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Underrated Films/Movies


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The Brave directed by Johnny Depp and co-starring the fuckin' man himself, Mr Marlon Brando i think is a fuckin' fantastic movie, absolutely brilliant. It's about an Indian guy living in these slums that basically signs up to be in a snuff movie on the promise that his family get like 100,000 or something to kick start their life and the movies follows him during his last days and...aw fuck man, it's just crushing to watch, his gorgeous wife, his kid...and he's doing all this, paying the ultimate price, it's at once biblical and achingly common...and this movie was apparently slated in America, it was Johnny Depps directorial debut and he was so hurt by the reviews he ended up withdrawing it, probably available now here there and everywhere but back when i was first looking for it i had to order the motherfucker from Japan. Cracking film though, it really is...and Brandos fuckin' brilliant in it, the 5 minutes he's there.

Such a beautiful, poigniant, obscene, daring piece of cinema, total 10 out of 10 movie for me...and yet it's kinda passed by.

Really? I think it's pretty much garbage.

Sure, there's some neat stuff going on: the opening crane shot is pretty cool, all the characters are very idiosyncratic, etc. But the film is a mess. It has a very poor narrative to it and frankly, Marlon Brando is awful in my opinion. Like most of his latter day work, he doesn't know his lines, he's just making shit up as he speaks. I recall one moment in his monologue where he's drawing a blank at what to say and he just starts crying out of a lack of dialogue. Very awkward.

More interesting than the film itself is the history of the making of the film. The original producer/director Aziz Ghazal went crazy trying to make The Brave. He ended up killing his wife and teenage daughter before turning a magnum on himself. A copy of the script was left in his car with a suicide note.

Johnny felt that the film was cursed. He was probably right.

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