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Izzy is massively overrated (Serious Discussion)

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What is with the amount of people who credit Izzy as being the main songwriter on AFD and the reason it all sounded so good?

It was WILLIAM AXL ROSE that wrote pretty much every lyric, and it was SAUL SLASH HUDSON who wrote the lead riffs and solos.

Izzy no doubt did a good job on the rhythm sections that drove a lot of Slash's lead sections, but people are greatly exaggerating his overall contribution. He did not write Slash's licks for him, nor did he write most of the lyrics. He was a good contributor in the band, but nothing special.


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Izzy was the anchor from which Axl and Slash tethered.

And he was a helluva song writer. He is one of the holy trinity of the essences of GnR. Show some respect.


I can say the same lie about Steven Adler as he was the "anchor" which drove the beats for Slash's riffs.

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Because there is SO much to discuss...

I don't agree necessarily with the conculsion, but I don't dismiss the premise.

Why can't we discuss band member contributions or lack thereof? It's not like we have anything in the past 7 years new to talk about...

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