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Has Axl Lost his Creative Ambition


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If Axl had a solo band - well he's got that already anyway - without the GnR (heavy) legacy upon his shoulders I'm sure he'd have released a lot more new music already.

IMO Axl would be a happier man if he'd have his own "Axl band" (like Slash & Duff) and used GnR just to tour the 'greatest hits' and make money.

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You know I was thinking about this the other day. My son and I were talking about GNR making new music and he said that alot of bands from the 80's made awesome music and now they don't seem to have the edge anymore. EX: Metallica

anyway, maybe back in the day when Axl and the band were high or drunk or whatever and had women and personal issues, they had tons to write about. Maybe Axl's life now is the way he wants it and his satisfied with what he's done musically. Maybe he doesn't feel he can top what he did. Alot of fans and critics felt that way about CD. Maybe Axl just wants to enjoy performing the songs he knows his fans love and he's okay with it.

Like I said, the new Slash cd sounds like an 80's GNR cd and Duff's stuff wasn't that great. Even Adler's new song sounds like early GNR.

Many many bands continue to tour and play the songs they've recorded early in their career and fans are okay with it.

Some bands do continue to make good cds like Aerosmith and Rush.

Maybe Axl is very content with his life and feels his said all he wants to say musically.

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Creative ambition is not the same thing as commercial ambition.

An artist need not sell or release his art to be creatively ambitious. He can keep it to himself, for his ears only.

But that doesn't make sense.

Why would a musical artist record music for themselves? Usually musical artist's record music for their fans, so they can listen to the art. As a musical artist it is only natural to release music to the fans who support you.

Releasing a album for your fans isn't "commercial ambition," it's what artist do.

It's not exactly a shocker that mr. punctuality might be slow on the draw for a follow to Chinese Democracy. I'm gonna stick around n' find out, and be patient.

Chinese dropped, and was 10 years out of date. He'll have to wait 'til 2036 for his "groundbreaking" music to be 'ironic' enough to be relevant.

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DJ said that 'None of us are in a hurry to make a 'bad' record. Let's pretend DJ's word has some integrity for a second... Does that mean that everything, from CD leftovers, to DJ's 12 demo's are considered bad at this point in time? Or is he just back peddling.

Thanks for the offer OMG, maybe stumbled was the wrong word. Lol.

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Axl should do a back to basics rock record with some of DJ's (and the other guys) material on it and release it under his own name or made up band name - it'd get some pressure of his back from the hardcore fans (as most fans couldn't care less about new music) and please his band employees at the same time (especially DJ) by having some material released to the public.

IMO GnR discography should be closed indefinitely, apart from the exception of a revised 'Greatest Hits' or 'Live Era Greatest Hits' album.

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