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Richard responds to Slash comment???


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Interesting they both say march :drevil:

Who are "both"? Slash said March was the release. I'm not sure that Richard's (?) comments can strictly be interpreted as saying "CD is coming out in March".

i think they can be interpreted that way, but thats just me

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Interesting they both say march :drevil:

Who are "both"? Slash said March was the release. I'm not sure that Richard's (?) comments can strictly be interpreted as saying "CD is coming out in March".

i think they can be interpreted that way, but thats just me

That's why I said "strictly" :)

He could be saying that March is just around the corner and meaning - it's coming very soon, March. Or he could be saying "It's foolish to believe Slash, he's not in the band, March is just around the corner and you'll see".

Either way is reaching, it's a badly written vague response. Unless it was intended to be vague, in which case it's written well.

Edited by Howard2k
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No one knows what is going on except Axl and a select few. This doesnt include the band at the moment IMO

But includes Slash :unsure:

That's a really twisted comment of Richard.. But I don't beleive that Chinese Democrasy is coming in March though..

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Here's the email. (I X-ed out the email addresses):

From: .....@richardfortusonline.com>

To: xxxxxxxxxxx>

Subject: RE: gnr

Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:53 AM

You believe Slash, huh? You think he knows more than everyone else you

quoted previously? God bless you. I hope Santa was good to you. Keep

holding your breath man, March is right around the corner.



> -------- Original Message --------

> Subject: RE: gnr

> From: xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Date: Fri, January 06, 2006 6:47 am

> To: xxxxxxxxxx



> how come slah knows when cd is coming out but you dont?

> he left the band a long time ago,

> ps

> your the best new member in my opinion

Who actually believes Slash anyway, he's been out of gnr for years, he just wants people to think he's in the 'loop'. Slash knows squat about the release date, he's just trying to be 'relevant' in the gnr world.

how come slah knows when cd is coming out but you dont?

this was just plain dumb, somebody believes this?

Slash knows nothing....when it comes to the current gnr world.

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Richard seems to take a few months before replying to unsolicited email, I find it hard to believe he replied to a poorly written one in 4 days.

That alone tells me it's fake. Add the fact it's not written in Richards style and signed "R" when we signs his emails "richard" (well, he did on the one sent to me anyway).

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doesn't sound like him at all.

he doesn't do xoxox or sign his name as just 'r', either. it's usually 'richard'. plus, the only time he was a smart ass was when lawerence made fun of the new band and shit.

how do you know what i said about the band? you aint seen the email

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