volcano62. You have no limits when it comes to bashing nuGnR and anything related to Axl's recent activities. That Ron commentary is despicable, you whiny bitch. Don't like current GnR? post in the original GnR section. Should be a lot of fun. Or get a life or a girlfriend or something.

It's not "NU" GnR...its "Current" GnR. The rest of your personal bashing (of which mods of warned me and others to not do) I'll ignore knowing the mods will let it be.

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Ok guys, lets put this topic to rest.

Lets not be interested in what Axl is NOT attending and start being interested in what he is attending. THE EUROPEAN TOUR!!!! :xmasssanta:

Oh yeah- he can show up late, play the exact same sets night after night which will be 75% 20 yr old songs, 4 covers, 30 minutes of jams. And probably have 1 or 2 melt downs when he sees a fan with a Slash shirt on. Wow...sounds like fun. Oh- and one guy can complain about his back and the "pain" he's in.

and your posting in there forum because...???

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Ok guys, lets put this topic to rest.

Lets not be interested in what Axl is NOT attending and start being interested in what he is attending. THE EUROPEAN TOUR!!!! :xmasssanta:

Oh yeah- he can show up late, play the exact same sets night after night which will be 75% 20 yr old songs, 4 covers, 30 minutes of jams. And probably have 1 or 2 melt downs when he sees a fan with a Slash shirt on. Wow...sounds like fun. Oh- and one guy can complain about his back and the "pain" he's in.

and your posting in there forum because...???

And you guys all hate/despise original GnR because? And Current GnR doesn't even play most of CD live because? And Current GnR hasn't been able to write a new album because?

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