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Major League Baseball Thread - 2018 Season


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Mike Napoli is terrible. He's gotta go, even if it's for 40 cents on the dollar. I highly question Farrell putting he and Sandoval back to back.

Good to see Brian Johnson will get his chance in the rotation.

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2 of 3 from the Sox. Nice ending to the first half for the Yankees.

Never imagined they would lead the East at the Allstar break. Is there a bigger surprise than Arods first half? Here is a guy that many predicted would be cut before the end of spring training and is having an Allstar season.

Great to see Refsnyder crush his first dinger. would love to see him grab the 2nd base job.

Looking forward to see what happens with the trade deadline. Should be an interesting second half.

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Didn't watch the Home Run Derby last night. Its just glorified batting practice.

Will Pete Rose be there tonight? What are the odds?

i thought i heard somewhere you would be?

as for the derby it was a lot of fun, i was rooting for frazier to win i always go for the hometown player.

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Second half is underway. We all know this is a time when guys who were studs go in the tank, and vice versa. Teams can make runs or completely fall off. What do we think will happen?

AL East- Ummm. Anyone's guess. The Yanks bullpen is obviously legit. Tex's HR pace is well above his career average so he's likely due to regress. How much of an impact does that have? If it looks like theyre still in the lead, do they pull the trigger on a Cueto or Samardizja? (sp) I still believe the Jays are too good to not make a run. The Sox may have simply dug themselves in too deep of a hole. No faith in Tampa with that line up, and Baltimore does what they always do. My pick: Jays get some arms and go on a streak.

AL Central- Locked up pretty much. KC are legit contenders again.

AL West- the 'Stros were a nice story but they're still just so young. Angels have more vets and if Pujols is hitting like vintage Pujols, you gotta like them.

Wild card picks: Houston and Cleveland, who I think will turn it around. Yes I realize this leaves out the Yanks, I am betting on second half regression for some older guys and Tanaka getting hurt again.

Not as much intrigue in the NL. The East and West are likely locked up. Can't see the Mets making waves unless they go get more than one bat.

The Central definitely has some interest. The Pirates are on fire and harrison will be back in about 5 weeks. The Cards are the Cards but Carlos Martinez is approaching his career innings limit. So they might shut him down. I think the Pirates can overtake them

NL Wild card: Cardinals and Cubs.

I honestly believe Pittsburgh might win the World Series this year. Pitt/Dodgers NLCS. Angels/Royals NLCS. Pittsburgh over KC.

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Gut feelings...

AL East: The Blue Jays are like the bizarro Mets. Get a passable pitching staff and the division is yours. I'll be shocked if the Yanks keep their pace. Too much old. Too much not good starters. Gardner has been a revelation, though, and they have a number of solid platoon players, so maybe. Neither team is great. The other three teams are worse, imo.

AL Central: Royals. Book it.

AL West: Astros. They're just better than the Angels. They have better pitchers and better hitters. Correa and McCullers are here for the entire second half, and I don't think Pujols is going to hit another 30 HR.

AL Wild Card: I have no idea. These teams are so shit.

NL East: Probably the Nats. If the Mets could just put together an average offense...

NL Central: Cardinals, although if the Pirates' bats can figure it out more consistently they could take it without surprising me.

NL West: Dodgers. But never count out the Giants.

NL Wild Card: Pirates and Cubs. I think the warm weather will be nice to the Cubbies.

ALCS: Royals vs. Someone

NLCS: Cardinals vs. Dodgers

WS: Dodgers over Royals

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Going to be a very interesting trade deadline as a Reds fan. Cueto and Leake are available, and have seen rumors pop up about Chapman, Bruce, Byrd, Parra, and Pena. There was some talk of Frazier, too, but Bob Castellini and Walt Jocketty have said that he's not available. I was initially happy about the Frazier part, but thinking about it more, I wouldn't mind moving him as well. He has one more year left on his current contract and a final arbitration year after that. And, he'll turn 30 before next season. His value is most certainly at its peak right now. The Reds are already in a sort of semi-rebuilding mode. Why not go into a full rebuilding mode (this partial rebuild isn't going to work in such a crowded division) and speed up that process by having the best starting pitcher, reliever, and bat available on the market? Think there's a nice opportunity here for the Reds to come away from the trade deadline with a very good haul of young talent, especially if they make Frazier available as well (too bad the front office is hesitant there though). Could set the franchise up to be competing again in the next couple of years with the returns from three of the top players on the trading block (with two under team control past this season), as well as two other pretty good value trading chips in Leake and Bruce, and maybe a decent prospect if someone is interesting in a Byrd rental (which there seems to be every year with him).

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Fastest to 500 strikeouts. Still disappointed at how poorly the organization (mainly Dusty and then the owner siding with him over Jocketty) handled his development. Should have developed him as a starter--he already had an improving changeup and splitter in his arsenal. Instead, we get under 300 innings from him in five years. Though, it has been a fun 300 innings.

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Watched the entire 18 inning game between the Mets/Cardinals yesterday. I thought it would never end, neither team could score. Finally the Mets won. Cardinals have a day off today to refresh, but I think the Mets have to play tonight.

It was a double header that wasn't supposed to be a double header.

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If you guys were the Tigers, would you sell or try to go for it still? 4.5 games out of the wild card with 2 teams to climb over, but 9.5 out of the division. You have Cabrera coming back in a month or so.

For me, I stick. Though you're making a HUGE gamble because if you don't make it, then you let David Price and Yoenis Cespedes walk for nothing.

Now if you decide to sell, how far do you go? Just Price and Cespedes? Or do you go FULL rebuild and move VMart or Anibal Sanchez?


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If you guys were the Tigers, would you sell or try to go for it still? 4.5 games out of the wild card with 2 teams to climb over, but 9.5 out of the division. You have Cabrera coming back in a month or so.

For me, I stick. Though you're making a HUGE gamble because if you don't make it, then you let David Price and Yoenis Cespedes walk for nothing.

Now if you decide to sell, how far do you go? Just Price and Cespedes? Or do you go FULL rebuild and move VMart or Anibal Sanchez?


Don't the Tigers get compensation draft picks if those two walk at the end of the year as they got them in trades last year?

Don't see the Tigers as sellers as it seems to go against owner Ilitch's desire to win. Not saying they shouldn't I just wonder if Ilitch would allow it.

Speaking of sellers looks like the Dead Sox will lose their 6th straight tonight and fall 10 games behind the Yankees.

Lots of discussion if they will be sellers on WEEI sports talk today.

Also do Farrell and Cherington last the season?

Edited by classicrawker
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red sox are toast, yankees now 10 games over .500

if i was the tigers i would be in full rebuild, they had their time and they have clearly missed it. good verlander, scherzer, david price and a decent porcello to go along with video game number miggy along with V mart should have been enough to get it done. now verlander sucks, scherzer is gone and david price is a free agent.

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No the Tigers dont get a pick for Price: http://www.mlive.com/tigers/index.ssf/2015/07/ask_schmehl_on_trading_david_p.html He probably has to go. I can't believe they never got it done either. I still have no idea how they got SWEPT by the Giants.

I think Cherington stays with the Sox, he's the ownership brass' guy. But he simply hasnt delivered. Farrell probably goes, and I am okay with that. he was supposed to be this great "pitching whisperer" and I didn't see it. I find myself baffled by his line up choices on a daily basis. I did kinda like how he managed the pen in the playoffs. though. He wasnt married to the traditional "closer comes in in the 9th" maxim. He brought in his best guys in the most high leverage situations. But I mean 2013 was great but it was a convergence of a lot of things. Napoli and victorino happened to have great years that they wont replicate again.

I am all for the Sox doing a big sell. Mookie, Swihart and Bogaerts are the only untouchables.

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