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Why does Axl's weight bother you?

Guest NGOG

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He was energetic as fuck and skinny and wiry and dangerous.

I don't mean to be blunt, but why is being skinny a desirable attribute of one of your favorite rockstars? Out of curiosity, are you a homosexual?

Just curious Ncog. What was the purpose of starting this topic and immediately accusing people of being gay?

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He was energetic as fuck and skinny and wiry and dangerous.

I don't mean to be blunt, but why is being skinny a desirable attribute of one of your favorite rockstars? Out of curiosity, are you a homosexual?

Just curious Ncog. What was the purpose of starting this topic and immediately accusing people of being gay?

i'm also curious. saying he looks great isn't gay but saying he looks bad is gay? explain it to me.

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He was energetic as fuck and skinny and wiry and dangerous.

I don't mean to be blunt, but why is being skinny a desirable attribute of one of your favorite rockstars? Out of curiosity, are you a homosexual?

Just curious Ncog. What was the purpose of starting this topic and immediately accusing people of being gay?

Good question, maybe Estranged Reality can take note of this?

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terrible thread. ngog is probably homossexual, a fat and insecure one.

I'm saying this publicly so others take heed: if I see more comments like these in this section, action will be taken. Comments insulting other users, calling them fat homosexuals in a derogatory fashion? Not cool; not going to be tolerated; not just going to be moved to another section. Posts will be deleted and appropriate action will be taken.

So why is it accepted when it's towards Axl in many, many threads? This is supposed to be a fan forum, not a hate forum.

I just cleaned up a bunch of posts about Axl in another thread. That was partly my incentive for making this post in here, when I saw more of the similar comments against a forum user. One thing I will say, though, is Axl is a public figure: people do have a right to opine on him and his appearance. (But there's a difference between saying he looks fat and harping on insulting him at great length, and it's when people cross that line that it becomes an issue.) But forum users are not public figures, so for someone to be calling another user gay and fat, or whatever, is just uncalled for. Anyway, if you have concerns about this stuff, report the posts or bring up your concerns in Support. For now though, let's try to get back on topic. :)

Anyone could be a public figure here, even Axl n other band members/crew used to post in this forum.

He was energetic as fuck and skinny and wiry and dangerous.

I don't mean to be blunt, but why is being skinny a desirable attribute of one of your favorite rockstars? Out of curiosity, are you a homosexual?

Just curious Ncog. What was the purpose of starting this topic and immediately accusing people of being gay?

i'm also curious. saying he looks great isn't gay but saying he looks bad is gay? explain it to me.

Last time i check the posts he was asking the obsessed ppl about that. Frankly makes me wanna ask the same question to some ppl here, just to put the puzzle together.

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So back to the original topic, it would be ludicrous to think that the excess weight doesn't only affect his performance, but also his confidence and stage presence. Like someone already mentioned, I think a new album/music would quieten topics regarding his weight, appearance, fashion sense, and the like.

As a female of reproductive age, I would love a fit and healthy Axl :awesomeface:

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I just cleaned up a bunch of posts about Axl in another thread. That was partly my incentive for making this post in here, when I saw more of the similar comments against a forum user. One thing I will say, though, is Axl is a public figure: people do have a right to opine on him and his appearance. (But there's a difference between saying he looks fat and harping on insulting him at great length, speculating about his sexuality, etc., and it's when people cross that line that it becomes an issue.) But forum users are not public figures, so for someone to be calling another user gay and fat, or whatever, is just uncalled for. Anyway, if you have concerns about this stuff, report the posts or bring up your concerns in Support. For now though, let's try to get back on topic. :)

Thanks for reacting on this. I have one comment though, you poignantly point out the important difference between insulting a public figure and insulting a fellow member of the board. I would also like to point out that Axl isn't just any public figure, he is the frontman of the lineup this very section is devoted to, and if it is in the forum's interest to make this a supporting section, then you might consider offering him a little more protection against the constant bashing than any other random public figure. Again -- and it is dismaying that I have to point this out, but if I forget the cupcakes will just use it for all it is worth -- I am not saying Axl should be sacrosanct and above criticism, just that senseless bashing of him shouldn't be accepted just because he is a public figure, we actually expect more from a fan forum. Criticism: Yay! Constantly bashing him at EVERY opportunity: Nay. It really is that simple.

So back to the original topic, it would be ludicrous to think that the excess weight doesn't only affect his performance, but also his confidence and stage presence.

It certainly isn't ludicrous when most reviews praise his stage presence and confidence. As for performance, you have nothing but a weak correlation between his weight and voice quality. We could just as well claim it is the presence of facial hair that is to blame. You lack causality. And I for one find it completely improbable that the weight will cause his rasp to disappear.

He was energetic as fuck and skinny and wiry and dangerous.

I don't mean to be blunt, but why is being skinny a desirable attribute of one of your favorite rockstars? Out of curiosity, are you a homosexual?

Just curious Ncog. What was the purpose of starting this topic and immediately accusing people of being gay?

The purpose of the thread is explicitly spelled out in the first post, curiosity regarding the immense focus on Axl's weight and appearance. NGOG then asked a responder who expressed acute concern about Axl's waning appearance whether he was homosexual, obviously considering that a plausible explanation. What exactly is it that confuses you?

Edited by SoulMonster
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terrible thread. ngog is probably homossexual, a fat and insecure one.

I'm saying this publicly so others take heed: if I see more comments like these in this section, action will be taken. Comments insulting other users, calling them fat homosexuals in a derogatory fashion?

Don't worry I did not find it insulting. It is quite clear to me that the maynards of this community act like a schoolyard bully online in order to compensate for the lifetime of bullying they've endured in reality.
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I don't mean to be blunt, but why is being skinny a desirable attribute of one of your favorite rockstars? Out of curiosity, are you a homosexual?

i'm also curious. saying he looks great isn't gay but saying he looks bad is gay? explain it to me.

Last time i check the posts he was asking the obsessed ppl about that. Frankly makes me wanna ask the same question to some ppl here, just to put the puzzle together.

I certainly hope ALL digs at people's sexuality will be treated the same way then.

For everyone crying about the "bashing" going on in this thread, let's not forget who started the discussion, and the aims they obviously had in mind, and how easily the outcome of the thread could have been predicted. Bunch of crying little children.

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The purpose of the thread is explicitly spelled out in the first post, curiosity regarding the immense focus on Axl's weight and appearance. NGOG then asked a responder who expressed acute concern about Axl's waning appearance whether he was homosexual, obviously considering that a plausible explanation. What exactly is it that confuses you?

This, what is written above, is my answer to the popular cupcake question.

As I outlined very clearly, I wasn't using homosexuality as a slander (as your boy maynard has). It was merely a legitimate question brought on by your vested interest in Axl's sex appeal.

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@SoulMonster; I didn't say voice quality anywhere. Performance encompasses more than that buddy. You love to misquote and take things out of context as I've learnt.

Axl is great regardless of his weight, but we really have nothing else to discuss here so it's his own fault haha

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I don't care about Axl's weight other than the fact that it's become clear he doesn't take care of himself and it shows in his performances. He's noticeably gassed by the end of every show and constantly needs to leave the stage for oxygen breaks. I would settle for shorter setlists if he got himself in better shape for them.

Now, let me also say that I think a lot that's been made about him being overweight has been beaten to death. Axl not taking care of his voice like he should is entirely different from being overweight. If he was able to bring it with more rasp consistently in every performance, I really don't think anybody here would complain.

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Axl's weight doesnt bother me... its up to him to decide if he wants to be fit or not. I personally think not being in as good a shape as possible does effect his voice and his singing power.. With the being said to say Axl looks for for a 51 YO is kind of ridiculous. Because hes not the average 50 YO, hell Im 36 and Axl is in better shape than me. He's a rock icon and his job is to preform and be a public figure when he chooses to tour and release music. Axl likes to give a very physical performance and when hes not in top shape its noticeable.

I just saw GNR at the Gov Ball and I would say this is the worse shape ive seen Axl in and ive seen them 6 times since 2006. Even my son commented that his belly was bigger. Again it doesnt bother me, but I will say the Gov Ball was the weakest performance as a whole ive seen Axl preform. He's clunky moving around on stage and he's missing the rasp on a lot of songs and to me that comes down to being a little winded. He sounds fine live to the average person and at the end of the day thats all that matters but for me a person that travels all over the place to see them I can tell the difference.

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@SoulMonster; I didn't say voice quality anywhere. Performance encompasses more than that buddy. You love to misquote and take things out of context as I've learnt.

Huh? I wasn't misquoting anything, I responded to both your claim that his confidence and stage presence is affected by his weight, and your claim that his performance is affected. Just see the exact reply from me below where I have bolded the relevant parts in my reply.

So back to the original topic, it would be ludicrous to think that the excess weight doesn't only affect his performance, but also his confidence and stage presence.

It certainly isn't ludicrous when most reviews praise his stage presence and confidence. As for performance, you have nothing but a weak correlation between his weight and voice quality. We could just as well claim it is the presence of facial hair that is to blame. You lack causality. And I for one find it completely improbable that the weight will cause his rasp to disappear.

Do you now see that I responded exactly to what you claimed and misquoted nothing?

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It bothers me, cause he was gorgeous when young, full of energy, seeing him letting himself go is just hard. In 2006 he looked great, why couldn't he maintain that? So I agree, it's like he doesn't care anymore, not for himself and not for his music. If he was fat, but still release great music, it woulnd't bother me as much.

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I think as a community we tend to focus on the superficial qualities of a 'rockstar' and neglect Axl's artistry. Bon Jovi looks great, but his sense of artistry is garbage and arguably, non-existent.

Yet Bon Jovi has been releasing albums and selling out shows for 25 years.

Why is what you are doing any different than what you are complaining about?

You and a few others are complaining about people focusing on Axl's weight........but even you yourself make comments about Axl's weight/looks and you are making comments about other rock star's looks/weight.

What is the difference between a hater and a fan-boy - when they BOTH are talking about Axl's weight/looks?

Fanboy - "Axl looks great."

Hater - "Axl looks horrible."

BOTH are talking about his looks/weight.

The only reason the majority of people comment on Axl's weight is in response to him sounding out-of-shape and out-of-breath while performing.


Mina1788..........welcome to the world of debating with Soulmonster. Know in advance that any discussion with him is not going to focus on the topic or main point, but him twisting things you say and pulling one sentence out of an entire paragraph and using it out of context. He likes to "change" the meaning of things he says as well.

So good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Groghan
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Yet Bon Jovi has been releasing albums and selling out shows for 25 years.

Would you give those albums the time of day though Groghan? I personally wouldn't give or take a few songs here and there. Granted Bon Jovi put on a good show but musically they're a bit, well, awful?

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Because I want to see a man who gives a fuck about his health and future of HIS band, that's all.

That Axl was burned and buried years ago, unfortunately.

OK, then. Back on topic.

This is what I'm not sure about, Nosaj, and why I will continue to be disappointed by his physical condition. I don't think it would be that hard for him to get back in decent shape. If this was just unavoidable aging, I'd give the guy a pass. But he doesn't take care of himself. It's apparent. That's what is so frustrating, for me at least.

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Why is what you are doing any different than what you are complaining about?

Groghan, he isn't doing anything different. His point is the immense focus on Axl's weight. NGOG has never expressed an immense focus on Axl's weight. Do you understand the difference between expressing curiosity about someone's mannerisms and actually being guilty of those mannerisms yourself?

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