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Is Buckethead going to be on CD?


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i would guess if they are recording songs still that he won't be on the album. with that said i don't think he really needs to be on the album for the guitar work to be amazing. if you look at the new gnr songs we've heard none of them have had that shredder style that we all know buckethead is famous for, along with his slower melodic stuff.

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Buckethead is the second greatest rock guitarist of all-time...2nd only to Paul Gilbert...

That is your opinion. My opinion is that Buckethead is a cold guitarist, with no 'feeling', that also happens to wear a mask and a KFC bucket on his head. The man belongs in a circus freak show, if not a mental hospital given his eccentric fascination with chickens and 'talking' hand puppets. The flag throwers calling his act a 'gimmick' can keep believing that if they want to. That's their right. But, I remind everyone, Slash's top hat is a good gimmick. Not a nut with a crazy persona that wears a mask and a KFC bucket on his head.

Edited by Matt13
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Well in response to all the non-believers, I believe Buckethead is an extremely talented guitarist. No one should really disagree with that. He is an extremely versatile guitarist and his stuff released after he joined GN'R is brilliance. How many other guitarist do you know that can groove and shred at the same time, not many. Paul Gilbert's work in Racer X and along side billy sheehan in Mr. Big is greatness...End of story

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Well in response to all the non-believers, I believe Buckethead is an extremely talented guitarist. No one should really disagree with that. He is an extremely versatile guitarist and his stuff released after he joined GN'R is brilliance. How many other guitarist do you know that can groove and shred at the same time, not many. Paul Gilbert's work in Racer X and along side billy sheehan in Mr. Big is greatness...End of story

Exactly. Gilbert is very underated along with Wino from The Obsessed

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Buckethead is the second greatest rock guitarist of all-time...2nd only to Paul Gilbert...

That is your opinion. My opinion is that Buckethead is a cold guitarist, with no 'feeling', that also happens to wear a mask and a KFC bucket on his head. The man belongs in a circus freak show, if not a mental hospital given his eccentric fascination with chickens and 'talking' hand puppets. The flag throwers calling his act a 'gimmick' can keep believing that if they want to. That's their right. But, I remind everyone, Slash's top hat is a good gimmick. Not a nut with a crazy persona that wears a mask and a KFC bucket on his head.

I tend to agree.

Buckethead is just too out there. He almost seems like a Vince McMahon creation rather then a serious guitarist.

Any new incarnation of GNR is going to face an uphill climb for credibility as it is. Buckethead only hurts that process.

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Buckethead is the second greatest rock guitarist of all-time...2nd only to Paul Gilbert...

That is your opinion. My opinion is that Buckethead is a cold guitarist, with no 'feeling', that also happens to wear a mask and a KFC bucket on his head. The man belongs in a circus freak show, if not a mental hospital given his eccentric fascination with chickens and 'talking' hand puppets. The flag throwers calling his act a 'gimmick' can keep believing that if they want to. That's their right. But, I remind everyone, Slash's top hat is a good gimmick. Not a nut with a crazy persona that wears a mask and a KFC bucket on his head.

I tend to agree.

Buckethead is just too out there. He almost seems like a Vince McMahon creation rather then a serious guitarist.

Any new incarnation of GNR is going to face an uphill climb for credibility as it is. Buckethead only hurts that process.

I was convinced after seeing those home-made videos of him... Jesus what a whack job. Those videos are on here somewhere... probably 40 pages back somewhere. If anyone has the link, please post it here so some of these BH lovers can see what kind of a nut the guy is.

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Buckethead is the second greatest rock guitarist of all-time...2nd only to Paul Gilbert...Having said that, does anyone know if his recordings are going to stay on the album, or did Axl hire someone else to record the parts?

I'm with you, although I doubt he'll be on the CD.

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GUNS N' ROSES have officially cancelled their appearance at Rock In Rio – Lisbon, citing guitarist Buckethead's recent departure from the group as the cause of the cancellation. Frontman Axl Rose's official statement on the matter is as follows:

"The band has been put in an untenable position by guitarist Buckethead and his untimely departure.

"During his tenure with the band, Buckethead has been inconsistent and erratic in both his behavior and commitment — despite being under contract — creating uncertainty and confusion and making it virtually impossible to move forward with recording, rehearsals and live plans with confidence. His transient lifestyle has made it impossible for even his closest friends to have nearly any form of communication with him whatsoever.

"Last time I talked to Bucket, he called to tell me he had bought a bootleg DVD off EBay and how proud he was to be in GUNS and how impressed he was with everyone's performance. Then, in February we got word from Brain that Bucket had called him and said he was back in GUNS!? Apparently, according to Bucket he had been 'gone' but had turned himself around and was really excited to do Rio-Lisbon and a European tour. Somewhere in the following month things changed once again. According to those who have actually spoken with Buckethead, it appears his plans were to secure a recording contract with Sanctuary Records which I encouraged my management to make available to him, quit GN'R and to use his involvement in the upcoming GUNS release to immediately promote his individual efforts...Nice guy!

"There is not a member of this camp that is not hurt, upset and ultimately disappointed by this event, and more to the point — if not this individual, certainly this individual's choices. Regardless of anyone's opinions of me and what I may or may not deserve, clearly the fans, individuals in this band, management, crew and our support group do not deserve this type of treatment. We as a whole, definitely feel that we afforded Bucket every accommodation perhaps so much so that it may be that we or more precisely, I may have done GUNS a disservice and unintentionally allowed GUNS to be put in this position.

"On behalf of GUNS N' ROSES and myself I apologize to the fans who planned to see us at Rock In Rio - Lisbon. The festival and its tradition mean a lot to me personally and I sincerely do not enjoy being robbed by one of our own of the opportunity to be the first artist to play it for the third time. I would also like to express my gratitude to those who chose to embrace Buckethead's role in GUNS and support our new line up. We greatly appreciate Bucket's contributions and remain open to 'discussions' as there are obviously several issues to resolve. In the meantime rather than dwelling on the negative, GUNS will be moving forward and surprisingly (without giving away any details) this unfortunate set of circumstances may have given us the opportunity to take our recording that one extra step further. Regardless we hope to announce a release date within the next few months."

in reading this press release and realizing Axl's tone in it and how pissed Axl was at BH, I would say no he won't be on CD.

Edited by Just_a_little_patience
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I was convinced after seeing those home-made videos of him... Jesus what a whack job. Those videos are on here somewhere... probably 40 pages back somewhere. If anyone has the link, please post it here so some of these BH lovers can see what kind of a nut the guy is.

Here you go you Mr. Clean lookin peckerwood. I've known about Buckethead way the fuck back before any of you did. Yeah maybe you all are right, he wouldn't have fit too well with GNR. Buckethead is too much of a concept for scared simple minds to grasp.


Buckethead's Sock Puppet Interview

Edited by Jabberwocky
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Buckethead is the second greatest rock guitarist of all-time...2nd only to Paul Gilbert...

That is your opinion. My opinion is that Buckethead is a cold guitarist, with no 'feeling', that also happens to wear a mask and a KFC bucket on his head. The man belongs in a circus freak show, if not a mental hospital given his eccentric fascination with chickens and 'talking' hand puppets. The flag throwers calling his act a 'gimmick' can keep believing that if they want to. That's their right. But, I remind everyone, Slash's top hat is a good gimmick. Not a nut with a crazy persona that wears a mask and a KFC bucket on his head.

bucket may seem cold sometimes, but that's his thing. he's versatile enough to play "with feeling" no prob. remember his nighttrain solo? bucket seems to be more about quantity over quality, and since axl is the exact opposite, they balanced each other quite well. bucket is truly a force when he takes his time writing (population override anyone).

oh, and vai, bumblefoot, and batio are much faster and more interesting than BH and PG (well, batio is faster at least)

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I was convinced after seeing those home-made videos of him... Jesus what a whack job. Those videos are on here somewhere... probably 40 pages back somewhere. If anyone has the link, please post it here so some of these BH lovers can see what kind of a nut the guy is.

Here you go you Mr. Clean lookin peckerwood. I've known about Buckethead way the fuck back before any of you did. Yeah maybe you all are right, he wouldn't have fit too well with GNR. Buckethead is too much of a concept for scared simple minds to grasp.


Buckethead's Sock Puppet Interview

Yup, that's it. You can go hang yourself back up to the ceiling via fish hooks in your nipples while you talk to your hand puppets now... gimme a break. It has nothing to do with simple minds. If you think his talking puppets and 'make-believe' fascination with chickens is a great gimmick that 'simple minds' can't grasp, well good for you. You can be one of his few fans that visits him when he plays the looney bin every few months. This simple mind thinks Buckethead is a retard, plain and simple. Pun intended.

I'll stick to gimmicks and threatrics like flying pigs and walls with Pink Floyd, you know, something millions and millions of simple minds like me just love to eat up. Stuff like that will never live up to the almighty ' :laugh: Buckethead'

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I was convinced after seeing those home-made videos of him... Jesus what a whack job. Those videos are on here somewhere... probably 40 pages back somewhere. If anyone has the link, please post it here so some of these BH lovers can see what kind of a nut the guy is.

Here you go you Mr. Clean lookin peckerwood. I've known about Buckethead way the fuck back before any of you did. Yeah maybe you all are right, he wouldn't have fit too well with GNR. Buckethead is too much of a concept for scared simple minds to grasp.


Buckethead's Sock Puppet Interview

Yup, that's it. You can go hang yourself back up to the ceiling via fish hooks in your nipples while you talk to your hand puppets now... gimme a break. It has nothing to do with simple minds. If you think his talking puppets and 'make-believe' fascination with chickens is a great gimmick that 'simple minds' can't grasp, well good for you. You can be one of his few fans that visits him when he plays the looney bin every few months. This simple mind thinks Buckethead is a retard, plain and simple. Pun intended.

I'll stick to gimmicks and threatrics like flying pigs and walls with Pink Floyd, you know, something millions and millions of simple minds like me just love to eat up. Stuff like that will never live up to the almighty ' :laugh: Buckethead'

Thanks for proving my point with your post. The sad part is that he uses one simple gimmick as aposed to flying pigs, walls *yawns* and pyrotechnics. You and the millions of mindless sheep who "just love to eat (shit) up" continue to do so.

What pisses me off is people come to the conclusion that Buckethead, "ooooo he's crazy, he's off the deep end, he belongs in a looney bin etc." because he's not like the other thousands of carbon copied guitarists out there all because he wears a mask and a KFC bucket on his head. This whole situation reminds me of that scene from 2001 where the apes where staring at the monlith. It's morons like you and alot of these other slackjawed posters who think rock n roll and guitar playing should stay in the mullet/geetar solo in every song stage and not evolve and not be unique or be experimental. Jello Biafra was right. You turned into a bunch of chickenshit conformists like your parents. It's no fucking wonder Axl Rose doesn't want to come back especially with fans like you Matt.

Edited by Jabberwocky
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Buckethead plays with no feeling like the robot he thinks he is. Yes he is extremly talented with the fretboard. He does not have a unique sound which can make the difference between brilliance or greatness. There are at least 100 other guitarists that play just like him and Gilbert, and Friedman, and all those other shredmasters out there. They are all in the Yngwie Malmsteen school class number 101. They copy his style, try to take it to the next level and play with no feeling. To me a brilliant guitarist is someone who you hear and know it's him and no one else. They have their own style and tone that they can only create. Examples would be Page, Blackmore, Young, Gilmour, Lifeson, Clapton, Hendrix, Corgan, SLASH, and many more.

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Buckethead plays with no feeling like the robot he thinks he is. Yes he is extremly talented with the fretboard. He does not have a unique sound which can make the difference between brilliance or greatness. There are at least 100 other guitarists that play just like him and Gilbert, and Friedman, and all those other shredmasters out there. They are all in the Yngwie Malmsteen school class number 101. They copy his style, try to take it to the next level and play with no feeling. To me a brilliant guitarist is someone who you hear and know it's him and no one else. They have their own style and tone that they can only create. Examples would be Page, Blackmore, Young, Gilmour, Lifeson, Clapton, Hendrix, Corgan, SLASH, and many more.

Agreed, although I would also add Iommi, Robinson, Goram (spelling?), The Edge, R Gallagher and May

Edited by Mr Estranged
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Buckethead plays with no feeling like the robot he thinks he is. Yes he is extremly talented with the fretboard. He does not have a unique sound which can make the difference between brilliance or greatness. There are at least 100 other guitarists that play just like him and Gilbert, and Friedman, and all those other shredmasters out there. They are all in the Yngwie Malmsteen school class number 101. They copy his style, try to take it to the next level and play with no feeling. To me a brilliant guitarist is someone who you hear and know it's him and no one else. They have their own style and tone that they can only create. Examples would be Page, Blackmore, Young, Gilmour, Lifeson, Clapton, Hendrix, Corgan, SLASH, and many more.

Agreed, although I would also add Iommi, Robinson, Goram (spelling?), The Edge, R Gallagher and May

Yes the list can go on and on with these included. Actually the list could probably top 50 or more. Maybe even 100 going all the way back to Robert Johnson !!

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