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Which Bon Jovi´s songs do you image in a Axl Voice?

Lucky girl

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Sorry, ....but how can anyone of you imagine (or even wish) Axl singin' Bon Jovi's empty cheap mediocre songs with lyrics of a 12 years old brat who's in love for the very first time and his vocabulary and expression is very limited by his age and experiences ?!

If GNR wrote "songs" like Bon Jovi, I would never become a fan.

You're so fuckin' cool.

Probably Bed of Roses or I'll Be There For You.

IBTFY with the heavy rasp!

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It'd be really cool to have Sambora replace DJ for instance. I'm sure Sambora would be able to contribute with some really ass-kicking R&R riffs and he's also a brilliant backup vocalist. It'd be probably the best thing that could happen to Axl's band...

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It'd be great to have Axl & Jon on stage playing for instance Hey God - I'm pretty sure Axl diggs that song which is a brilliant rocker btw.

Axl & Jon also have one more thing in common these days, they've both lost their iconic lead guitar players: Slash & Sambora.

Sambora is still in the band he just isnt touring. He was fired off the current tour. He was making 2 million plus a month for not doing anything to add to the current tour. He will still write and record with Bon Jovi and perhaps be on the next tour.

I think a Axl take on Bed of Roses or Always would be acceptable.

Edited by rockerman
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