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Axl Rose Haircut: Resemblance to Charles Bronson in ‘Death Wish’ and Westerns

Randy Lahey

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Normally I leave the Axl's hair and style threads up to Miser, but I felt compelled to start this thread after stumbling across this comparison of my favorite singer to my favorite action hero.


Axl Rose Haircut: Resemblance to Charles Bronson in ‘Death Wish’ and Westerns


Axl Rose (Photo : Facebook/Guns N' Roses)
Charles Bronson (Photo : Facebook/Charles Bronson)

Recently, we reported that Axl Rose had made waves by taking off his fedora and showing off a new, short haircut.

The response to this new look has been mixed, with some fans saying, "His hair looks great." One fan was indignant that we suggested Axl take a tip from Robert Pattinson and even went so far as to say, "Yes, a music legend is going to take advice from a soon to be has-been actor."

Now, it appears that Axl Rose's new look has some distinct similarities with that of Charles Bronson, who died in 2003. Best known for his roles as a vigilante in "Death Wish," Bronson was a favorite with older women everywhere, with his hair flopping over his forehead and his sparse mustache.

Despite the overabundance of facial hair and the sagging jawline, Bronson had a tough, ruthless look about him, which fitted his role as the avenger of his dead wife and daughter in "Death Wish."

Now that Axl Rose's look has started to resemble Bronson's, we can imagine him as a vigilante or a gunslinger in the wild west, roles that Bronson played to perfection.

Imagine a scene where the lights come on and Axl is standing in the middle of the stage, a hat on his head, a gun in his hand. He shoots the bad guys and blows the smoke off his gun, then turns to the audience, where women swoon.

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