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Axl is now at stage 7 in his career


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I have tried to summarize the different stages in Axl's career. I believe the last few years havent been too good and considering his age Im not sure what the future holds. I tried to put the different stages in timeslots, but not too thorough so dont look upon it as too accurate, just a rough divide.

Stage 1: (Pre GNR + Club years, 1976-1987)

Formative years. Still finding his way. Up-and-coming musicians

Voice: Still experimenting (ie RapidFire voice). Starting to find his voice once he joined GNR. Great rasp in his voice

Stage performance: Copied Richard Black's snakedance. Lots of energy and enthusiasm. I think not too much controversy in this period? (late starts, leaving stage etc) Allthough there were an incident at a Hollywood Rose gig where Axl Rose threw a glass or broke a bottle over a fan's head

Looks: Mike Monroe was a big inspiration for Axl at this time. Tried to copy his hairstyle, permed. Lots of leather and outrageous pants. Used a little make-up (glam look) Police hat, bandana

Stage 2: (AFD, 1987 - 1991)

Hitting global fame. Classic line-up. Future is bright

Voice: Axl has found his style and his voice sound great. Rasp, anger, energy. All the famous Axl trademarks are now present in his voice

Stage performance: Lots of energy. Controversies abound. Late starts, early leaves. Fighting, riots

Looks: Straight hair. Thin, fit. Tattoos, spandex, caps. Less glam

Stage 3: (UYI, 1991 - 1993)

Both him and GNR are now in their prime. Nr.1 Rockstar in the world

Voice: His best period for his voice. Fully developed, unique style. Rasp, anger, energy, loud

Stage performance: Again his best period. Running around on stage. Lots of enthusiasm. On top of the world. Rebellious, "most dangerous band in the world"

Looks: This is the period in which most people associate with Axl's looks. Wears a lot of short spandex, t-shirts (Manson, kill your idols). Straight hair, bandanas. Often bearded. Sometimes wears decorated blazers. Often wears a kilt

Stage 4: (NewGNR, 2001 - 2002)

The first return of Axl with his new line-up

Voice: Still good, but a bit less powerful than in the 90s and starting tendency of Mickey voice

Stage performance: Still lots of energy. Seems highly motivated. Tendency of out of breath.

Looks: Looks different, but recognizable. A bit heavier than before. Wears tracksuit pants and American football jerseys or Chinese shirts unbuttoned. Straight hair at RIR3 but later beaded hair, but wears it long

Stage 5: (NewGNR, 2006-2007)

Axl has been away for 4 years and returns again with altered line-up

Voice: Declining, but decent

Stage performance: Getting older. Less running around. Seems still motivated

Looks: His most drastic change in GNR history. His face looks like its been chemically peeled. Beads in a ponytail. Wears different clothing from before. Sleeveless shirts, vests, decorated jeans. Often wearing sunglasses

Stage 6: (Present GNR, 2009 - 2010)

DJ is added and we have our present line-up. Last glimpse of glory?

Voice: His voice has a turn for the better in 2010. Sounds surprisingly good, but nothing like his prime years

Stage performance: Seems motivated still. Tries to keep up the energy of the glory days. Fairly good physical condition

Looks: Back to the bandana again. Usually without hat and sunglasses. Cowboy mustache. Wears shirt often like his primedays. Colourful blazers

Stage 7: (Nostalgia Tour, 2011 -)

GNR as we know them today. Nothing new. Over the top. Getting old. Future is less bright due to age

Voice: His worst period. No rasp, Mickey Mouse, a few disasters. Forgets lyrics

Stage performance: Axl is in his 50s now. The old ways doesnt work anymore with running around and energy level is down. Less enthusiastic. Just going through the motions

Looks: Hides behind hats and sunglasses. Shorter, more wavy hair. A bit overweight. Wears permanent eyeliner? Doesnt show arms anymore. Untucked t-shirts and decorative leather jackets

Edited by sword&tulipz
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A distinction needs to be made between (2011-early 2013) and mid 2013. I think we hit a new level in this last month. He's on his upside. The 11-13 Axl wasnt motivated. He was depressed that 2010 Axl didnt get dates in America. He was in a transitional period. In the past month I think Axl's shown he's accepted where he's at, wants to put on a hell of a live show. Gooooooo Axl!

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This recap doesn't feel right to me.

Axl early 00's actually sounded way worse and unrehearsed compared '06-'10 thinglings. To me, it is obvious that in between, during those hiatus years, he definately worked on his voice/vocal delivery...

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3 > 2 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 7 > 1

any objections? good

Why was stage 1 last?

Guess I misread the OP. I thought stage 1 was just the pre-LLAS Rapidfire shit.

3 > 2 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 7 > 1

any objections? good

2 = 3 > 4 = 5 > 6 > 1 > 7

2002 better than 2010? Interesting.

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3 > 2 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 7 > 1

any objections? good

2 = 3 > 4 = 5 > 6 > 1 > 7

2002 better than 2010? Interesting.

It's about Buckethead. I's about the big return. It's about the possibilities at the time. It's about Axl's apparent hunger to make a name for the new band. Don't get me wrong, there were great shows in 2010. And his voice in 2010 was much better than in 2002. I just think about what it was like to be a fan in 2002 (before the Philly debacle) and what it was like in 2010, and I was much more excited in 2002. And as far as his career's prospects at the time, I definitely think 2002 > 2010.

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3 > 2 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 7 > 1

any objections? good

2 = 3 > 4 = 5 > 6 > 1 > 7

2002 better than 2010? Interesting.

It's about Buckethead. I's about the big return. It's about the possibilities at the time. It's about Axl's apparent hunger to make a name for the new band. Don't get me wrong, there were great shows in 2010. And his voice in 2010 was much better than in 2002. I just think about what it was like to be a fan in 2002 (before the Philly debacle) and what it was like in 2010, and I was much more excited in 2002. And as far as his career's prospects at the time, I definitely think 2002 > 2010.

Ah, well I was ranking them based on Axl's performance alone. I agree that the 2002 era in general was better than '09-10.

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As a fan of this band im glad that we can't put the years of performing in just one bag.

Every year/tour we get something different. Different lineups, different setlists, different level of perfomances. It's a lottery, but i've seen the old band in 93 and the current lineup, and one thing to me is certain.

As long is Axl there singing those fucking amazing songs is worth the wait and the price of the ticket. You don't get bored at a GNR show, unless your thing is the smoke you are buying every day in the mainstream "music".

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