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Posted (edited)

Remember when Brian May said he wouldn't recognize the stuff he played on the CD songs because of Axl's cutting and editing? When you have a maniac and dictator like Axl as the leader of a project, there won't be spontaneous moments, there won't be freedom, there won't be input from the hired musicians. They'll do what Axl tells them to do. And rightfully so, they're getting paid for it.

OH BUT GOING DOWNZ IS A TOMHASS SONGS HUE HUE. Sure, son. It is, buuuut.... It will never be released. Not even as a b-side. I consider that Axl throwing his dog a bone, nothing else.

BUT BETTA IS ROBINS SONNGG FINCK ME!!!11 So is "Instrumental 34". He might have helped written it. He has no power to change it or, um..., RELEASE it. Axl has the final word.

SILKWARM WAS WROTE BY PITT CHRISMAN AND DAZEY!!!!11 So why don't they release it? Make a lyrics-video and put it on Youtube? Simple. Because GNR is Axl's solo project.

Agh... to be fair everybody cuts and edits to create a great take, it's quite rare in this day and age for a take to be left alone... it happens but most musicians will say the same thing... they all record several takes and then edit together the bits they like most from each take. I agree with some of your points, don't get me wrong, anything spontaneous from Axl is quite unlikely and it would be great if the guys had more of a say and maybe a share of the power in some respects.

GnR since the early 90s has been Axl Rose's band, in 2014 this is much the same, but he now controls 100%. The other guys do not make the decisions as to when, where or how things will happen... just like bruce springsteens band don't get to decide these things... GnR was once a democratic band, it is now run by one man who asks others their opinion and probably takes that advice from time to time but the buck starts and ends with him, nobody else is going to be as willing as Axl to give GnR the necessary space in their mind... and until he finds someone that dedicated or someone from the old crew like Duff returns he will remain as el-capitano.

Edited by Tom2112

Putting Capital Letters At The Beginning Of Each And Every Word Of A Statement Doesn't Make It True.


I just wish that Axl realized (or that he cared) that he has millions of fans that would love to spend their money on his music.

There are a few people on here who talk about how they'd rather have quality over quantity and they don't mind waiting 20 years between albums. But the other 99.995% of Axl Rose fans would much rather get album of material from our favorite singer every 3-4 years.

We have faith in Axl's talent and skills and think that he has the ability to create quality music in a normal time period. We don't think it takes this guy 20 years to create great music.

It really is sad that even die-hard fans of the guy are now just hoping to get 1 or 2 more albums from him. Prince releases that many albums in a year. Can you imagine having four post-classic line-up albums in your hand right now instead of just CD? Can you imagine having four times the amount of songs like Better, Twat, Catcher, SOD?

I just always hope that one day Axl is going to wake up and say "this year is going to be about the fans. I'm gonna give back to those fans who have financially supported me for 25 years. This year I'm gonna do some interviews, and I'm gonna release as much music as humanly possible. Here is a box set that includes a two new albums - remaining CD songs and a current album written by the current band in the last year, a piano/covers album, a remix album, a live dvd/cd and my autobiography."


I didn't read the entire post, but I agree with the title.

Yeah dude, after 10 years of this -- there is no unturned stone in the GN'R community. This argument has a lot of merit, but there is no utility to it. It's not like Axl's gonna get outta his jacuzzi today, and say "Son of a bitch, they're right! Beta, get my towel gorgeous."

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He has complete control and unless you play a lot of the instruments and are the driving force behind the band (Axl was only a part of the dynamic - the most important yes but not the landscaper so to speak) that is an unhealthy thing. He's fucked up shunting Bumblefoot away as a spare wrench or something, should've turned to him and bounced the ideas around not continued to presumably tinker a couple times a month and smile and nod when someone says they have a couple ideas.

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