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Has Axl given up because of all the negativity directed his way by so-called "fans"?


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Something wrong with quoting. Anyway. I am not denying that there aren't negative things, just that overall the positives (a new record 5 years ago and lots of touring all over the world) outweighs the negatives (which really are minor bullshit like management not being nice enough to the fans, Axl not talking to us, too little variation in live shows, etc). You might not like the record, but that is really a matter of preference and not something to complain about, you might also still complain about things that have happened previously (no recording before 2008, dissolution of the UYI lineup, Slash quitting the band) but I am talking about now, not history. I guess you can say I see the glass as half full whereas many here looks on it as half empty, to that I would say, as I have done previously, that people tend to use too big a glass when it comes to GN'R. From now on, use a shots glass and you'd be much less whiny.

you mean use this cup as reference :lol:


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Something wrong with quoting. Anyway. I am not denying that there aren't negative things, just that overall the positives (a new record 5 years ago and lots of touring all over the world) outweighs the negatives (which really are minor bullshit like management not being nice enough to the fans, Axl not talking to us, too little variation in live shows, etc). You might not like the record, but that is really a matter of preference and not something to complain about, you might also still complain about things that have happened previously (no recording before 2008, dissolution of the UYI lineup, Slash quitting the band) but I am talking about now, not history. I guess you can say I see the glass as half full whereas many here looks on it as half empty, to that I would say, as I have done previously, that people tend to use too big a glass when it comes to GN'R. From now on, use a shots glass and you'd be much less whiny.

Most, if not technically all of what I said HAS to do with the present.

And most seem to agree the cons outweigh the pros. Nothing of what I said had anything to do with how much (or really, how little) I enjoyed Chinese Democracy.

How you overlook at all the current missteps and mishaps with a smile on your face is truly beyond me. But good for you, I guess.

Edited by Bobbo
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Something wrong with quoting. Anyway. I am not denying that there aren't negative things, just that overall the positives (a new record 5 years ago and lots of touring all over the world) outweighs the negatives (which really are minor bullshit like management not being nice enough to the fans, Axl not talking to us, too little variation in live shows, etc). You might not like the record, but that is really a matter of preference and not something to complain about, you might also still complain about things that have happened previously (no recording before 2008, dissolution of the UYI lineup, Slash quitting the band) but I am talking about now, not history. I guess you can say I see the glass as half full whereas many here looks on it as half empty, to that I would say, as I have done previously, that people tend to use too big a glass when it comes to GN'R. From now on, use a shots glass and you'd be much less whiny.

I think you're overlooking the current situation which is just not very good. I'm optimistic enough to believe new music will be released in the future, but the facts are we have 15 songs to listen to from Axl and new Guns and it's been around in different versions since 1997.

We get no news or updates about what the fuck is going on. I can kinda see why Axl prefers to not say anything after what happened with Chinese, but it makes shit way more complicated and just all around sucky for the fans, especially those that loved Chinese and just want more to listen to.

It's not about your half full glass or my half empty one. It's just looking at the situation and calling it what it is: just not enough.

I'll never give up on Axl or new Guns no matter what, but I'm not fucking blind.

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Something wrong with quoting. Anyway. I am not denying that there aren't negative things, just that overall the positives (a new record 5 years ago and lots of touring all over the world) outweighs the negatives (which really are minor bullshit like management not being nice enough to the fans, Axl not talking to us, too little variation in live shows, etc). You might not like the record, but that is really a matter of preference and not something to complain about, you might also still complain about things that have happened previously (no recording before 2008, dissolution of the UYI lineup, Slash quitting the band) but I am talking about now, not history. I guess you can say I see the glass as half full whereas many here looks on it as half empty, to that I would say, as I have done previously, that people tend to use too big a glass when it comes to GN'R. From now on, use a shots glass and you'd be much less whiny.

you mean use this cup as reference :lol:


Yeah, that would make us all happy :)

It's not about your half full glass or my half empty one. It's just looking at the situation and calling it what it is: just not enough.

Which is because you expect too much ;). Expect nothing and one record 5 years ago and touring all over the world is just fantastic. Expect a little and it is still good. Expect a lot and you will probably be disappointed. But why on earth would you expect a lot. What in the last 20 years of GN'R has made you come to expect a lot?

How you overlook at all the current missteps and mishaps with a smile on your face is truly beyond me. But good for you, I guess.

Because the current missteps and mishaps means very little to me and a lot less than new music does (which we got 5 years ago) and the band being active (which they are all the time). Delayed merchandise, arrogant managers, Axl not doing lots of interviews? Pffff. I only care about new music, and, although I don't like Axl's recent silence on the matter of the future of GN'R, I still hope and believe new music will come. As for the rest: trivialities.

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Something wrong with quoting. Anyway. I am not denying that there aren't negative things, just that overall the positives (a new record 5 years ago and lots of touring all over the world) outweighs the negatives (which really are minor bullshit like management not being nice enough to the fans, Axl not talking to us, too little variation in live shows, etc). You might not like the record, but that is really a matter of preference and not something to complain about, you might also still complain about things that have happened previously (no recording before 2008, dissolution of the UYI lineup, Slash quitting the band) but I am talking about now, not history. I guess you can say I see the glass as half full whereas many here looks on it as half empty, to that I would say, as I have done previously, that people tend to use too big a glass when it comes to GN'R. From now on, use a shots glass and you'd be much less whiny.

you mean use this cup as reference :lol:


Yeah, that would make us all happy :)

It's not about your half full glass or my half empty one. It's just looking at the situation and calling it what it is: just not enough.

Which is because you expect too much ;). Expect nothing and one record 5 years ago and touring all over the world is just fantastic. Expect a little and it is still good. Expect a lot and you will probably be disappointed. But why on earth would you expect a lot. What in the last 20 years of GN'R has made you come to expect a lot?

Nah. I expect nothing from Axl. It's not about me. I'm not responsible for this current situation. Maybe you got used to accept it as is, but that doesn't change the fact 15 songs in 20 years is a fucking tragedy for any Axl/ Guns fan.

Doesn't change the fact we are mostly ignored by the band, and I'll bet Bumble will agree with me that it's just not a very good way for a band to operate. Shit, even members of the band don't always know what is going on and Bumble doesn't even get to write with Axl.

It's not something you can put on the fans. Expectations were based on how other bands, normal bands operate, and how old Guns did things and the grand promises that were made by Axl. Now it's a different story, but just because you are fine with getting nothing for long periods of time and you have no problem being kept in the dark or in the very least it's not something that hurts your experience as a fan, doesn't mean it's not shockingly unprolific, messy, and more then anything else, a waste of time and opportunities.

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Something wrong with quoting. Anyway. I am not denying that there aren't negative things, just that overall the positives (a new record 5 years ago and lots of touring all over the world) outweighs the negatives (which really are minor bullshit like management not being nice enough to the fans, Axl not talking to us, too little variation in live shows, etc). You might not like the record, but that is really a matter of preference and not something to complain about, you might also still complain about things that have happened previously (no recording before 2008, dissolution of the UYI lineup, Slash quitting the band) but I am talking about now, not history. I guess you can say I see the glass as half full whereas many here looks on it as half empty, to that I would say, as I have done previously, that people tend to use too big a glass when it comes to GN'R. From now on, use a shots glass and you'd be much less whiny.

you mean use this cup as reference :lol:


Yeah, that would make us all happy :)

It's not about your half full glass or my half empty one. It's just looking at the situation and calling it what it is: just not enough.

Which is because you expect too much ;). Expect nothing and one record 5 years ago and touring all over the world is just fantastic. Expect a little and it is still good. Expect a lot and you will probably be disappointed. But why on earth would you expect a lot. What in the last 20 years of GN'R has made you come to expect a lot?

How you overlook at all the current missteps and mishaps with a smile on your face is truly beyond me. But good for you, I guess.

Because the current missteps and mishaps means very little to me and a lot less than new music does (which we got 5 years ago) and the band being active (which they are all the time). Delayed merchandise, arrogant managers, Axl not doing lots of interviews? Pffff. I only care about new music, and, although I don't like Axl's recent silence on the matter of the future of GN'R, I still hope and believe new music will come. As for the rest: trivialities.

Not really though, seeing how the point I was making in the first place was fans don't have a lot, if anything, to really be positive about when it comes to current nu guns. Most of what I listed is a circle of clusterfuck, most of the points correlating to each other. And the half a decade gap would settle for most reasonable people if we were in a run in a mill like scenario, but we're not. At all.

If Axl giving half assed reruns over and over again is your thing though, have at it. :shrugs:

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It's not something you can put on the fans. Expectations were based on how other bands, normal bands operate, and how old Guns did things. Now it's a different story, but just because you are fine with getting nothing for long periods of time and you have no problem being kept in the dark or in the very least it's not something that hurts your experience as a fan, doesn't mean it's not shockingly unprolific, messy, and more then anything else, a waste of time and opportunities.

Old guns existed more than 20 years ago. I think it is way beyond time to stop expecting what we have today to function like that. It is way beyond time we wise up.

I am not saying I am fine with the negatives, just that the positives outweigh the negatives by far. Of course I would like the band to be more functional! Of course I would like for the band and management to keep us up to date! Etc. It is just a trivial thing compared to the band releasing new music and touring the world. And I refuse to continue to complain about the dark years leading up to the release of CD. I am focussing on the now.

Not really though, seeing how the point I was making in the first place was fans don't have a lot, if anything, to really be positive about when it comes to current nu guns.

We have a recent new record and a band who has been touring successfully and extensively all across the globe. If this counts less than delayed merch, arrogant managers, and whatever else is wrong with GN'R today to you, then I am just happy I am me and not you. I am here for the music and the live shows.

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It's not something you can put on the fans. Expectations were based on how other bands, normal bands operate, and how old Guns did things. Now it's a different story, but just because you are fine with getting nothing for long periods of time and you have no problem being kept in the dark or in the very least it's not something that hurts your experience as a fan, doesn't mean it's not shockingly unprolific, messy, and more then anything else, a waste of time and opportunities.

Old guns existed more than 20 years ago. I think it is way beyond time to stop expecting what we have today to function like that. It is way beyond time we wise up.

I am not saying I am fine with the negatives, just that the positives outweigh the negatives by far. Of course I would like the band to be more functional! Of course I would like for the band and management to keep us up to date! Etc. It is just a trivial thing compared to the band releasing new music and touring the world. And I refuse to continue to complain about the dark years leading up to the release of CD. I am focussing on the now.

Axl made a lot of promises. Mostly he failed to deliver any of them. Chinese got released and that's great cause I love it, but you keep coming back to 'don't complain about the past, focus on the present' and I'm telling you, the present state of the band and what we have now and can hope for is very little. That's the problem, cause when I focus on the now all I see is the potential and chemistry of the current line up wasted, and the fans don't get any updates on anything.

New music is something that Axl won't talk about in detail or mostly at all. There is no clarity. Just a well protected backwards way of doing things.

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Axl made a lot of promises. Mostly he failed to deliver any of them. Chinese got released and that's great cause I love it, but you keep coming back to 'don't complain about the past, focus on the present' and I'm telling you, the present state of the band and what we have now and can hope for is very little. That's the problem, cause when I focus on the now all I see is the potential and chemistry of the current line up wasted, and the fans don't get any updates on anything.

As I said, I don't like this new silence from Axl in regards to the future, either. But from past history I know he has his down and ups. This is probably just one of the downs and it might take some time before he is inspired and visionary again. I refuse to complain about this being the end until I actually know it is.

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Axl made a lot of promises. Mostly he failed to deliver any of them. Chinese got released and that's great cause I love it, but you keep coming back to 'don't complain about the past, focus on the present' and I'm telling you, the present state of the band and what we have now and can hope for is very little. That's the problem, cause when I focus on the now all I see is the potential and chemistry of the current line up wasted, and the fans don't get any updates on anything.

As I said, I don't like this new silence from Axl in regards to the future, either. But from past history I know he has his down and ups. This is probably just one of the downs and it might take some time before he is inspired and visionary again. I refuse to complain about this being the end until I actually know it is.

Didn't say or think it was the end. If anything, it's typical for Axl to do this. He could be thinking about releasing more music, but we just don't know.

I believe we'll hear more offically released music someday but right now,

It's just more of the same which is nothing in Gn'R land.

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It's not something you can put on the fans. Expectations were based on how other bands, normal bands operate, and how old Guns did things. Now it's a different story, but just because you are fine with getting nothing for long periods of time and you have no problem being kept in the dark or in the very least it's not something that hurts your experience as a fan, doesn't mean it's not shockingly unprolific, messy, and more then anything else, a waste of time and opportunities.

Old guns existed more than 20 years ago. I think it is way beyond time to stop expecting what we have today to function like that. It is way beyond time we wise up.

I am not saying I am fine with the negatives, just that the positives outweigh the negatives by far. Of course I would like the band to be more functional! Of course I would like for the band and management to keep us up to date! Etc. It is just a trivial thing compared to the band releasing new music and touring the world. And I refuse to continue to complain about the dark years leading up to the release of CD. I am focussing on the now.

Not really though, seeing how the point I was making in the first place was fans don't have a lot, if anything, to really be positive about when it comes to current nu guns.

We have a recent new record and a band who has been touring successfully and extensively all across the globe. If this counts less than delayed merch, arrogant managers, and whatever else is wrong with GN'R today to you, then I am just happy I am me and not you. I am here for the music and the live shows.

Half a decade is not recent. Especially considering the decade+ spent making "multiple albums" and there not even being a hint of a new album even in the cards. For the last two years, it's mainly just been half assed, repetive touring on Axl's end. So yeah, poor management, poor communication, apparent lack of drive and ambition from Axl to move things forward, missteps at almost every turn is something that's hard for even the most reasonable fan to just overlook and grin and bear.

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Axl made a lot of promises. Mostly he failed to deliver any of them. Chinese got released and that's great cause I love it, but you keep coming back to 'don't complain about the past, focus on the present' and I'm telling you, the present state of the band and what we have now and can hope for is very little. That's the problem, cause when I focus on the now all I see is the potential and chemistry of the current line up wasted, and the fans don't get any updates on anything.

As I said, I don't like this new silence from Axl in regards to the future, either. But from past history I know he has his down and ups. This is probably just one of the downs and it might take some time before he is inspired and visionary again. I refuse to complain about this being the end until I actually know it is.

Didn't say or think it was the end. If anything, it's typical for Axl to do this. He could be thinking about releasing more music, but we just don't know.

I believe we'll hear more offically released music someday but right now,

It's just more of the same which is nothing in Gn'R land.

The end comment was more directed to the overall vibe here and another thread.

I agree, we won't here new music for quite a while. That's unfortunate but it is what it is. And getting more of the same, which is more touring, is not nothing, at least not to the thousands of audience members who are entertained.

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Half a decade is not recent. Especially considering the decade+ spent making "multiple albums" and there not even being a hint of a new album even in the cards. For the last two years, it's mainly just been half assed, repetive touring on Axl's end. So yeah, poor management, poor communication, apparent lack of drive and ambition from Axl to move things forward, missteps at almost every turn is something that's hard for even the most reasonable fan to just overlook and grin and bear.

Again, it is not about overlooking anything, it is realizing that GN'R being active with a relatively recent record and non-stop global touring, is a helluva lot better than the alternative which is no activity at all and which we should dread from experience. Sure, I could be a curmudgeon too and just focus on the minor negatives, but that would be unfair and a miserable way of thinking. I focus on what is most important for a band, in my opinion, and that is releasing music and touring that music. And if we look at recent history, and not continue to let the dark ages leading up to the release of CD overcloud what we have now, and if we have some faith in Axl just taking a short break now and that he will soon start talking about new music, then the band is doing what it is supposed to do, especially for an old band which tend to be less productive, albeit in a hysterically incompetent and dysfunctional manner. So yeah, all in all things are pretty good (unless Axl has thrown in the towel for good, which we will "soon" find out).

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I said right now, since the band is not touring. The show I saw in 2012 was great. It was something.

The main thing for us right now though is new music, and the status of that is unclear. It's a valid complaint, especially when you consider how unsure fans were about Chinese and when if ever it was going to be released.

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Half a decade is not recent. Especially considering the decade+ spent making "multiple albums" and there not even being a hint of a new album even in the cards. For the last two years, it's mainly just been half assed, repetive touring on Axl's end. So yeah, poor management, poor communication, apparent lack of drive and ambition from Axl to move things forward, missteps at almost every turn is something that's hard for even the most reasonable fan to just overlook and grin and bear.

Again, it is not about overlooking anything, it is realizing that GN'R being active with a relatively recent record and non-stop global touring, is a helluva lot better than the alternative which is no activity at all and which we should dread from experience. Sure, I could be a curmudgeon too and just focus on the minor negatives, but that would be unfair and a miserable way of thinking. I focus on what is most important for a band, in my opinion, and that is releasing music and touring that music. And if we look at recent history, and not continue to let the dark ages leading up to the release of CD overcloud what we have now, and if we have some faith in Axl just taking a short break now and that he will soon start talking about new music, then the band is doing what it is supposed to do, especially for an old band which tend to be less productive, albeit in a hysterically incompetent and dysfunctional manner. So yeah, all in all things are pretty good (unless Axl has thrown in the towel for good, which we will "soon" find out).

I'm only considering the dark ages in the fact that in the decade plus it took to put out one album, and working on multiple albums, half a decade plus of not even feeling a shake of a new album is troubling. Axl's "active" through the same ol lazy touring over and over again (again, from Axl's part). Especially when material from that "recent" record has been very phased out recently. All I was stating is there plenty to be worked out that would probably prevent Axl from ever reaching that next step all in all if not addressed. And if Axl's really discouraged from all the so called negativity like this thread suggests (which is the hypothetical I was addressing in the first place), boy oh boy are things fucked unless a lot of those things are adjusted/changed. That's why I'm not considering those problems as minor as you're suggesting.

The way "Axl's been active" is worse than the alternative in my opinion. Half assed Axl<No Axl.

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"so called fans" Hahahaha guess you gotta worship everything the guy does even when he does nothing, no questions asked, bend right over and take it to be a fan eh. I missed that memo.

You only get what you give.

The fans, by however or whoever it came from, just have more negatives to embrace than positives.

Just like Axl isn't obligated to do shit for us, we're not obligated to show undying passionate support while he's stumbling around all over the place with what's left with his career.

If this was truly the case, most would say a stronger man would go into overdrive to try and win the fans back. I'd be down for that. Instead, we apparently have a cry baby man child going fetal and going through effortless motions with the same ol, same ol.

Released a new record 5 years ago, been touring all over the world thereafter. Not much to complain about really. I really don't get the negativity.

Then you're completely blind. Axl took the GnR name and as fans we wanted so badly for him to carry on the GnR legacy and take his new band and turn them into a new era GnR. All he fucking did was release one mediocre album over the last 17 or so years and tour the old bands material. If you can't comprehend why some fans are "negative" then I don't know what to tell ya.

Hey come on now, Bono- didn't we just receive a chord from a new tune? At this rate (one chord per half-decade) we may have a verse, chorus, and half the bridge by 2028! :)

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The main thing for us right now though is new music, and the status of that is unclear. It's a valid complaint, especially when you consider how unsure fans were about Chinese and when if ever it was going to be released.

Yes, we can complain about Axl not telling us about his plans. I think that is valid, too. He used to be vocal and now he is silent. He had all these plans and now we are left in the dark. That is a valid reason for complaining or perhaps even more: for worrying.

But let's not jump to conclusions, he is probably just one a down period like countless times before.

Hey come on now, Bono- didn't we just receive a chord from a new tune? At this rate (one chord per half-decade) we may have a verse, chorus, and half the bridge by 2028! :)

We might have to figure out how the chords go together, though ;) . I am willing to wager there's a G in the song, too.

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All I was stating is there plenty to be worked out that would probably prevent Axl from ever reaching that next step all in all if not addressed. And if Axl's really discouraged from all the so called negativity like this thread suggests (which is the hypothetical I was addressing in the first place), boy oh boy are things fucked unless a lot of those things are adjusted/changed. That's why I'm not considering those problems as minor as you're suggesting.

I don't believe that the negativity here on this forum would stifle Axl's enthusiasm about releasing new music. We just aren't that important of a demographic to him. As for the general public negativity, as seen in the media, I doubt that matters much to him either, it's been a constant presence in his life since 2001 and it seems to be somewhat lessened now with successful touring and media reviews in the US.

As for those other minor negative things, I doubt that will really have an effect on whether they release a new record. The overall important thing is Axl's state of mind and his enthusiasm for being a creative artist, and that seems to be more a function of his artistic dry spells, legal matters, biochemical deviations in his brain, and obscure grudges that may preoccupy his mind.

As I have said earlier. I am sure he will bounce back and be all excited about new music again in the future, because that is what history suggests. It might take a while, and with that I mean years, but could also be next week, but I am sure he will get there again, eventually.

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Some of you people are out of your minds. Axl absolutely deserves the negativity he gets. He is a brilliant musician, but he is probably the #1 least fan friendly artist of all time. To recap:

  • He is a minimum of 2 hours late to every show
  • He kept the name "Guns N Roses" despite only keeping the keyboardist from the original lineup....and while insisting he hold on the name he has released one album of new music in 15 years
  • He rarely rehearses before tours and shows up fat and out of shape at the beginning of most of them (see Rock N Rio in his yellow raincoat)....as a performer if you don't perform well you will face criticism
  • He refused to show his face at the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame which many fans would have appreciated
  • He has cycled through multiple lead guitarists who could not work with him (Slash, Zakk Wylde, Buckethead, Robin Finck)
  • He has cycled through multiple managers who weren't to his liking
  • He has been charged on two occasions for assaulting women
  • He no showed to two concerts in 2002; the last one causing the tour to be cancelled and offered no explanation or apology to the fans who showed (I was one of them)

You have it backwards. Axl's lack of music and complete disrespect for his fans has caused the negativity and it is well deserved. He has turned this band into a Spinal Tap like joke and everything he gets he deserves, the same way he deserves all of the praise he got in the late 80's and early 90's.

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Some of you people are out of your minds. Axl absolutely deserves the negativity he gets. He is a brilliant musician, but he is probably the #1 least fan friendly artist of all time. To recap:

    • He is a minimum of 2 hours late to every show

No, he isn't, lately he has actually been quite punctual :o.

  • He kept the name "Guns N Roses" despite only keeping the keyboardist from the original lineup....and while insisting he hold on the name he has released one album of new music in 15 years

A band's name has no more to do with who is in the lineup as it has to do with productivity.

  • He rarely rehearses before tours and shows up fat and out of shape at the beginning of most of them (see Rock N Rio in his yellow raincoat)....as a performer if you don't perform well you will face criticism

Yet most reviews from recent tours has been good to great, meaning he is fullfilling his obligations as an entertainer.

  • He refused to show his face at the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame which many fans would have appreciated

Mostly fans of a reunion. I couldn't care less whether he went to any meaningless award show.

  • He has cycled through multiple lead guitarists who could not work with him (Slash, Zakk Wylde, Buckethead, Robin Finck)

He sure is difficult, yes.

  • He has cycled through multiple managers who weren't to his liking

I personally couldn't care less.

  • He has been charged on two occasions for assaulting women

Which has nothing to do about valid criticism of GN'R and Axl as a musician.

  • He no showed to two concerts in 2002; the last one causing the tour to be cancelled and offered no explanation or apology to the fans who showed (I was one of them)

All in the past, all in the past.

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Of course the past is in the past -- where else would it be?

I never suggested the past wasn't in the past, I was pointing out the unfairness of bringing up grudges about things Axl did more than a decade ago in a discussion about whether we should be negative or positive about the current situation.

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Of course the past is in the past -- where else would it be?

I never suggested the past wasn't in the past, I was pointing out the unfairness of bringing up grudges about things Axl did more than a decade ago in a discussion about whether we should be negative or positive about the current situation.

More than a decade ago? He was three hours late to a show I went to in 2012. Everyone there was pissed because his fan base is people in their 40's who have to get to work in the morning. Yes, we know what we are getting into...but it still sucks.

1 album in 15 years.

No communication.

The reviews for Guns N Roses are horrible....I am sure you can selectively find good ones.....the Rock N Rio yellow raincoat show was a disaster...as was "Bridge School."

And the guy denounces all of the people who were in the old band...yet he is very cool profiting off of their music and continuing to play it over and over again every tour with a bunch of musicians who did not create it.

Plain and Simple...Axl Rose is a joke now and he has earned it.

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