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Request: Full Disclosure


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Hello MyGNR Admin,

Just a request to take under consideration. MYGNR is probably the largest, most popular GNR site. I emplore you not to be influenced by the GNR camp. If they were to offer you free tickets, back stage passes, etc., I think the right thing to do would be to disclose this information to the forum members. Also, not let it influence the forum in terms of censorship. I have seen what the influence has done in the past and on other sites.


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Hello MyGNR Admin,

Just a request to take under consideration. MYGNR is probably the largest, most popular GNR site. I emplore you not to be influenced by the GNR camp. If they were to offer you free tickets, back stage passes, etc., I think the right thing to do would be to disclose this information to the forum members. Also, not let it influence the forum in terms of censorship. I have seen what the influence has done in the past and on other sites.


You know what, I think it's quite lazy and almost offensive (no offense to you) to appear like you've got effectively 'two choices' here - You either 'allow censorship and get "party passes" ? Or you don't and you can be 'dis-respectful to GNR/GNR management, so to us (High' and myself to make this perfectly clear), whilst I'm paying for this forum, it will be ran the way we want it to be (High' and myself) with the support of the moderators. I would whole heartedly embrace GNR members and management to be a part of the forum; why would I not embrace that, its a FANS forum -- this forum will celebrate all forms of GNR past and present but the main section is for the current line up of which I'm a HUGE fan (please don't forget that).

mygnrforum is the largest Guns N' Roses' Internet site in the world, bar absolutely none!

We strive, in time, to grow this site further for it to be not only the biggest GNR forum but one of the best music forums in the world. That's the aim at least, I can assure you that's no joke. It may never get passed three months here but the intention is good and honest.

Shame that, first post that's got under my skin a little -- and from a 'returning member', wow look at the irony, no?

I hope that addresses any concerns you have.

And in case you didn't 'get it' - no, there will be no 'censorship from GNR management'' whatever that means? I mean I see it banded about plenty enough but like I said at the start, I find it quite a "lazy" and short-sighted suggestion.We will stay open and respectful of others throughout this process (returned members anyone?) - mind, not that that should need reminding to members here.

Only on a Guns N' Roses forum I guess?

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Hello MyGNR Admin,

Just a request to take under consideration. MYGNR is probably the largest, most popular GNR site. I emplore you not to be influenced by the GNR camp. If they were to offer you free tickets, back stage passes, etc., I think the right thing to do would be to disclose this information to the forum members. Also, not let it influence the forum in terms of censorship. I have seen what the influence has done in the past and on other sites.


I like you SOB and always enjoy your posts. We're definitely on the same page most of the time when it comes to opinions on the band. I get what you're saying - but - let's have some faith here, and confidence in the new admin and his team. In just one short month, this placed has experienced more change than it had in the 10 years prior. AND, most importantly, in the most positive of ways. They're encouraging an open dialogue on how to make this forum the best it can be, and have been more than receptive to suggestions and ideas from all it's members.

Subs has brought to us several things that were lacking here for a very long time. Integrity, honesty and respect. We should show him the same.

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I don't think SOB really meant to get under skin UK. Also, I think pointing out that he was a once banned member was kinda low blow on you also , UK. SOB has been posting here a good min and I thought his ban was unfair.

Note, not trying to start a shit storm, just saying my 2 cents. I like both SOB and UK.

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I don't think SOB really meant to get under skin UK. Also, I think pointing out that he was a once banned member was kinda low blow on you also , UK. SOB has been posting here a good min and I thought his ban was unfair.

Note, not trying to start a shit storm, just saying my 2 cents. I like both SOB and UK.

No offense Tom' but I think you've missed the point mate.

I like him too TM -- the point about 'returning' members wasn't a dig (it was me that brought them all back afterall!:) ) but I was trying to draw the comparison between someone questioning 'censorship' to the very person who brought back ALL forum banned members!? What other gesture would prove that I think i'm clear and transparent around here? It did get under my skin a little but that said, I was in a horrible mood the other day so you may have a point!:P

I'm sure SOB has taken zero offense and if he has, the fucker will be banned again soon :tongue2:

Disclaimer: admin joke for the lolz

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SOB - the only reason i re-joined the moderating team was so that i could get my free party passes again. now you're telling me i can't?! now i know where your username came from...

(btw - joking. subs nailed it all with his comments - no one is going to be getting censored around here, and i think both the open-forum discussions and behind-the-scenes discussions we've had about trying to really approach the forum in a fresh way and improve it is an exciting opportunity. [and just to clarify, when i say behind-the-scenes, i simply mean brainstorming ideas that we've then been proposing to you guys in the support section, like new site banners, etc.] i'm glad to see a lot of you guys back, because some of you - so far - have already proven that you learned the first time, and i think within the next few months some really exciting improvements are going to happen! :) )

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You guys wouldn't want to ban me! That would lead to the return of Ashbagirl69, a ficticious 300 pound female poster who blindly believes GNR is nothing without Ashba and his Ashba Shwag. She is also a Mod groupie, who would like nothing more than to pin down a powerful mod and have her way with him. No, it is best to leave SOB alone.... :thumbsup:

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